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Anyone here have a Grand Cherokee SRT8?????


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Oct 12, 2006
I sold my Limited since I never had time to enjoy it...and now I am ready for a fun daily driver. Had a 1998 Grand Cherokee w/ the 5.2 V8 which I bought new and kept for 9 years. Not the most reliable thing I've had but it was fun...and ran 15.2' stock at the strip.

Anyone here have an SRT8? I've been on the SRT8 forum but curious to see what the Buick brothers have to say about them.

Can't argue w/ sub 4 second 0-60 stock although the gas mileage is horrific.:mad:
I was 5 minutes from buying a 300 SRT8, but they sold it out from underneath me $15k off retail. They called back a week later and tried to sell it to me again after the guy that paid more than I was going to pay couldn't get financing. :tongue:

I instead bought a GTO. The jeeps are real nice, but after the 60' they don't pull as well as you'd think. the 6.1 hemi is a beast though!! I think the MPG is something like 12 and 15, so if you do any city driving expect to get about 8-9 mpg and you'll have to do no more than 65mph to get the 15mpg. Might want to look at the TBSS, similar hp to weight ratio.
Yeah, I know the mileage is terrible plus I do alot of driving for work (outside sales) which doesn't help.

I thought about a TBSS but I've heard they don't shake a stick to the SRT8 plus having owned a Jeep I have some loyalty although my 1998 Jeep was fairly promblematic...:(
Buy the SRT8! They handle great, have plenty of power for a truck, and the AWD system is only a plus!
If you've never driven one, do. They have a true big block sound when you get on it from a stop. Very cool.
One of my friends had one. I did not think it felt that fast. Plus around town gas mileage is more like 10. :eek: I heard the SRT8 is much worse on gas than the Trailblazer SS. If you drive a lot you may want to look at the 2WD TrailBlazer SS. I heard that is is decent in the snow as well. The SRT8 is a nice truck though.
I am the buddy Sweet6 spoke about.

I averaged 14.7 mpg with 50% city and highway. It would get 10 mpg or less if you are a lead foot around town. My mpg improved slighly on the highway with the CAI. It was a fun ride. I loved the looks, the wheels and the brakes. The interior was functional but not high-end. Didn't bother me but I know some complain.

Fast is all relative. I though for a fairly large SUV, it was fast. I raced a 6.0 GTO and pulled on him to 60 then he pulled on me through 80 so the statement above is correct.

I am having problems driving the Evo I have now but I had no issues with the Jeep in the snow. It went through 8 to 12 inches no problem although the front end sits so low I was probably plowing it in the real deep stuff.

I highly recommend test driving it. I assume you don't need to tow, otherwise look at the TB SS. More mods available and you can tow with the TB SS.

Good luck.
+1 for the TBSS

To me the price premium for the added performance of the SRT-8 vs. the TBSS was not worth it. The Jeep is quicker, but there's no tow hitch, less payload capacity, rides much stiffer, less ground clearance. The SRT-8 would make a great toy, but If you need a daily driver that's got some snot, The TBSS made more sense to me, I wanted the ability to use it like a truck too. Plus it's nice to beat up on the ricers with a 4800 pound sled.

Mileage hasn't been too bad, about 13 if I stay with city driving 16 on the highway with the cruise set at 70.
Thanks for the replies.

I have heard the SRT 8's drive very hard. Plus I've read from other owners that they get < 10mpg in the city. My current car gets 23 city 30 highway so that could be hard to deal with.

Probably would make most sense to drive both. There is a significant price difference between the two. Plus I'll have two car seats in the rear & I've read that the Jeep is fairly tight in the rear.
I love the look of the SRT8 Jeep GC and they do well in the 0-60 range. I am a Jeep man as I have 6 different Jeeps but the TBSS would get my vote. They are easy to mod and can really suprise people at the track. My friend owns PCM's for less in Moorsville, NC and has done alot of work with his TBSS and it is a beast. His 2007 SS Trailblazer runs 7.81 @ 90.5 mph
in the 1/8. Here is what he is up to now. More custom cam results! - Community

Last time at the track a guy was there with one, I was impressed with it. I think he was in the high 12's or low 13's. I didn't really pay attention, but noticed that it was quick. But there's alot more to a vehicle than speed. The gas mileage alone would horrify me and have me running away. I'd assume they need premium fuel as well. If $65 fillups every 2 or 3 days don't scare you, go for it! Personally I think you're nuts :p
I figured the horrible gas mileage is why dealers can't give them away. Local dealer has over 20 (most in the nation) & he's selling for $500.00 under invoice and giving me the dealer holdback.
super cool small suv.. i just sold mine(GC SRT8) because i missed having a truck. i only had it maybe 1yr. i did the corsa exhaust and bwoody intake and diablo flash. it was a real blast to drive and freak people out at the red light. awesome off the line. as for comfy, nah seats are a little tight but overall fun to drive...