Buick Perf Weekend Aug 30-31 Etown NJ


Staff member
Aug 24, 2003
Anyone else going? Weather permitting I'll have the GN and TTA there this year! :cool:


Provided I don't break something, I will be there with the family truckster shooting for a new best(as usual).
I'll be there... No Buick though, have too much stainless still to polish.
I'll be there with my blown Buick.

It's the one with the dent in the passenger fender.:mad:

I'm going to be busy (or not) with the Olds/Pontiac portion of the car show but I will try to make it over to the Buick side of the lot to chat with some old friends.
I wont be there.Im not a fan of bracket racing at all.
Have fun.Plus there are only so many days left in the year to jet ski,
and sat is one of them!:D