Can cops legally do this?


When i turned 16 i got my license. no limits, no questions. now when kids get thier license they have stipulations, they have limits and thats a good thing but with each generation, the new generation seems to push the laws and responsibility to the limit and that it seems to me is when the out pouring of "we need more laws" happens.

No we need to get the reckless kids off the streets, punks with 3 yrs under thier belts ...drinking, car is loaded with friends and they dont know when to quit, they line em up at any light, talk alot of crap and neither one will budge when they hit 80.

At that age they have no common sense and no fear.

My friends wife called me yesterday to tell me the 21yr old son jeffers was out with his 2 buddies last weekend, all drunk in jeffers 02 pontiac SC, getting silly with someone on the hway and flipped it 3 times...more stupid sillyness from dumb reckless kids.

Really its not us 30 on up yr olds that are causing the stupidity but we may wind up paying the price even though were smart enough to know when its safe to put the smakdown on some twerp in a mustang

And there aint anyone here that cant tell me that at 69 yrs old Chuck Leeper pulls up to a light and some snot nose punk is next to him reving up..that chuck wont put a serious can of ass whoop on the kid.
As long as its reasonably safe to do so and thats the difference between us and them...we know what were doing

but once again we may pay the price for the influx of high performance cars and low performance drivers

did i make any sense?

You made perfect sense Mac!!!
I'm pretty sure there a few hypocrites in this thread too. Hmmm I drive a GN (with mods) but never ever would consider going over the speed limit. :rolleyes:

Next thing you know the government is going to want to put speed governors on all cars.

Big Brother says "there you go John Q Public, now your car and everyone else's can only go 65mph tops. You're safe now!!!" :tongue:

Without stupidity in this world how are we going to thin the heard?
That cop sitting in the Cobra is a modern day HERO.
Whoa..., let me see here, I hit the paste key from a previous post,
I meant That cop sitting in the Cobra is a PRIKKless loser with a pumpkin for a head.:D
Nice thought, right up till your the guy investigating the multiple fatal accident and you get to go tell someones family (those who are left) that they were splattered all over the road because someone else was street racing.

Multiple fatal accident from street racing? How many times a year does that happen? 40,000 people a year are killed on public roadways. Not even a tenth of one percent is because of street racing.

Emotional ninnies are taking away every last freedom we have in this country.

Plenty of things take more lives than street racing and are perfectly legal and there is no outcry.

IMHO that is a good thing. Freedom has a cost. We can all put ourselves in padded rooms and be nourished through feeding tubes and we will all be REALLY safe or we can stop being so afraid of everything and just live and let live.

There are punishments already out there for people who kill or hurt others while street racing. We don't need any more laws (unless you are a marxist pinko). Punish those who hurt others.

Punishing street racers is like punishing people who consume alcohol. Some people who consume alcohol do so very responsibly and hurt no one.. but there are some who will end up killing or hurting others. Do we punish them prior to the act?

Essentially what many in our dying country have come to believe in is that Pre-emptive punishment for crimes that have yet to occur and most likely will not occur is a viable and righteous means of policing a free society. What they fail to realize is that by doing so you eliminate the freedoms a society has.

How about we look at punishing those that have actually hurt others as opposed to selectively punishing those that "might" hurt others.

I think many of you may find that your ideas about pre-emptive punishment aren't so great when some of your freedoms start to vanish (like guns, alcohol, knives, boating)

It's pretty easy to scapegoat and sensationalize street racing but the condemnation does not square with the facts or the gravity of the situation.
Can't do that stuff in Ohio. All patrol cars used for traffic enforcement must be marked.
Multiple fatal accident from street racing? How many times a year does that happen? 40,000 people a year are killed on public roadways. Not even a tenth of one percent is because of street racing.

Emotional ninnies are taking away every last freedom we have in this country.

Plenty of things take more lives than street racing and are perfectly legal and there is no outcry.

IMHO that is a good thing. Freedom has a cost. We can all put ourselves in padded rooms and be nourished through feeding tubes and we will all be REALLY safe or we can stop being so afraid of everything and just live and let live.

There are punishments already out there for people who kill or hurt others while street racing. We don't need any more laws (unless you are a marxist pinko). Punish those who hurt others.

