Applied Technology gone belly-up

Hope they pull through this. They've been around since the beginning. Good thing stainless lasts virtually forever.
I spoke to Andrea today from ATR for a little while. She assured me that the Chapter 11 is for reorganization purposes only. ATR'S owner George Martin has no intention of closing his doors anytime soon. They also told me with the reorganization they are adding imports to the mix, the Buick business and some other car lines are just not enough.

She told me that they WILL STILL stay committed to the Buick Community. If you have any questions or concerns, here is there information.ATR
Well that's certainly good news. I just hate to see vendors fall off. Let's face it, we're all in this obsession and have been taking it to our graves (literally) so we can't lose our sights.

Keep using those parts!

-John Spina
i have always had good service from ATR, bought many of their exhaust systems and Double pumpers. I wish them well in the reorganization process. Excellent Products