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Brake issue.


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Jul 26, 2012
i gotta tell the story cause it makes it slighty ammsuing.

this morning im driving to BQ to get some hardware pull into the lot and i hit my brakes and its like trying to compress a rock i fiannly come to a stop in a parking spot and im like GREAT JUST GREAT. so i get out and im thinking alright probably a fuse so i start ripping all the bolts out. i get all the wiring pulled out and check my relay fuse and its good, so im like WTF thinking my brake motor burnt out, i turn the car on but dont start it and listen to it waiting to hear the brake motor but nothing, so im like GREAT!!!!! thinking about what i have to pay a tow truck to bring it home i angrily throw the wrench at the brake motor and it starts ticking and pumping brake fluid and i just blanky stare at it........

so heres the problem. the motor whines when turned on it works, but when your driving if you pump the brake really quickly rthe brake light will come on for a few seconds and then turn off.

so what do you guys think the problem is?
Replacement only.... i would see if you could find a known good unit and switch them out before you make the big purchase....those things cost a mint now, and would hate to see you spend the $$$ for another just for the problem to persist. 9 out of 10 times its the accumulator failing. Have you ever replaced it? How many miles on it?

well i purchased the car about 2 months ago, the original ownder i talked to today said that part that you mentioned had been rebuilt a year or 2 ago.
Change over to a Vacuum setup go to the junk yard and get what you need for around $75
im currently in england, dont think theres a whole lot of junkyards that would support the parts i need, lmao
I feel ya! Most parts can be bought new like the booster and MC then pick up a different pedal on here for about $25 still convert it allot cheaper than the powermaster!
I started getting a flash of the brake light and replaced the brake fluid with synthetic dot 3 fluid and got another 5 or 6 years out of the accumulator before the light came back and I finally had to replace it.

hmm interesting i imight try the simpler route first with the syntethic dot3 if no go ill have to do what 6togo says
Try the fluid change first. but IMHO a good operating PowerMaster feels much better than vacuum brakes any day..... the key is keeping the fluid clean.