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ATR waste gate replacement


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turbo J

Lighting the Hides when I can
Oct 6, 2011
Does any one out there know if there is a replacement or way to rebuild a ATR waste gate? I have of their down pipes and would like to still us them. Thanks.
I used the Tial 38mm for a replacement

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
firechaser just went through this last week ,
for bolt on ..the old 2 bolt flange vrsions of the TAil 38 , turbonetics evolution 38 ,or the precision 39 .. not the new style with vband unless you can weld .

he found a tail 38 on ebay cheap because all those gates have since moved up to vband mounting and now has boost back and boost control
you could find knockoff gates on ebay that replace the TAil38

im using the precision 46 on my atr pipe with a large turbo but thats a vband and required welding