Anyone have Goof off at work stories?

I just spent 20 min this morning doing donuts and e-brake slides in a $65,000 STS :D
Mostly, its just joking with the students. One kid was walking out of my classroom one day to go outside when it was storming. I told her to be careful that the large hoop earrings she had on didn't attract lightning bolts. :p She soon asked if she could take them off before leaving. :D

Another kid, slightly overweight, took a jolly rancher from the candy tray w/o permission. He didn't know that I was watching and had a plan. At the end of class I called him over and asked him if he took a Jolly Rancher hoping he would tell the truth. He lied and said, no. Well, then I said, you know since I'm a Science teacher I do have some lie detection equipment on hand. Would you like to answer my question again? This time he said no, but I flipped my master control power switch on and the computers and printers all started to blink, buzz, and whirr about on startup. His eyes got real big, threw his hands up, and said, I DID IT, I"M SORRY, I DID IT! :D
I used to work in a little cabinetry shop in Rockland Maine about 5 or 6 years ago- Harbor Millworks. We were a small crew at about 5 guys. Myself and a kid named Pete Peters were the two youngest guys and we had a great time starting trouble. We quickly learned which pin gun would fire at random (busted trigger) and would shoot the older guys in the back from 20 feet or so. We would stuff a pnuematic line in the giant sawdust bags and turn them on when someone went to move them, covering our foreman in dust all the time. There was a guy there named Parker Mitchell who we all basically hated. He was a forty-something guy who would always find a way to strike up a conversation with the boss's wife in the office, leaving the rest of us out in the shop all day to get the work done. Parker and I's rivalry was deadly serious and we would really f*** with eachother....but our laughs were truly sardonic. He wasn't very creative, so I usually won.....I took the 'Retard' off of the retarder thinner and stuck it on his back for a whole day once....I'd spray the laminate glue all over his coffee cup securing it to the table... once, when he was talking to the boss, I extended my tape measure and was picking his nose from 10 feet away- he tried to ignore me, but finally lost his temper and threw a hammer at me. We rented another building in the industrial park for storage once and the guy who had used it before us had died- leaving a bunch of stuff in there! The other guys were poring over his 30 year Playboy collection while I snuck about 10 bottles of 15 year old scotch out to the truck.....there are a ton of stories from the 7 months I worked there. I hated it at the time, but get a lot of retrospective laughs.
About 12 yrs ago, I worked at fast food rest. Me and some friends that also worked there would try to find different pranks to pull. One day someone got the bright idea to put BBQ sauce in someones soda. If you have never tried this let me tell you it is awful! It looks the same as soda and you really can't smell it but once you take a swig you know something is wrong and you either swallow it fast (which still sucks) or your gag reflex comes into play.
Well one of the girls had been tricked a few times. She decided to get my friend Rob back and so had out mustard and BBQ sauce in his drink, dumping out most of the soda and putting the lid back on. He tried it and almost lost it, (he has a very strong stomach).

So he gets her back a week later with every ingredient he could find in the kitchen and all the different sodas. She went to take a BIG drink, swallowed some and tried to hold the rest in her mouth until she got to the bathroom. Poor girl had to go home sick as she didn't quite feel right after that.

Another time Rob was umpiring the local Little League games during the day and working there at night. He loved baseball so he would come in all amped. We set up some cups full of water along the wall and he would "pitch" to them with a balled up wet
rag, spraying water all over the place. It was fine as we needed to mop anyway. Had to been there I guess.

There are a ton of stories like that . Luckily we were all friends and nobody ever got hurt or held it against anyone.
At a pet store I once worked at we'd have to take the garbage out every night in the back and me and my friend Mike would turn it into a wrestling match. We'd have giant boxes that we'd throw each other into. Or just generally hitting or smashing objects over eachother's heads. Now that I think about it, our entire time working, we'd just try to think of a new "game" to play while on the job. Things like feeding all sorts of critters to certain types of fish, using the tools of the job to make up some kind of sport. It was goofing off non stop unless we were with a customer. But hey, we had good costomer service and everything got done so who could complain?