Punishing street racers is like punishing people who consume alcohol. Some people who consume alcohol do so very responsibly and hurt no one.. but there are some who will end up killing or hurting others. Do we punish them prior to the act?

Essentially what many in our dying country have come to believe in is that Pre-emptive punishment for crimes that have yet to occur and most likely will not occur is a viable and righteous means of policing a free society. What they fail to realize is that by doing so you eliminate the freedoms a society has.

How about we look at punishing those that have actually hurt others as opposed to selectively punishing those that "might" hurt others.

I think many of you may find that your ideas about pre-emptive punishment aren't so great when some of your freedoms start to vanish (like guns, alcohol, knives, boating)

It's pretty easy to scapegoat and sensationalize street racing but the condemnation does not square with the facts or the gravity of the situation.

Multiple fatal accident from street racing? How many times a year does that happen? 40,000 people a year are killed on public roadways. Not even a tenth of one percent is because of street racing.

Emotional ninnies are taking away every last freedom we have in this country.

Plenty of things take more lives than street racing and are perfectly legal and there is no outcry.

IMHO that is a good thing. Freedom has a cost. We can all put ourselves in padded rooms and be nourished through feeding tubes and we will all be REALLY safe or we can stop being so afraid of everything and just live and let live.

There are punishments already out there for people who kill or hurt others while street racing. We don't need any more laws (unless you are a marxist pinko). Punish those who hurt others.

Punishing street racers is like punishing people who consume alcohol. Some people who consume alcohol do so very responsibly and hurt no one.. but there are some who will end up killing or hurting others. Do we punish them prior to the act?

Essentially what many in our dying country have come to believe in is that Pre-emptive punishment for crimes that have yet to occur and most likely will not occur is a viable and righteous means of policing a free society. What they fail to realize is that by doing so you eliminate the freedoms a society has.

How about we look at punishing those that have actually hurt others as opposed to selectively punishing those that "might" hurt others.

I think many of you may find that your ideas about pre-emptive punishment aren't so great when some of your freedoms start to vanish (like guns, alcohol, knives, boating)

It's pretty easy to scapegoat and sensationalize street racing but the condemnation does not square with the facts or the gravity of the situation.
Big +1. Great way of explaining it.
I think it's alright to use the unmarked cars ONLY if the have been bought by the department,not confiscated, and if using them to catch street racers that are ORGANIZED. No pulling up to someone at a stop light and baiting them into racing you. I'm talking about catching them in the act of racing in an illegal organized event. If you do use different cars,then at least mark them. Like others have said,there could be imposters who use this to their advantage to pull people over and rob them.
Come to think of it,what if they confiscate your car just because they thought you were street racing? For example,you're passing some punk who doesn't want you to pass him or thinks that you want to race and he speeds up? Cop sees you and insists on wanting to charge you with street racing, although you weren't even at fault. I know it may seem far fetched but there are cops who are way too ticket happy. Point is that there are so many ways that this law could be abused. Kinda like if you defend yourself with a gun you can own and carry legally,they take the gun for "evidence" and never return it. That kind of abuse.
All in all if I had the choice I'd rather have my car crushed than confiscated. Or those who have had their car confiscated put out a big public notice to watch out for a particular car. Or simply band together and stage a protest. That'll really put the pressure on the dept. to change their policy.
Cop sees you and insists on wanting to charge you with street racing,

about that time id point to my laptop and say..see that officer..i been logging for the past hr and i'll see you in court

might work, might piss him off more but once again i think i have age working in my favor..not some kid with a fart can out the back
The biggest problem that I have is with any of this stuff is the selective prosecutions.
You what I mean when an OD Cop in his personal car gets pulled over by the next towns PD and he just gets a Very light warning “slow down the captain is out tonight”
I got hit by a drunk driver He was a Cop.
The other Cops show up for the report
I ask them “aren’t you going to arrest him he is drunk out his A$$.
The Flucks response to me was Shut the fluck up and get in your car.

My point is
Cop sees a victim Call in the plate
Make arrest or what ever
But that car with that plate should be in a public auction or “what ever” just like any body else’s car.
Multiple fatal accident from street racing? How many times a year does that happen? 40,000 people a year are killed on public roadways. Not even a tenth of one percent is because of street racing.

Emotional ninnies are taking away every last freedom we have in this country.

Plenty of things take more lives than street racing and are perfectly legal and there is no outcry.

