Anyone Ever Use Smithbrite Polish??


Seenyour Member?
Oct 19, 2004
I bought a bottle of this stuff at a car show and have never found it again. It is the best metal polish I have ever used. I still have some left but I thought I would start trying to find some more.

If anyone knows I would really appreciate it.

Billy :)
I've never heard of that stuff but I use Wenol on all my aluminum and chrome pieces. I have never found anything that works like it. It is actually a German made jewelers rouge.
I use to use Wenol actually I still have some but Smithbrite is a liqiud and IMO works better than the blue or orange Wenol. I'll keep looking for it.

Thanks though :)
Just for grins try semichrome, it is also made in Germany. Try your local motorcycle shop. I have used the stuff your talking about and it is good but not any better than semichrome.
I bought a bottle of this stuff at a car show and have never found it again. It is the best metal polish I have ever used. I still have some left but I thought I would start trying to find some more.

If anyone knows I would really appreciate it.

Billy :)
I've used smithbrite and it's the best polish out there. I have a 2005 Classic Harley and I use it all the time to polish the chrome. You can get it by calling #270-781-3361 or e-mail
I dist. Smithbrite in N.J. it works great. Easy on easy off to a great lasting
shine.Ship UPS anywhere. 732-534-7735