I used to work at FedEx loading trucks and it's a dangerous job. Everytime you find a lose nut, screw, or whatever, it was your duty to chuck it accross the room at someone else loading a truck. Golf balls were the worst. The art to it was you'd toss to bounce it at someone. When it hit the cement floor it would pick up speed and hurt a lot if you got hit. I took one in the jaw and the bone was sore for a few days.

I worked at Six Flags and we used to convince people the rides were broken before they went for the ride but after they were already strapped in. That really upset some people, but what are ya gonna do?

I've probably got stories for every job I've ever had. I don't like to not have fun at work much.
OK, back when wrestling was still called the WWF, that chick named Chyna had done her first lay out in Playboy.
Well, she was at a local book store signing issues.
I cut out of work and walked over bought the issue and waited in line for a stinking hour to have her sign my issue of Playboy.
She has an odd voice for someone so big.
Originally posted by Vector
She has an odd voice for someone so big.

I think she is from Nashua, New Hampshire. That would signal that she is a GUY :D
I met her X boyfriend TRIPLE HHH I think he is a wrestler. He was here in Nashua at my sons baseball game a few years ago. that dude signed autographs for evey kid.

I remember working 2nd shift at a big DEFENSE contractor in Mass. The janitors would always be done around 8pm. They would come get me & we would play Football or hockey in the hallway.
Some nights we went out back & hit golf balls off our car mats.
This one kid use to tee off with no mat. Right off the tar. His club would spark each time. Once his ball hit a tree in the woods out back & came straight back at him :eek:
There weren't too many times that we'd goof off at work, but I can give a few accounts.

Back in the days of napster, we had a fast connection in the computer lab and would use one computer that had a CD burner (new for the time) and set it up to download a boatload of songs while we were in class. Since I was on the 'tech team' at work, I had FULL AUTHORIZATION to declare any computer OUT OF ORDER. So, I'd simply turn the keyboard over, turn the screen off and put an OUT OF ORDER sign over it so the kids wouldn't use it while we were downloading stuff! All for education purposes of course. ;P

There's a really nice bar down the street from us that was a teacher hang-out. Teachers from several schools would come there on Friday afternoon and get a little blasted. Well, in my school, the guys had a running joke about Legion Halls. Well, we decided to give our drinking spot the code name "The Legion" (there's more to the joke, but I'm giving you the quick version). So, usually around 10 or 11am on Friday, someone (myself included) would make an announcement over the PA system.

"Attention all faculty. There will be a Legion Meeting immediately after school today. All faculty who will be attending, please call Mr. Wren on 164."

Naturally the kids had NO CLUE what this meant, but man it was hilarious to us.

When I was younger (around 16) I had a job at a local fitness club. Well, a 'friend' of mine worked in the nursery and I worked in a youth center there. Well, one day one of the kids in the nursery asked if we were married. So we answered YES. At first, it was cute and funny trying to convince them. We even told them we had twin daughters (in reality her younger sisters). Well, the kids started telling the parents, then it all started to spread. Well, it was a fun joke for the summer, but the next fall, I went to a different high school. Well, the people in that high school started catching wind of this and beleived it. So for the entire school year I had people believing I was married with two children. I finally came clean in the last week. Some didn't beleive me and just thought I was saying that to make an excuse for the fact that I was dating a new girl (for real). Others claimed they knew it all along. Yet others still haven't heard the truth yet...hrm.
When I was 19 or so and mananged a grocery store, we always played jokes on the new 15 and 16 year olds having them go around and count all the floor tiles or ceiling tiles telling them we were going to replace them and needed to know how many we needed...
There was one kid who always wanted a bite of whatever it was someone was one day we all had beef jerky, and a pile of dog treats/jerky beside us..he comes in and wants some, we hand him the dog treats and he chows down, and we laugh our heads off and then show him the package of what he ate :)
We used to also lock kids in the freezer for 10-15 minutes until they were blue.
Stack paper towel cases around and bury yourself and take a nap.
And the best of all, we had a basket of marked down can goods that were dented, we'd swap out the labels of say corn with that of dog food...image what people thought when they opened a can of green beans and it was some sort of fish smelling dog food :)