IMHO that is a good thing. Freedom has a cost. We can all put ourselves in padded rooms and be nourished through feeding tubes and we will all be REALLY safe or we can stop being so afraid of everything and just live and let live.

There are punishments already out there for people who kill or hurt others while street racing. We don't need any more laws (unless you are a marxist pinko). Punish those who hurt others.

Punishing street racers is like punishing people who consume alcohol. Some people who consume alcohol do so very responsibly and hurt no one.. but there are some who will end up killing or hurting others. Do we punish them prior to the act?

Essentially what many in our dying country have come to believe in is that Pre-emptive punishment for crimes that have yet to occur and most likely will not occur is a viable and righteous means of policing a free society. What they fail to realize is that by doing so you eliminate the freedoms a society has.

How about we look at punishing those that have actually hurt others as opposed to selectively punishing those that "might" hurt others.

I think many of you may find that your ideas about pre-emptive punishment aren't so great when some of your freedoms start to vanish (like guns, alcohol, knives, boating)

It's pretty easy to scapegoat and sensationalize street racing but the condemnation does not square with the facts or the gravity of the situation.

So a small percentage of people dying from street races means society is eliminating freedoms by taking strict measures to combat it? I'm not sure I'm following you.

Comparing the consumption of alcohol is a poor analogy. People can consume alcohol in the confinds of their home and not put anyone else at risk. I'm not sure one could make that comparison with street racing since that would be difficut to do in your living room.

It is just as much about protecting those who put themselves at risk as it is for those innocent parties who are put at risk. I don't think many will see it as sensationalization.

It is simply an (illegal) event that places peoples lives in danger. Is having a speed limit eliminating freedoms as well? Or should we allow people to drive as fast as they want down the highway? Strict enforcement of (illegal) activities benifts society as a whole. These are not 4th amendment violations, they are simple steps law enforcement takes because of numerous complaints and deaths that have resulted from a particular action.

Some people are just too stupid for their own good. For the same reason many states are making it illegal to talk on the phone while you drive. Many do it, but it constitutes a hazard. Those laws were not passed by a show of hands around each state asking who thought it should be illegal. The laws were passed because of ducumented facts that people were causing accidents as a result of talking on their phone and not paying attention. Street racing statistically may not cause a great deal of deaths each year but it is a preventable death and should be strictly enforced.
However the punishment does not fit the crime. I say ok to confiscating a car IF the person racing gets in a wreck and kills or seriously injures someone. But taking someone's car for a first offense that nobody was harmed while doing? Thats a harsh penalty for someone who might be making a one time lapse in judgment. Anyone can say "what if...what if...what if" well what if a plane lands on our heads we should outlaw them?

Just because someone gets caught street racing, they aren't necessarily "street racers". I also agree that a cop can abuse this power and say someone was street racing when in fact they weren't and with the way our system is now you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. A large problem in our society is when people get accused of a crime and are wrongly proven guilty merely because they don't have enough money to get a good lawyer to defend them. Take away someones car...they might not be able to make a living...they can't make a living...they don't have enough money to defend themselves. Does that mean they are guilty of a crime?

I had a good friend of mine falsely accused of drunken driving and he ended up paying about 4,000 or more dollars defending himself. He won but did the state reimburse him for his time off of work and his defense costs? NO!!! "oh well buddy we're sorry our police officer was sure you were drunk but it's nice to know you weren't have a nice day."
So a small percentage of people dying from street races means society is eliminating freedoms by taking strict measures to combat it? I'm not sure I'm following you.

Comparing the consumption of alcohol is a poor analogy. People can consume alcohol in the confinds of their home and not put anyone else at risk. I'm not sure one could make that comparison with street racing since that would be difficut to do in your living room.

It is just as much about protecting those who put themselves at risk as it is for those innocent parties who are put at risk. I don't think many will see it as sensationalization.

It is simply an (illegal) event that places peoples lives in danger. Is having a speed limit eliminating freedoms as well? Or should we allow people to drive as fast as they want down the highway? Strict enforcement of (illegal) activities benifts society as a whole. These are not 4th amendment violations, they are simple steps law enforcement takes because of numerous complaints and deaths that have resulted from a particular action.

