Calif testing: administration

tom h

Active Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm a little unclear on some aspects of the Calif emissions testing program (even though I live in LA county) :

1) why are turbo buicks supposed to go only to the so-called "test only" stations? why can't they go to any place that does smog testing?

2) there seems to be a dislike for the "test only" stations ... how come?

3) if my TR fails emissions, am I allowed to do the repairs myself and then attempt a re-test? or is it mandatory to do the "repairs" at repair facility? I don't want anybody so much as touching my buick!!

4) are the test stations permitted to do an off-the-record, unofficial measurement before I submit to a "real test", or is all test data formally made part of Calif's computer database?

Originally posted by tom h
I'm a little unclear on some aspects of the Calif emissions testing program (even though I live in LA county) :

1) why are turbo buicks supposed to go only to the so-called "test only" stations? why can't they go to any place that does smog testing?

2) there seems to be a dislike for the "test only" stations ... how come?

3) if my TR fails emissions, am I allowed to do the repairs myself and then attempt a re-test? or is it mandatory to do the "repairs" at repair facility? I don't want anybody so much as touching my buick!!

4) are the test stations permitted to do an off-the-record, unofficial measurement before I submit to a "real test", or is all test data formally made part of Calif's computer database?

1) as our cars get older, there are less and less of a percentage of the vehicle population that pass (age, maintenance, mileage, etc.,,). Therefore more fall in the high emitter category and some is random. Remember, that our cars probably still fall in that same category as regal, centurys, impalas, cougars, tbirds etc.,,. Most are carbed and mid 80s OBD1 vehicles fail regularly. If your car has an engine family that regularly fails, you'll be at test-only also. I'm not saying you don't maintain your car, but if the greater population of engine/vehicle family your car belongs to fails, you'll go to test-only.
2) Test-only stations live to test. Some are more expensive than others and sometimes more expensive than the test and repair station. Some even have higher prices based on if your vehicle is directed to test only. I ususally use coupons when going to test only. BAR does not regulate prices, just the industry's repair, invoicing and testing procedures. Free market governs their prices.
3)The $450 cost limit only applies to repairs performed by a licensed Smog Check mechanic at a licensed Smog Check station. If repairs are performed by unlicense personnel, how can that person know he/she is affecting emissions in the correct direction without proper equipment. I have to go through a licensing procedure to maintain my license. If I were still in the repair industry environment (remember State worker now), I would want to be well compensated for my knowledge and expertise. Because your vehicle is referred to Test-Only, it is eligible for the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP), if it fails. Stations that are contracted with the State to perform smog check repairs on income eligible applicants and Test-Only vehicles that fail. CAP eligible applicants and vehicles can have smog check repairs (up to $500) subsidized by the state after a specific co-pay is met ($25 for income eligible and $100 for Tess-only non income eleigible). Ask me for an application if you need one (email me). The CAP station can test and certify your test-only vehicle (as long as it previously failed at Test-only) that is CAP eligible.
4)Test-Only can do pretest, but if you're referred to test-only and your vehicle gross pollutes (GP), what difference will it make, you still have to go back to test-only. Pretest means the test will be sent to the state database, but will not count as GP if it does and no certificate will be issued even if it passes. If you have you car pretested by test and repair and it still GPs, it will not show on the database as a GP vehicle. IMHO, I would not pay for a pretest at a test-only station. This is one reason I prefer to have my car in passing mode all the time and if I go to the track, I will tune for the track. Being kind of lazy, I prefer not to change a bunch of stuff just to make my car pass.
Kinda long huh? :D I hope this answers your questions.