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bill point and pay-pal problems


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New Member
Oct 8, 2002
ok guy's,
anybody who thinks they can help me out please do. in december my brother listed a trailer for me on ebay. the same day it was listed i sold it locally, well at the same time someone bought it with the BUY IT NOW feature. i contacted the buyer and told him what happened. he was worried about getting his money refunded, i reassured him that it would be. well i refunded his money via pay-pal. well last week i got an e-mail from billpoint saying he cancelled his charge card and now they are charging me $210 for the charge back. this is already after i refunded his money. so now i'm out $410 and neither billpoint or pay-pal will do anything about it.
here are the copies of the emails i got.. i have taken out any possible security issues.
Transaction Date: 12/11/2002
> Buyer's Name:
> Buyer's Email Address:
> Chargeback Amount: 200.00
> Order Number: FRBVTCKG
> Chargeback Reason: Credit Not Processed [C]
> Billpoint Comments: cbd 2/12/03
> Bill to Address:
> Ship to Address:

> Address Verification Response: Succeeded
> eBay Payments has received a chargeback from Visa
> for the transaction identified above. A chargeback is a transaction
> reversal initiated by the cardholder with his or her card-issuing bank,
> generally caused by a customer dispute or fraud. We are pleased to inform
> you that this chargeback may be covered by the eBay Payments Seller
> Protection Program and we, therefore, are reviewing this transaction to
> its compliance with the requirements of the program, detailed on the
> page:
> Please review the following scenarios; if you are able to provide the
> information requested, we can verify that this transaction met the
> of the eBay Payments Seller Protection Program. To ensure compliance,
> please respond with the requested information within five (5) days. If
> you fail to respond within this timeframe the chargeback may no longer
> qualify for the Seller Protection Program, and will be debited from your
> Potential representments:
> * If the chargeback reason is "non receipt of merchandise"
> and you have proof of delivery*, please fax us a copy of
> your delivery confirmation along with a printout of this email.
> * If the chargeback reason is "fraud", and you have proof
> of delivery to the buyer's billing address, please fax or
> mail the proof of delivery to the number below along with
> the bottom page of this email.
> * If the transaction is greater than $250, be sure to include a
> copy of the buyer's signature provided by your shipping carrier.
> If you are unable to provide the documentation specified above or
> you did not ship to the address provided, your transaction is not
> for coverage, and we would encourage you to review the program
> referenced above. If you have a question about your case, please send
> an email to
> Sincerely,
> eBay Payments
> Fax number: (415) 975-6606
> * Acceptable proof of delivery must be either the buyer's signature and
> the complete address where the merchandise was delivered, or the delivery
> tracking information including the complete street address and the time
> was delivered. Postal receipts, shipping receipts, delivery confirmations
> that only include city, state, zip are not acceptable.

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, issuing banks will not reverse chargebacks for items
purchased through Billpoint if refunds are processed through Paypal.
Paypal and Billpoint are two completely different companies and one can
not be used to refund the other. This is why we recommend the following
in the Billpoint Seller tips:

Please Note: When you refund a buyer for a purchase made via eBay
Payments / Billpoint , we recommend you use eBay Payments / Billpoint
for the refund. This ensures the refund is linked to the original eBay
Payments / Billpoint transaction and will assist in chargeback
prevention. If you do choose to refund via check or money order, it is
important you are able to quickly obtain a copy of the cancelled check
or money order from the issuing financial institution. We recommend you
never refund a eBay Payments / Billpoint transaction via another online
payment company.

We recommend you contact the buyer as soon and request they reverse the
Paypal transaction you initiated.


The Billpoint Chargebacks Team

This email is in reference to Order ID: FRBVTCKG, item # 1874661301.

so basically i have been taken for $410.. can anyone help me out?
Make sure you follow up QUICKLY, or you will lose.

You need to show them proof you refunded the money, contact them and see what they need for proof from Paypal that you did indeed refund the $$$.

Originally posted by choppers4life
i have the pay-pal receipt that i printed off. i even sent them a copy via-email..

Send them HARD copies of whatever you have, certified mail, making sure to reference any case numbers, reference numbers, etc..

Email won't cut it.
I feel your pain!

I would do as Super Six suggests.

#1 Problem I see is never MIX selling LOCALLY & EBAY.
Give Ebay the full week then if it doesn't sell tell the
local buyer he can have it..

How about contacting the Ebay bidder & explain to him what happened. Maybe he might send $ back.
well, i had my lawyer call the guy today. this guy canceled the deposit with the credit card company, the c.c. co. sent papers for him to fill out. before the papers got there the refund was already sent to his pay-pal account. the pay-pal account is linked to his checking he sh#t canned the papers. he called the cc. co. and explained the situation and the credit card company now is paying ebay and then ebay pays me. what a crock, never again will i do anything like this. i'll stick to the old fashion auction or better yet the tradin times..

funny how people change their tune when a person calling say's.. hello this is bla bla p.c. for so and so's company..