Anyone know if wasp stings affect dogs?


Turbo Milk Jug displacmnt
May 28, 2001
MY dog got into a wasp nest this morning and I think she was stung on the nose or snout and in the legs. She's limping some and keeps licking her legs. I know snake bites don't really effect dogs, but what about wasp/yellow jacket stings?
My dog got stung a couple years ago on his eye lid. It swelled to the point he couldn't see. It went down buy the next evening. I know if you touched it he would yelp. I would say it effects them like it does people. Also black snakes are evolving. The nieghbors dog got bit by one and it turned into a sore and he got sick. The vet said thier venom is getting stronger year after year and can effect animals pretty bad and small children. Hope this helps.
my jack russell got stung a couple years ago and her head swelled up. Looked llike a different dog. vet said give a childs dose of benedryl (1/2 capsule) and the swelling went down pretty quick.
Thanks for the info, doesn't appear to be much swelling but it looks like she was stung where there's not much meat, just skin over bone.
Our cat was bit by a snake a few years ago, we have alot of water snakes that are non-venomous but have teeth and a few macosins, not sure which got him, but it was just a raw sore about the size of a thumb for a few weeks, had to keep it from getting infected but did not seem to effect him any.
2QUIK6 said:
MY dog got into a wasp nest this morning and I think she was stung on the nose or snout and in the legs. She's limping some and keeps licking her legs. I know snake bites don't really effect dogs, but what about wasp/yellow jacket stings?

I'd take her into the vet ethier way. Think of what you would feel if you didn't take her and she got sick or worse. :frown:
Strong anti-histamines and warm compresses on the affected area will help. Pretty much the same mo as a doctor would prescribe. Depending on the severity they may be able to write a script for a stronger prescription anti-histamine. Popular misconception is to use cold compresses for swelling but that causes the blood to be shunted to the core which allows it travel through the person or animals system. Warm compresses will keep it in the affected area. Hope that helps.
Give the dog benadryl, my idiot dog does the same thing all the time and gets hives all over. They don't bother him but it looks bad, the benadryl (sp?) fixes him right up. It'll go away anyway, probably within 24 hours.
Funny how dogs have to get into everything. Mine stays outside during the day and sometimes gets bit/stung from snakes wasps etc. Shes pretty tough though. Its a good thing the squirels and birds she terrorizes dont get together and mount a sneak attack :eek:
Benadryl. Completely safe for the dog. That's what our vet told us to do for bee stings. And Try to get the stinger out if you can.
remove the stinger with tweezers. the dose of benedryl should be based on the weight but 25 mg every 8 hrs should be safe for all dogs. if the swelling doesnt go down in 24hrs, go to the vet for a solu cortef injection. what kind of dog is it?
Well, after a few hours she seems fine, just licks her leg and rubs her snout in the grass as much as she can. There was no swelling at all.
I wne tover to the tree she was sniffing around, which is covered with ivy vines real thick, and found a huge yellow jacket nest about as big as my hand about 3 feet off the ground on the side of the tree.
Guess they'll be getting the royal Raid treatment tonight when they are all on the nest :biggrin: :eek:
Thanks for all the recommendations, luckly she had no reactions and nothing serious.