k, hope my old boss doesn't read this :D that was 15 years ago.
When I lived in Reno, back in 98 I worked as a Banker at Wells Fargo. Being fresh outta Mississippi, not too many people on the west coast could understand my accent, but the chic's digged it!;) On slow days I would go hang out with the hottie tellers in the drive up window. I'd grab the mic and tell the drive up customers " Welcome to Wells Fargo, Can I take your order?! " I'd get some good laughs from that. And if I saw a kid in the car, I'd stuff the tube full of suckers! Moms didnt like that too much:eek: Anyway by the time I left there, I had all the branch employee's sayin " Ya'll "

Moved up to Lake Tahoe and ran a mini self storage for a guy for 3 years. Talk about BORING but it was the total hook up. free rent and all bills paid! you cant find that in Tahoe ANYWHERE! So during my time there, I rebuild my Chevelle's 406 about 10 times, it saw alot of street abuse. Sold it off, bought and rebuild a 85 Vette, put the Lingenfinger 383 with the StupidRam and all the goodies. Put a complete Painfull Wiring kit in and got the car up and going to put it on Ebay. Never again will I do that. Build a few more cars there, and started a Car Wash & Detail out of my garage there at the storage business. I made $100-300 a day many times! Folks in Tahoe have the cash. Some days I would close the storage if I knew my boss was out of town and ride down to Reno and see a chic or go to Summit Racing in Sparks :D or take his kids dirtbikes out and ride them...then I got ballsy and took his new 03 E500 that he kept in a 10x25 unit, out for a ride in Reno.. boy that was nice! He never knew.

Now owning my own business, I goof off ALL the time :)
One time when we were all younger we had to work overnight during the summer at a major retailer. We had to do all the resets. They had a lawsuit going at the time aginst them by the last team that worked overnight for them so they were very lienient about what we did overnight. We were locked in all night and couldn't leave until a manager got there in the morning around 5 or 6.
SO we happened to have not much to do one night so we decided to clean the fixture room. Stretch a 1 hr job into 6. Anyway, feeling particularly lazy we decide to hook up one of the display tv's and a surround sound system as well as some dvd's. It was cool! Got paid to watch TV all night.
I know I don't post here a bunch, but reading thru this reminded me of some crap I've pulled over the years.

Back when I was selling cars, the receptionist was an older lady who was actually pretty cool, the kind of older person who remembered what it was like to be young, so she thought some of the stuff we did was pretty funny. We used to dial the free "teaser" phone sex lines, like 1-800-GET-SOME, etc., put the line on hold real quick, and over the intercom go "LINDA, CALL ON LINE ONE, LINDA, LINE ONE" :)

We had a new manager come in once, and this guy would hire ANYONE who came thru the door. Well, there was this one guy, Rick. He truly was a few fries short of happy meal status.

One day, as I pass by Rick's desk on my way to my own, I look down at the legal pad he's writing on, and I see his name signed on it like hundreds of times. So I ask him, "What's that?" to which he replies- dead seriously- "I'm practicing my autograph for when I become a famous country singer. I'm not gonna work HERE for the rest of my life!" Now people, you'd understand the hilarity of this statement if you even heard him talk, let alone sing. He sounded like Froggy from the Little Rascals with 4 pack a day lungs. Him saying "I'm gonna be a country singer" is about the same as The Pope saying "let's go hit a titty bar".... it defies all that is good and right in the world.

