Anyone ever run a MM chip??


Getting High On PSI
May 27, 2001
I just got a used MM street chip and dont know anything on it like timming etc, It a funny chip I think, My car dont care for it,,
Any Help??
Thanks For any help,,
Seneca Lafler,
MM was for Modern Muscle and they made a lots of chips.
What other numbers are on it?

Gary :)
Are you sure it is for 009's they made a lot of good chips for the Bosch 43lb. injectors.

What's it say on it?

I loved my 93 street chip and when I get some green tops I will be using that chip in the GN.

I think my timing was 20 degrees from Direct Scan, not positive though.
Originally posted by salvageV6
Are you sure it is for 009's they made a lot of good chips for the Bosch 43lb. injectors.

What's it say on it?

I loved my 93 street chip and when I get some green tops I will be using that chip in the GN.

I think my timing was 20 degrees from Direct Scan, not positive

This is for both black car & Salvagev6, I got the chip off a member and it has noting on no numbers letters, So I'm Lost on this chip,
The Guy said it was a 009's chip, So that what I'm Going by,
Thanks For The Help Guys,
Seneca Lafler,
Originally posted by JUSTAV6

The Guy said it was a 009's chip, So that what I'm Going by,
Thanks For The Help Guys,
Seneca Lafler,

You just can't believe everything people tell you. I once had a guy send me a least dozen emails promising to buy a couple of 009 chips from me. He never did though....
Originally posted by rastaz

You just can't believe everything people tell you. I once had a guy send me a least dozen emails promising to buy a couple of 009 chips from me. He never did though....

Hey Man I'm Sorry Ive been havening such good luck with Jim Testa I'm not sure that I want to try anything else, I do in fact want to buy them, But I'm waiting on my insurance money from my car accident That happened Dec 8 2001, And broke my left leg, and I'm off work for at least 13 months so I'm in a big jam for now untill that money starts flowing, So If Ya Can Hang With Me I Will Take Them,
Thanks Again,
Seneca Lafler,