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C-16 Age and Use


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Staff member
May 27, 2001
I think this is the best section for this. I bought a 50 gallon drum of C-16 last June. It is now approximately 1/3rd full and has always been kept well sealed and stored in an outside shed (same as outside temperatures). When I take my car out next month (March) do you think this fuel is still ok to use?
There is some talk over on Yellowbullet about this . Jason from VP posts there and here in the V8 section. You may want to PM him. If i remember correctly totally sealed unopened containers should hold up well. Open containers will degrade somewhat depending on temperature and UV.

I would still use it, just wouldnt try to set the car on kill with it.
Last season I used 5 gallons of leftover C-16 from the previous year. I mixed it with fresh C-16 just in problems. This year I'm burning all the leftover in my quad......I love that smell!!!

It's a valid question. I had the same concern and actually called VP. The answer I got is that dependent on the method of storage, container, temperature etc. the fuel does degrade. I was told that this degradation is minimized if the fuel is kept in the original drum in a cool dry place.

Personally I have 15+ gallons is plastic containers from a year ago. I'm not sure how warm and fuzzy I feel about using it. I think Louie's advice is probably best, run it but don't go for broke . At the very least I would blend it with some fresh gas like Dave said.
