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Attn: Stolen GN in Dayton Ohio


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Sorry to hear that....My 87 "T" was purchased new from a dealership in Dayton and I bought it from a guy in Fairborn which is close by.....Holding out hope you can get it back in one piece :(.....
Evendentally Last Sunday the local 5.0's thought they found that car driving down I70.....I thought they were gonna impound my car right then....kinda thru me for a loop when I had 3 state troopers and a couple locals about take the back of my car out while I was murging onto highway.
what? so they thought your car was his car...... I'm glad I have a rare color T-TYPE, and not a grand national I guess they made to of those cars...... all black.....(i will be on the look out)... hope you find it....:oops: