Been having a problem loggin' on..


You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
If this is old news, then I forward my apologies. Don't want to waste anybodys time. However, I've noticed over the last week or so I've been having a problem logging on sometimes.

I can log onto the page.. but clicking on the forums takes about 30 seconds then gives me a message. Tried on two computers with no luck. Don't think it's my computer, but if it is, once again... sorry to waste y'alls time.

Here's the message I'm getting..

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\turbobuick\forums\admin\db_mysql.php on line 93

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\turbobuick\forums\admin\functions.php on line 2429
maybe your banned??????? check your ident if it says, thats already been banned on chat for 6 months!
I get it from 2 in the morning till about 6 or so eastern time ..every night now

Bruce you know thats my prime time on here you trying to make me go away :eek:

Originally posted by norbs
maybe your banned??????? check your ident if it says, thats already been banned on chat for 6 months!

Norbs, I have no reason to be banned. As I've spoken with MANY other users, I'm fully aware that the problem doesn't lie in being banned. I, of course, have no problem getting on the chat room. It's just been this periodic message I've been receiving when accessing the forum.


I have the same problem... those times in the middle of the night for y'all, morning lunch time for me, are some of my prime times for posting. Today, I had problems until 7pm, Germany time.

I hope things are getting straightened out. I also thought there was something wrong with my connection, but everything is in order.
Site Statistics Running

An application was running in the weeee hours of the morn that calculated site statistics. These log files are huge and it would take about an hour or two to run.

This is unaccepable! I shut that application off last night, July 4th.
You will not have anything slowing or interupting the site. We are going to run this application from a different server.

Thanx, Adam