84 t-type hot air motor/trans --- complete water pump to tail shaft turbo to oil pan fact headers..... needs freshn up... 500.00 for both.....
pass door near mint... with glass and power internals..200.00
pass fender near mint.....75.00
rear bumper fiberglass fillers 40.00
qtr window glass left/right with black trim 70.00 - shippd ( in US)
84 t-type fact dash cluster with boost/rpm 100.00 shippd ( in US)
many misc parts left call lets see what i have left...
scottyk 414-526-1296
located in milwaukee wi
pass door near mint... with glass and power internals..200.00
pass fender near mint.....75.00
rear bumper fiberglass fillers 40.00
qtr window glass left/right with black trim 70.00 - shippd ( in US)
84 t-type fact dash cluster with boost/rpm 100.00 shippd ( in US)
many misc parts left call lets see what i have left...
scottyk 414-526-1296
located in milwaukee wi