Another reason to hate Wal-Mart

I think this is a few making the whole look bad. Sam Walton (who I met before he died) would have well....died had this happened on his watch. He had a 15 yr old ford truck, wore overalls and a plaid shirt...not exactly new either....and was nice and humble. Somewhere there is a jacka$$ over a dept doing this and the family has no idea. Guarantee it!
I was told a few months ago that they do that so that homeless people and other 'undesirables' would not be able to retreive the items from the trash and do a 'no receipt return'. I WAS TOLD THIS BY A WAL-MART EMPLOYEE AT THE CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK!!!!
All stores do it, or at least used to. I heard that one store is now cutting all the labels out and then donating them. One of my first jobs was at Target. I had to throw all kinds of stuff in the compactor or people would get it, walk around to the front of the store and return it. Same thing with left over food. If the food has expired, why give it away. Some cities are helping local restaurants collect and distributes the food before it is not fit for consumption. I think stores should be given tax breaks when their efforts to cloth and feed the poor have positive, measurable effects for the cities they operate in.
Those are just places that some liberal dumpster diver noticed. It's standard across every business, not just clothing retailer's. Apparel, food, industrial items etc... On one hand they are so concerned over shoplifting and/or employee theft, even floating special memos and listing employee items prone to "exceptional pilferability". Then on the other hand, they (sometimes destroy and) dump items that are comletely usable even in non-seasonal businesses just to rotate stock. They take a tax write-off for the "loss" of "necessary rotation". At my second to last industrial job I first noticed that it was in industry as well as retail. Corporate sent a monthly list along with a shipment of $3-5K in supplies that had to be rotated from general storage(repair and back-up supplies) and the stuff on the shelves got the ole 4lb hammer before hitting the dumpster. I'm not sure they'd get to write off as much on a charitable donation when you consider the million$ they throw away anually. In an industrial business, who'd they donate to even? It's the tax system's fault! They are encouraged to waste as part of the business model!

Why do you think the dumpsters of practically every corporate operation are locked in cages? Eye sore? Liability reasons? HA!
A person of humble means used to be able to live better than uppper middle income off what is considered waste by society at large. Now they call it theft! The person who exposed that article is lucky they considered it a public relations problem because it was in Manhattan. Somewhere else they would have arrested that person! Ask the garbage man what he see's, you might be amazed!
I was told a few months ago that they do that so that homeless people and other 'undesirables' would not be able to retreive the items from the trash and do a 'no receipt return'. I WAS TOLD THIS BY A WAL-MART EMPLOYEE AT THE CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK!!!!

I worked for a national retail chain for 25 years and we had to do that too. It was not what corporate wanted but we had to because donated items were being returned for cash by the very "leaders of the organizations" who took the items to distribute to the poor.

One time a very expensive one off dress was donated and ended up appearing at a city function on the women who ran the distribution setup. I'm not sure how she thought no one would "see" it.

Another time we donated a very expensive 12 setting German bone china set (becasue of one chipped saucer) to a homeless shelter and it showed up in another city being returned for the $700.00 list price.

People abusing another's good nature ruined the practice of donations.

That said, "I still hate Walmart and won't shop there or Sam's Club".

It is all because it comes right back in the front door. I work in the pet industry and we destroy and throw away everything that is written off. From food to toys. Even though we strongly support our local adoption agencies we do not donate that stuff to them. Eventually some S***bag will be walking in the front door with it trying to get a gift card.

In some stores we have people arrested for dumpster diving at least once a week. We once caught a couple of guys in a very nice F250 with enclosed trailer taking stuff out. Then the police showed and made them open their trailer and they had it full of stuff from behind the home depot next to us.
It would seem the sensible thing to do would be to just cut the label out of clothing. Then it wouldn't be returnable since it was 'damaged' but not unuseable. Scuff the rearmost tread of shoes quickly on a belt sander, usable but unreturnable. I find it hard to believe that food's returnable without reciept. But a simple Sharpie "X" across the UPC should do the trick. Engraver's couldn't be too expensive these days. Hard items could have "NR" put on the bottom side. The management of wasted materials is rather poor IMO. These things needent be wasted, only the store's further liability for them negated.