Some people are just too stupid for their own good. For the same reason many states are making it illegal to talk on the phone while you drive. Many do it, but it constitutes a hazard. Those laws were not passed by a show of hands around each state asking who thought it should be illegal. The laws were passed because of ducumented facts that people were causing accidents as a result of talking on their phone and not paying attention. Street racing statistically may not cause a great deal of deaths each year but it is a preventable death and should be strictly enforced.

Consume alcohol in your own home? Who are you kidding. Alcohol is consumed everywhere. It is a proven fact that alcohol impairs judgment. When judgment is impaired you are less capable of making responsible decisions. People die every year because of this by a factor far greater than the number of people that die from "street racing". Shouldn't we ban alcohol?

When you go hunting, you aren't in your own home. People die and are seriously injured hunting regularly. You have the potential to shoot me dead if I am just taking a stroll through the woods. I can right off the bat name several high profile incidents involving deaths and hunting. From the Hmong incident in minnesota (multiple people were killed), to Dick Cheney shooting his hunting partner in the face. To Greg LeMond almost being killed after being shot in the chest with a shotgun while hunting. Should we ban hunting?

There is no speed limit on the water... the number of people killed while boating and jet skiing reflects this. When I lived in south florida, almost every week there was another boating or jet skiing related death. Heck, even Gloria Estefan hit a jet skier with her boat and the jet skier was killed. Should we ban boating and jet skiing?

While you are hand wringing about street racing, thousands of motorcyclists die each year and the number is climbing rapidly. IIRC 5000 motorcyclists were killed last year. Do you advocate the ban of motorcycles?

Why don't you go look at the numbers instead of letting emotions drive your thought process. Tell me how many people were killed street racing last year and then compare that to boating, hunting, alcohol related incidents. Compare it to slip and falls in the home. Heart disease. All of these things are preventable. If we invested the resources that we do into street racing into preventing these things we might actually make a real difference.

But that's not the point. The point is that we have (more like had) a free society. People are free to make decisions that have potentially negative, even fatal consequences. We can start taking away things that are potentially dangerous in the name of good and eventually its going to look like Cambodia under the Khmer Rogue.

We should hold people accountable for their actions that actually HARM other people instead of attacking pastimes simply because you do not partake in them.

Speed limits do absolutely encumber freedom. For many however, they have been broken like a dog that has been beaten and cannot fathom the responsibility of good judgment. This is why you have a whole generation of kids more afraid of getting caught and the punishment for it rather than doing what is right simply because it's the right thing to do.
In places like Germany where much of the autobahn is without speed limit, you will see good judgment exercised daily to a level that the average moron driving in the left lane in the US cannot even comprehend.

And therein lies the larger problem... we've started to make things so rigid that people no longer capable of thinking on their own. The government does the thinking for them.
Once again upon viewing the vid and googling some reports across the country it seems that its the idea of the cops being "pro active" thats got everyones panties in a bunch and so it should.

Pablo had a good point in the original Alcohol ref being that if me and a friend pull into a bar to have 1 or 2 beers then the cop should just go ahead and arrest me for DUI before i drink
So if im sitting at a light and a cop can tell my car is set up then he should just go ahead and take it because at some point i might put it to the wood
once they know they got the right to take...they will be looking for the cool rides to take and theres a few out there that just might make it their theft

there might be 1% of cops out there that might do that.
the rest will just put the hurt on the punks in tuners, not the guy in his 69 goat.
im not too worried about it....yet
Consume alcohol in your own home? Who are you kidding. Alcohol is consumed everywhere. It is a proven fact that alcohol impairs judgment. When judgment is impaired you are less capable of making responsible decisions. People die every year because of this by a factor far greater than the number of people that die from "street racing". Shouldn't we ban alcohol?

When you go hunting, you aren't in your own home. People die and are seriously injured hunting regularly. You have the potential to shoot me dead if I am just taking a stroll through the woods. I can right off the bat name several high profile incidents involving deaths and hunting. From the Hmong incident in minnesota (multiple people were killed), to Dick Cheney shooting his hunting partner in the face. To Greg LeMond almost being killed after being shot in the chest with a shotgun while hunting. Should we ban hunting?

There is no speed limit on the water... the number of people killed while boating and jet skiing reflects this. When I lived in south florida, almost every week there was another boating or jet skiing related death. Heck, even Gloria Estefan hit a jet skier with her boat and the jet skier was killed. Should we ban boating and jet skiing?

