Best Scan Tool?

I like Direct Scan, and the main reason is the update speed. DS updates at 18 frames per second. Turbolink and Scanmaster update at 1 frame per 1.5 seconds. You can actually have the scanmasters update rate doubled. The chip burner has to insert a code in the chip. The only chip burner that I know of that wont do it is Red Armstrong. :(

All in all, I think the Scanmaster is the most useful scan tool, because you don't need a laptop riding shotgun, and you can actually see the display data while driving. I have both DS and SM and the scan master is always on, and always in my face.
Thanks! I really like the new Turbo-Link 3.0 windows version but I willhave to wait (not released yet).

I will probably go with the ScanMaster.

Now... Where can I get ScanMaster? I understand there is a 2.0 and a 2.1? I would like to get the lastest.

2.0 is an older version the 2.1 is all you can get now. we have them at Ramchargers.
888 293 7267
Mike Licht