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blow back


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New Member
May 1, 2009
i'm getting some smoke out of the K&N type filters, not alot but noticeable. I haven't ran the car real hard but i took the filters off when i was doing a spring cleaning and refreshed them along with my air filter. not sure if that was what i needed. This is the 1st time i have seen this, and it's bothering me. i was getting some out of the oil cap ( k&n) type but i just cleaned both and refreshed them and there is still some coming from the passenger side filter on the front of the valve cover gasket. I'm sure someone knows what to do to fix this. i know it's minor or atleast hope it is. Any input is appreciated.
just read the Sgrim wrote

everything on my engine is stock as far as intake and I/C. Just replace the PCV valve on the spring cleaning so i'm not thinking it's clogged. I'm doing another refresh on both filters. I saw a small tube of oil on a new K&N oil cap type filter so i know i'm suppose oil it. I'm just wanting this smoke to stop, it does come into the cabin but as stated it's not real bad but i still would rather it be right then wrong.
Maybe it's a blowby regardless help please

after reading some of the previous posts over the last several hrs i see alot of differant opinions on getting around this. And what is it called blowback or blowby? Should i cork the whole thing and let the smoke come out the exhaust ( use a real oil cap and PCV valve that is corked on the end? would that build up too much pressure in my engine or really screw something else up? i've seen this on several other posts, i can see i'm not the only one with this issue but i've pulled several of my plugs and they look normal. They only have several hundred miles on them if that. Also i'd like some help guys, please??????????????? i've seen my posts has been read but no responses? did i make some one mad that has some pull on this wedsite or what? just wanting some help and where to start? next will be pulling injector connectors and seeing if there is a differance. I'm sure there isnt some miracle oil like motor honey or something that would make this stop. Changing the oil wouldn't do it i'm guessing since it's beyond that. If i over lubed the breather covers on the oil cap and where the PCV valve went can the oil from the K & N refresher kit leak into the motor and cause this? seriously i would like to hear something other then a pin drop or crickets chirping. Can you rent a compression tool from autozone so you can check the rings or should i take it somewhere and let them give me a 3K estimate? would running some type of berrymans for 5 mins before i change the oil when it's cold help? I know i'm reaching and praying it's not the rings but if it is so be it. But i want to eliminate all the possible culprits before i overhaul the engine or get really close to it with a crap load of work. This just started and i'm hopeful there is a way to reverse the blowby or back which ever it is called. If it needs an overhaul and new rings i'm ok with that but i'd like to have some options. Also if it is the rings and needs them replaced, what is a fair est on doing a job on one of these cars? if i went this route i wouldn't bore out the motor, it's fast enough for me. again guys please help i'd appreciate anything that helps stop the smoke. I'm a non smoker and i'm sure the smoke from the blowby/back is hazardous to my health ( trying to make light of the situation with humor)
Did you use the correct ac delco brand pcv valve? When mine was blowing oil/smoke out of the breathers I put a new delco pcv valve on it and a 45 degree metco angled oil fill neck/breather and the problem went away.
Sound like the pcv is not working correctly.

How does the car run?

What are your scanmaster readings engine warm at @idle?
thanks for the replies

no scanmaster as of yet, i was at my wits end with this and wasn't trying to come off harsh or like an a55. So if i offended someone i aplogize. now i found a broken vacuum line on the passenger side of the breather. it's the hose that goes into the intake closest to the passenger side of the firewall and T's off and goes across to the drivers side and back down. I just saw this within a few hrs and am in the middle of fixing it. Also there's some oil being thrown around my oil cap breather. So i'm cleaning the engine AGAIN, and seeing if this will help. The PVC valve i bought wasn't an AC Delco but i will be buying one tomorrow when the shop i normally do business with is open. I also put a 45 degree angle elbow on the passenger side breather and when i was cleaning the breather with the K&N refresh kit i noticed that the breather on the passenger side didn't have a sponge in it. Should it have one? I have one available but don't want to press my luck with it being sucked into the engine if there is pressure ( can this actually happen if i do put a sponge on it ). I was thinking maybe that was part of the problem, but after i put the elbow on it it was still doing the blowby. So I'm working on it, I really am going to pick up a scanmaster soon. From what i'm gathering this is a MUST HAVE tool for these cars. I was putting it off but if it can help narrow down the little things and help point you in the right direction then it'll be the next upgrade. Thanks again guys for your replies, i'll let you know how things shape up with this. and again i wasn't trying to come off as an a55 so please understand as i'm sure some of you guys have been there when little things like this happen and you cannot narrrow it down. I'm not the type to go off like that. I'm normally the cool head but with this car being in my hands less then a month i know this will be a learning process and instead of blowing my top on something minor i normally step back take a breath and cool off.
done with cleanup

