Camaro kill caught on video


Jul 14, 2008
I just said in another thread I was not going to even mention this kill but said what the hell. This was a muscle car rideout to a local drive in theater on the Avengers release date. We have four people in my car and I'm in the passenger seat. The owner of the Camaro said he had full bolt ons' and 150 shot of spray. All he would say is that he's 400+HP. It's just him and his girl, which made it even worse. The camara car is my little brother and his girl in his all stock 5.0, so don't mind that first hit in the first seconds. The real one is at 3.29. Enjoy!
This is hilarious. What is it with the Camaro's. A 2000-2002 camaro z28, rode up next to me on the highway yesterday as I was getting on, just kept riding next to me. I'm giving him the (go ahead and go) I'm not in the mood wave, he downshifts and takes off. A few miles up the road, I catch up to him from traffic, he sees me, starts driving real slow, I get annoyed and start to go around him. I'm cruising at 60mph, of course he speeds up and stays right with me. reving, just plain getting on my nerves. Well it didnt take long, I finally gave the jesture to go, I seen him downshift, I waited, the instant I seen the front end lift, I mashed it, Left Mr Z28 by 6-7 car lengths. He caught up further up the highway, beeped the horn and gave me the thumbs up. I actually felt pretty good after that. :) I didn't think ol girl had it in her, I'm coming from a 10 sec DSM, and a 600hp 496 Chevelle, so to me the GN doesn't feel very fast at all, but she handled her own yesterday. Now I'm afraid, HP bug has snuck up and bit me. (Which is a bad thing)...... :) Sorry to hijack, wasnt my intention, Good Run......Little tight in the tunnel, but Good Run/Kill non the less. :)
Nice, tight spot to race high power rwd cars tho...
I know right. I figured if any body would be hurt, it would be the idiots in the tunnel...(Us)...:D That's why we let traffic get all the way out the tunnel.

This is hilarious. What is it with the Camaro's. A 2000-2002 camaro z28, rode up next to me on the highway yesterday as I was getting on, just kept riding next to me. I'm giving him the (go ahead and go) I'm not in the mood wave, he downshifts and takes off. A few miles up the road, I catch up to him from traffic, he sees me, starts driving real slow, I get annoyed and start to go around him. I'm cruising at 60mph, of course he speeds up and stays right with me. reving, just plain getting on my nerves. Well it didnt take long, I finally gave the jesture to go, I seen him downshift, I waited, the instant I seen the front end lift, I mashed it, Left Mr Z28 by 6-7 car lengths. He caught up further up the highway, beeped the horn and gave me the thumbs up. I actually felt pretty good after that. :) I didn't think ol girl had it in her, I'm coming from a 10 sec DSM, and a 600hp 496 Chevelle, so to me the GN doesn't feel very fast at all, but she handled her own yesterday. Now I'm afraid, HP bug has snuck up and bit me. (Which is a bad thing)...... :) Sorry to hijack, wasnt my intention, Good Run......Little tight in the tunnel, but Good Run/Kill non the less. :)

No worries..Good kill too!
I was born at Letterman hospital (Navy brat) but we moved to Montana when I was 2. My mom, sister and three nephews are still out there. If I could find a worthy job I'd be back out there in a second!
L8TRH8R said:
I was born at Letterman hospital (Navy brat) but we moved to Montana when I was 2. My mom, sister and three nephews are still out there. If I could find a worthy job I'd be back out there in a second!

I've wanted to buy land out in the Montana Wyoming area. In the middle of no where and live off the land. I'm 24 and I could care less about drinking every night at some club. Give me a gun and land. And I will be happy.
It's a beautiful place to raise a family, which is why we came back, there are times though when we miss "civilization." there's a big jump between MT and pretty much any other state. We are the 4th largest with less then a million people!!! (think 800000) we are now to a point of smaller town or back to a city as these midi towns have to many issues....
Air Force..They block it here in Afghan

Probably so they don't have everyone clogging up the PC's in the morale tents and such with videos...they don't have youtube blocked here stateside at my base but it is slow to upload anything.
Probably so they don't have everyone clogging up the PC's in the morale tents and such with videos...they don't have youtube blocked here stateside at my base but it is slow to upload anything.
its not blocked on the morale internet but it is on the work ones...Go figure