I don't know how many of you know this, but John Mellencamp lives here in Bloomington, and has a recording studio not too far from town. Rick tells me and my bud Gary one day that he'd been out to Mellencamp's studio, and he dropped off his "demo tape" to them, and now he's just waiting for "the call". :rolleyes: Well, Gary and Idecide to help his dreams come true. We casually got him to give up his pager (tells you how long ago it was) number later in the day, and the day after that, we started to page him with Mellencamp's studio number as the callback. It was great, Gary and I would take turns paging him... we'd just sit there at our desks, take the reciever off the hook and set it on our desks, dial his pager, wait like 10 seconds, punch in the studio's number, and hang up. Thirty seconds later, he'd jump up like he was on fire, grab the phone, and call the studio.... "Hey, this is Rick, you guys page me?" "NO, WE DIDN'T!!" LOL, we never got sick of it, and he was too stupid to realize it wasn't them paging him. I think we did that anywhere from 3 to 10 times a day for about a week.

And then there was Jimmy......

The dealership I worked at had 2 lots.... new/used cars were downtown, and new/used trucks were out on the highway, about 5 minutes away. The manager at the truck lot was a MAJOR butthole. Whenever one of us would go run an errand, go for lunch, whatever, Jimmy thought it was funny to mess with our stuff. His favorite was stealing his victim's phone handset and hiding it. One day, Jimmy goes over to the truck lot to meet some customers there, so while he's gone, I decide it's time for payback. First, I took his phone handset apart and put Scotch tape over the inner part of the earpiece. Still had some time, so I filled a pop bottle with water and slowly poured it into the seat cushion of his chair, so it was good and soaked.

What NONE of us knew was that he didn't make the sale he thought he had all locked up over at the other lot, and was pissed off and did a burnout all the way out the lot. The manager got all bent about it, and about the time Jimmy is walking in the door, the manager is calling him at the main lot. "JIMMY, LINE ONE PLEASE..... JIMMY, LINE ONE" comes over the intercom, and Jimmy sits down, picks up the phone, pushes the button for line one, and says "This is Jimmy". It's the manager at the other lot, ripping him a new one for messing up his asphalt. But Jimmy can't hear a word he's saying beacuse of the tape in his phone. About 5 seconds into the tirade he can't hear, Jimmy realizes his entire ass is soaked all the way to his skivvies. Pissed as all hell and thinking the phone call came from inside the store to get him to sit in the water because there's no one on the line, he says "F*** THIS" and slams the phone down. The other manager drove over in like 3 minutes and fired him. He had it coming anyway. :)

The cow bell

Working for Fedex Maint. is the only job I've ever had where practical jokes is an everyday thing. One tries to top each other off week after week. A good one was when Dave had just bought a used truck.One day we made up a cow bell (sounded like one)out of a piece of 4x4 square tube and a 3/4" bolt and wire tied it up high between the cab and the bed of his newly bought truck leaving from work one night.Dave worked 3rd shift and we worked 2nd. Any way he was one of the slickest pranksters, so we had to get him back for the times he got us. The next day he complained about a weird noise his truck had everytime he'd come to a stop and come off a stop, but no other time.He also points out how the noise just started going home from work the night before.He goes on about how he checked the brakes,motor and transmission mounts, bell housing and they were all ok. We at this point are trying not to bust out laughing. But we kept it in and leave for the night. Next day (rained all day), he comes in with his uniform soaked and says how he just spent $200+ on getting the car tuned up,oil changed,tranny fluid changed,front end checked and brakes checked at a shop and he'd figured the mechanic would find where the noise was coming from,but they didn't.;) He tells us that the noise was bothering him so much that on the way to work that night he pulled over and crawls under the car on wet pavement and searches w/ a flashlight. But still couldn't find it and hops back in to go to work pissed off with the noise still present as he stops and goes.I mean could you imagine if you heard such a noise but couldn't figure out what and where the hell it was? At this point someone had to tell him what we had done to his truck, but we held the guilt and laughter in for a few more minutes. After a few, me and my buddy fessed up and showed him. I thought he wasn't gonna take it good, but he does and we laugh about it till today....But we knew payback for this would come one day, and it did. But that's another story...:eek:
I used to work for a large corporation at one time and in the office above me were these crabby women who complained about everything. This one lady used to complain about people smoking and she couldn't stand the smell. She was always getting people in trouble. A buddy and myself devised this awesome plan. We drilled a hole in my celing and ran a plastic hose up under her desk then we went to our warehouse and got a vacume pump and connected the exhaust to the plastic hose. We then bought these really nasty big green cigars and about twice a week we would mount a cigar on the intake side of the pump and light it then turn the pump on. That thing would suck a cigar down in no time. We would light one and go upstairs and you could see a small cloud of cigar smoke coming out of the floor. It used to drive them all crazy and they never did figure it out. When we finished we would just put the pump up and wait for another day.:eek:
really dumb testdrive