ok so i'm done with the cleanup and it's still doing the blowby. i'l replace the pcv valve and go from there. not sure what i did but there is some ticking noise coming from around the turbo. i haven't really driven the car hard with the exception of a few running starts from @ 30mph or higher and shutting it down by 80mph. haven't pulled the tubing from the turbo but that will be next to check for oil on both sides so see if i blew a seal or if one is bad. Let me know if that would be something that would cause the blowby. As i read last nite from previous posts it could be so i'm trying to eliminate things and go from there.
few more notes on this

smoke is also coming from the dipstick when it's pulled and there was alot of oil thrown around the front spark plug and where the dipstick is. pulled the intake side of the turbo and no oil was on or showing around it. So PCV valve will be replaced with an AC delco tomorrow and anything else you guys can let me know to check would be appreciated.

pulled all the plugs and there are several that i didn't check out that were redish and oiled up. now i pulled 2 of them and they didn't look like this before when i was asking about blowby. So i bought new plugs and gapped them at 35 and am changing the oil. It may have been contanimated due to me using the refresh oil on the inside of the both breather covers. So a newbies fault about that, but i am going to run a cleaner through it for a few mins and then drain the oil and start with fresh oil. No smoke comes out the tailpipes, it's mainly at the breather covers.
Really sounds like your rings are shot.

A compression check might yield some answers.

changed the oil and the smoke is less but still visable. not sure if the breather cover over the oil cap is bad due to over lubing on my part? could these get weakened by excessive oil from K&N refresh kit? i'm probably going to replace it before i go thru a compression test. what's a good price for that if i take it to someone? can it be put on a machine like one used to do state inspections and it'll give more info then guessing or should i take it to a local speedtek or the guy i bought it from and let him check the compression? Used seafoam to clean it up the inside and will update as i go through the rest of this. Oil being used is castrol 20-50. Also wanted to ask that since it has a HP4 filter and it's relocated behind the passenger headlites should i put 6 qts of oil in it? i put 5 and it's showing it's about a quart low but i'm considering the tubing ( about the size of garden hose) going to and from the filter.
Do this check on the PCV system....

Make sure you have the STOCK oil fill cap installed on the drivers side valve cover. Now, on the passenger side front valve cover remove the tube thats going from the crankcase breather to the inlet side of the turbo. Start the engine and let it idle. Now, place your thumb over the breather hole of the crankcase breather for about 15 seconds and remove it slowly.

1. Does it try to suck your thumb in the breather?

It should suck in if the engine is sealed up properly. What I mean by "sealed up properly" is all the gaskets/seals/rings are probably ok and are sealing good at an idle. There should be no smoke blowing out of the breather at all.

2. Does it release crankcase pressure?

If you have pressure when you remove your finger then you have a PCV system problem and/or the piston rings are not sealing. Could be the headgaskets.

Make sure you have full manifold vacuum going to the PCV valve and make sure the PCV valve is working properly. Are the ports/hoses/intake grommet open and flowing OK?

I'm probably going to guess that you have headgaskets that's about to blow.

well i did a compression test and i have 120 across the board but only 30 on the front sprak plug on the drivers side. something isn't right and i started another post on this and will be doing a leak down test by weeks end. hope its not the head gasket but i've tried alot to get the smoking problem resolved.