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6.1 mid boost fuel


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He references part throttle only one time in the list of settings in the adjustment procedure. Later on there is the comment that by default mid boost fuel correction is OFF and it works better on some cars than others. Looks like each person will just have to tinker with it to see if it makes a difference for them.

Related to the part throttle mid boost stuff I think is when power enrichment P/E is enabled. What conditions cause the car to go into power enrichment vs continuing to read the MAF? Here's an old file from 2015 I just stumbled across. In this case P/E comes on way before elevated TPS, boost, MAF limit, etc. Just a quick roll in on the highway in D.

Now this was on true E85 in Minnesota October air which could explain why it's not as rich in the transition phase like we were discussing above and why it's requiring even more fuel at full boost.

I'm genuinely curious as to what's happening with Power Enrichment and where mid boost fuel corrections would start taking place here.

That log looks normal. PE mode just means its going to target an AFR other than 14.7 (stoich). As you approach boost, around zero psi give or take, we don't want to target 14.7 anymore or you risk knock (not so much with E85), and also the richer mixture helps spool.

The mid-boost AFR and mid base fuel parameters in the 6.1 chip do not look at throttle position. It only looks at airflow. For mid-boost, it applies between 140 and 250 grams/sec (or roughly 3psi to 13psi depending on the combo). So it doesn't matter if you're at part throttle or WOT.

I generally don't recommend using the mid boost closed loop AFR, as things are usually changing too fast there.
If you want to lean out that area (140 to 250 gr/sec), then use param 8, mid boost base fuel.

Regarding PE mode, it enables based on airflow. The idea is to enable around zero psi boost, but it will vary depending on the combo because of airflow differences. TPS will override it and force PE, if its high enough, like 50% or so.

Another way to lean out that area if you have a Translator is to reduce the WOT dial in the Translator box. It won't have an affect on this chip once at 255gr/sec, but it changes the airflow reading leading up to 255. You might try setting it to 6% leaner, which is "D", and see what happens.

I can also reprogram the chip for custom situations.

Eric, thank you for the detailed reply. Excellent customer support as always. As mentioned, that log is older and E85 with cold air. This past weekend I experienced the opposite with warm weather and E content only in the 50% range. My reliable station for years is no longer reliable. Light throttle in that power enrichment, no to low boost phase was very rich, approaching 10:1. This sparked my interest in learning what the computer/chip is actually trying to do and where is correction happening.

1) Would it be fair to break the "tune" into 4 stages with the 6.1 chip (cruise, power enrichment, mid-boost, WOT)?

2) In this log example is there actually NOT enough fuel in the mid boost phase? Like you say, it's a short section and when peak boost hits the AFR is still in the 12's.

3) Power enrichment is triggered by air flow and other variables, but once in that state is it utilizing the MAF and/or narrow band o2?

4) I have the basic translator and metal 3" lt1 maf from around 2003. If idle BLM is good the BASE knob should be left alone, correct? Then with the 6.1 chip the WOT knob is sort of gain for under 250 g/sec?

I'll do some tinkering and get updated logs once I burn off this E50ish crap. Thank you so much.