While you are hand wringing about street racing, thousands of motorcyclists die each year and the number is climbing rapidly. IIRC 5000 motorcyclists were killed last year. Do you advocate the ban of motorcycles?

Why don't you go look at the numbers instead of letting emotions drive your thought process. Tell me how many people were killed street racing last year and then compare that to boating, hunting, alcohol related incidents. Compare it to slip and falls in the home. Heart disease. All of these things are preventable. If we invested the resources that we do into street racing into preventing these things we might actually make a real difference.

But that's not the point. The point is that we have (more like had) a free society. People are free to make decisions that have potentially negative, even fatal consequences. We can start taking away things that are potentially dangerous in the name of good and eventually its going to look like Cambodia under the Khmer Rogue.

We should hold people accountable for their actions that actually HARM other people instead of attacking pastimes simply because you do not partake in them.

Speed limits do absolutely encumber freedom. For many however, they have been broken like a dog that has been beaten and cannot fathom the responsibility of good judgment. This is why you have a whole generation of kids more afraid of getting caught and the punishment for it rather than doing what is right simply because it's the right thing to do.
In places like Germany where much of the autobahn is without speed limit, you will see good judgment exercised daily to a level that the average moron driving in the left lane in the US cannot even comprehend.

And therein lies the larger problem... we've started to make things so rigid that people no longer capable of thinking on their own. The government does the thinking for them.

Here is the problem with your argument. You keep saying we should outlaw alcohol, boating and hunting because accidents happen. No one is advocating outlawing a legal activity. You or I can own a vehicle that is street driven and set up to race. We can not race on public highways. These vehicles are not being seized because they are set up for racing. They are being seized because an illegal act (racing on highways) has been committed. See the difference? Street racing is not a "pastime". It is illegal.

By the way. If the law allowed vehicles to be seized for DUI I bet you would find DUI's decreased. Most DUI's you will find are repeat offenders.
Here is the problem with your argument. You keep saying we should outlaw alcohol, boating and hunting because accidents happen. No one is advocating outlawing a legal activity. You or I can own a vehicle that is street driven and set up to race. We can not race on public highways. These vehicles are not being seized because they are set up for racing. They are being seized because an illegal act (racing on highways) has been committed. See the difference? Street racing is not a "pastime". It is illegal.

By the way. If the law allowed vehicles to be seized for DUI I bet you would find DUI's decreased. Most DUI's you will find are repeat offenders.

Amazing that penalty wise you are better off getting caught for a DUI, then street racing!! And how many people a year are killed by drunk drivers. Probably 10x those killed by street racing related accidents, and I am being friendly on that estimate. So which crime should carry a worse punishment?

Hmmmm..makes you think.
Here is the problem with your argument. You keep saying we should outlaw alcohol, boating and hunting because accidents happen. No one is advocating outlawing a legal activity. You or I can own a vehicle that is street driven and set up to race. We can not race on public highways. These vehicles are not being seized because they are set up for racing. They are being seized because an illegal act (racing on highways) has been committed. See the difference? Street racing is not a "pastime". It is illegal.

By the way. If the law allowed vehicles to be seized for DUI I bet you would find DUI's decreased. Most DUI's you will find are repeat offenders.

Drugs are illegal. If you get caught doing drugs do they take away all your money and possessions so you can't buy more? By the rational of confiscation it would be an acceptable approach. If someone doesn't have any more money then they can't buy drugs. Problem solved right?

Maybe the government should sponsor tracks to give people a place to race. I feel that would be a great use of our tax dollars. Most DUI's are repeat offenders, what's to stop them from driving someone else's car or buying another junker. Taking away someones possessions only address' the symptom not the actual problem.
Here is the problem with your argument. You keep saying we should outlaw alcohol, boating and hunting because accidents happen. No one is advocating outlawing a legal activity. You or I can own a vehicle that is street driven and set up to race. We can not race on public highways. These vehicles are not being seized because they are set up for racing. They are being seized because an illegal act (racing on highways) has been committed. See the difference? Street racing is not a "pastime". It is illegal.

By the way. If the law allowed vehicles to be seized for DUI I bet you would find DUI's decreased. Most DUI's you will find are repeat offenders.

theres a couple of stories about the cops targeting cars just because they are set up and thats where the grey area seems to be.

