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Buy an exhaust or have it custom made??


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Dr. Jeckel

New Member
Jul 29, 2003
I am debating on whether to get the hooker exhaust, which is $300 shipped through Summit or having my exhaust guy make a setup with 2 1/2" pipe through Dynomax Ultra Flows for about $300. He is an awesome exhaust guy and has done my prior two cars. My question is am I going to give up any horsepower from the exhaust not being mandrel bent like the Hooker system? The bends will be smooth but the pipe bender kinda smooshes the pipe out a bit(you know what I'm talking about). Does anyone have any numbers or proof of CFM flow differences. My car is not going to be a 10 second car, probably won't even make it to the 11's at our 3700' elevation, so extreme flow isn't a big deal. I'm just trying to get something that will flow better than my stock exhaust. The Ultra flows should flow better than the aerochambers anyway.
Anybody have any opinions, comments or opinions please feel free. Keep in mind that I am only really thinking about these two options. I am not going to spend over that for exhaust, I just don't have alot of money to spend on ATR or something else.
Thanks, James.
I have the ATR 3" duals, so obviously I'm rich.


I don't know why you'd want to monkey around with a "pipe bender", awesome though he may be, when so many guys love the Hooker, and it's dirt cheap...

Well the only big difference between the two is that I would get the Hooker for $300 then put it on take it to him and have him weld it up(because I don't like exhaust clamps) so by the time I'm done I have spent three hours of my saturday laying on my back in the driveway puttting it on and then $30(guess) more for him to weld up all the connections. Or I can just spend $300 and have it all done. My question is if anyone can give me experience or numbers on CFM flow differences between mandrel bends and the other. I'm I going to see a difference of over 5 rwhp? If not then I'll get the Dynomax and save my back.
get the Hooker. Mandrel bent is way better then non.. Getting his non mandrel bend is prolly like getting a 2" instead of the 2.5" the Hooker really you ar saying $300 for a 2" system OR about $350 for a 2.5" system..
I had a custom bent 3" exhaust(not-mandrel-bent) on my car when i got it, and when it rusted out this winter i put the hooker system on and i definately feel the difference. its not too much, but its there and its a good sounding and good fitting system as well.
Get the Hooker, have your friend install it, and clamp it - I wouldn't think welding is necessary or desireable. It'll be well worth it - doing an exhaust in the drievway is, at a minimum, a huge PITA, at a maximum, a trip to the ER for a broken thumb or a scratched cornea from rust in your eye...

Mike Licth at has mandrel bent alum 3in single shot without mufflers for $159 or $179. You add muffler of your choice and your still at least $50 cheaper,maybe $100.Youll have all the exhaust youll need to run low 10s.IMO its a no brainer. HTH
Thanks for all the replies. You have swayed me back to hooker. I don't mind putting the exhaust on in the driveway, I just didn't want to if it woundn't be worth it. I did the fuel pump by myself on my back and that wasn't to terrible. I also spent about 7 hrs putting in a transgo shft-kit in my LS1 TA about 2 yrs ago, of course that messed up my neck for about 10 months. I think I will be ordering the Hooker exhaust soon.
Originally posted by broke1
Mike Licth at has mandrel bent alum 3in single shot without mufflers for $159 or $179. You add muffler of your choice and your still at least $50 cheaper,maybe $100.Youll have all the exhaust youll need to run low 10s.IMO its a no brainer. HTH

Not even an option???:confused:
No thanks. I don't want a single shot exhaust system. I was going to get the Hooker then I talked to my exhaust guy and he said he could do one for $300 as well. But now after all the replies I have decided to go back with the Hooker. Thanks for all the advice.