A long time ago I worked at buick/chevrolet dealership, specifically in the service department when GNs were still under warranty. Needless to say one day a customer brought in his GNX for a window problem. I still remember the # on the dash but I'm not telling just in case hes reading this. Anyway myself and the other porters really roughed that bad boy up on the streets of Chicago. That car really ran good. Ahhhhhh, the good old days, $5.50 per hour and all the hole shots and full passes in other peoples cars that I wanted. :) Great topic, I havent thought about that in a while.
3 way call..

Used to call an outside the building stranger and when they answered I said, ".....please hold, thank you.." , put them on hold , then dial an inside the building number at someones desk sitting in our group, when they answer I hit the button that connects both of them and I could listen since it's a 3 way call .....The person answering would say "hello" and the one on hold would say "hello" , both thought the other one called and they got mad as hell because each said ".....You son of a bitch , you called me!!!! ...." :p
Several years ago, I worked in a refinery laboratory. There were these chrome water spray nozzles on each of the sinks that were used to wash glassware, etc. They really looked a lot like a microphone, with a lever on the side to spray the water.
The lab had a PA system which was used to call technicians to come up and pick up their samples when they came in.
The person at the sample receiving desk would tell the newbie to call the technician to come and pick up their samples. Well, naturally they were told to use that "microphone" and I don't have to tell you what happened when they put it up to their mouth and pressed that lever!!! :D
Another thing was to urinate (I never did this!) into a sample bottle and submit it to a newbie technician for a flash test. In this test, the sample is heated until it reaches its flash point. Well, urine doesn't have one, but you can imagine how it smells when it's heated. :)
Years ago when I worked in the mines during the summer us equipment operators would wait until someone went in one of the portable toilets to do some business. We would give them time to get comfy then hop on a fork lift and quickly pick the toilet up and take off as fast as possible and drive the victim around for a few minutes hitting every bump and pot hole we could find. As a side note never ever do that when your uncle thats twice as big/grumpy as you is in there...hes still mad at me ~15yrs later.

The place I work now uses a lot of isopropyl alchohol and having someone with a squirt bottle of the stuff deposit a puddle of alchy under your chair while youre in it then light it is a daily occurance. Sometimes it goes unoticed until the victim smells his shoes burning since it burns invisible and doesnt give off any smoke.

There is also compressed nitrogen and compressed air plumbed throughout the plant and on occasion one of us will tap into one of the lines with an old air horn (a small one) and set it up with a selonoid to be remotely activated at the touch of a button. Scares the crap out of someone when the horn is mounted under their work bench and usually results in punches getting traded (we dont do it very often just for that reason).

We acquired a blow up doll from a bachelor(sp?) party, filled it with helium and tied it to one coworkers bumper we didnt care for with a piece of twine ~15' long. We put the doll under his car so he wouldnt see it when he came out to go home but when the car started moving the air movement pushed it out and up it went. Dunno how far he made it before he saw it or onother motorist told him but all I know is he drove out of sight with "Hoe Force 1" happily floating along ~15' up in the air behind his car. Youd think he would have known something was up when a dozen or so guys are standing around in the parking lot with ornery grins on their faces watching him leave. Idiot never had a clue.