Pablo is not advocating the outlawing of anything
But if I have a legal right to spend gobs of money to soup up my ride then take it out and putt around town then get pulled over and they flat bed my car just because its set up..then we have a problem.

if one were to go back and watch the vid and google this topic, there are a few stories of cops doing just that.

its not the fact that there have always been laws on the books such as accelerating from a stop at an excessive rate
or drag racing.

its the idea that if a cop sees you in public and you have a sinus infection and the cops says..oh he's sniffen alot..musta been doing alot of coke and they haul you in.

just comes down to dumb kids who watched dumb movies then they set up races with the streets lined with spectators like a bunch of idiots and then the mandate comes out to put a halt to it.
Once again we might be paying the price for a younger generations stupidity.

ya use it, ya abuse it...then ya lose it
not stopping?

To say you would not stop for an unmarked car with emergency lights is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. In Texas, failing to stop for a police car (marked or unmarked) is called Evading Motor Vehicle. It is a felony. Not to mention a really good way to spend about 2 years in jail AND lose your car. Use your common sense. Find a well lit area and pull over-OR- save the speeding and racing for the track. I have worked more street racing accidents (some fatal) than I care to remember. TAKE IT TO THE TRACK AND KEEP IT OFF THE PUBLIC ROADWAYS.
Consume alcohol in your own home? Who are you kidding. Alcohol is consumed everywhere. It is a proven fact that alcohol impairs judgment. When judgment is impaired you are less capable of making responsible decisions. People die every year because of this by a factor far greater than the number of people that die from "street racing". Shouldn't we ban alcohol?

When you go hunting, you aren't in your own home. People die and are seriously injured hunting regularly. You have the potential to shoot me dead if I am just taking a stroll through the woods. I can right off the bat name several high profile incidents involving deaths and hunting. From the Hmong incident in minnesota (multiple people were killed), to Dick Cheney shooting his hunting partner in the face. To Greg LeMond almost being killed after being shot in the chest with a shotgun while hunting. Should we ban hunting?

There is no speed limit on the water... the number of people killed while boating and jet skiing reflects this. When I lived in south florida, almost every week there was another boating or jet skiing related death. Heck, even Gloria Estefan hit a jet skier with her boat and the jet skier was killed. Should we ban boating and jet skiing?

While you are hand wringing about street racing, thousands of motorcyclists die each year and the number is climbing rapidly. IIRC 5000 motorcyclists were killed last year. Do you advocate the ban of motorcycles?

Why don't you go look at the numbers instead of letting emotions drive your thought process. Tell me how many people were killed street racing last year and then compare that to boating, hunting, alcohol related incidents. Compare it to slip and falls in the home. Heart disease. All of these things are preventable. If we invested the resources that we do into street racing into preventing these things we might actually make a real difference.

But that's not the point. The point is that we have (more like had) a free society. People are free to make decisions that have potentially negative, even fatal consequences. We can start taking away things that are potentially dangerous in the name of good and eventually its going to look like Cambodia under the Khmer Rogue.

We should hold people accountable for their actions that actually HARM other people instead of attacking pastimes simply because you do not partake in them.

Speed limits do absolutely encumber freedom. For many however, they have been broken like a dog that has been beaten and cannot fathom the responsibility of good judgment. This is why you have a whole generation of kids more afraid of getting caught and the punishment for it rather than doing what is right simply because it's the right thing to do.
In places like Germany where much of the autobahn is without speed limit, you will see good judgment exercised daily to a level that the average moron driving in the left lane in the US cannot even comprehend.

And therein lies the larger problem... we've started to make things so rigid that people no longer capable of thinking on their own. The government does the thinking for them.

I would have no problem with alcohol being banned considering I dont drink. I would agree that alcohol kills more people then street racing could ever dream of. So does that mean the those laws should be ignored?

No speed limits on the water? Wrong. There are speed limits in those areas were boating traffic is high around the inner harbor or shoreline areas. Usually 15 mph.

No speed limit on the Autobaun? Wrong again. You need to get your facts straight before you write. There are speed limits on the Autobaun in designated areas.

Do I personally think taking someones car is a little harsh? Yes, but like any illegal activity in society stronger measures are necessary when less harsh measures are being effective.