Car go BOOM!


New Member
Feb 26, 2005
well, this sucks, gunned it from second to third and boom, car dies rolled it to a gas station and tried to start it, the motor turns over really fast like the timing chain is broke,pretty sure that is what it is, but what kind of damage would it do to this motor at say 4,000rpms, just sounded like it backfired for the boom noise, will have to tow it back tommorrow, can't tear into it until the weekend... any thoughts, I have a new cloyes double roller, are they any good, hell this might be a good time to put a cam in it, since I am doing my turbo upgrade in a couple of weeks
If you broke a timing chain you have a bit more work to do than just replacing the chain. Valves met the pistons for sure. Been there done that but not with the Buick. Had a crank key break when I was running a gear drive setup on a big block Chevy and it wasted all the valves. Luckily the pistons survived. Good luck.

Are you sure you didn't just pop an up pipe hose off?
The only time my car went BOOM was at the track at about the 1/8th mile. I lifted and looked in the rear view mirror expecting to see my crank bouncing down the track. After I coasted to the end of the track and pulled over - my car had died - I found a hose blew off from the MAF to the turbo. Hooked it back up and the car ran fine - although the incident scared me enough that I was done racing for the day.
Are you sure it was not the transmission? I don't think you would have been able to restart if the timing chain went.

the car won't start that is the problem, it will turn over really fast like the cam is not turning, had it happen to a big block of mine, the reason i am asking was about piston to valve clearance
Long shot --i know---but that sounds like a scenario that happened to me at the track one time.Turned out the fuel pump fuse in the fuse block was blown.Do you have fuel pressure?

don't know about fuel pressure but the cam sensor ani't turnin either, definately timing chain oriented, going with double roller and new cam button and a new tensioner that matches the chain, keep hearing bad things about double rollers on this car...anybody think that way
pull of 1 of your valve covers and have someone crank over your motor while you watch the valves .... they probably wont move

this happened to me... was cruisin down the street when BANG and the car dies...

none of my valves hit and i threw in a rollmaster double roller and a new cam and all new gaskets and all was well! hope none of your valves hit... i guess i was lucky and hopefully you are too!
Originally posted by kmart17
well, this sucks, gunned it from second to third and boom, car dies rolled it to a gas station and tried to start it, the motor turns over really fast like the timing chain is broke,pretty sure that is what it is, but what kind of damage would it do to this motor at say 4,000rpms, just sounded like it backfired for the boom noise, will have to tow it back tommorrow, can't tear into it until the weekend... any thoughts, I have a new cloyes double roller, are they any good, hell this might be a good time to put a cam in it, since I am doing my turbo upgrade in a couple of weeks

Heh, thats what happened hwhen I broke my crank! Does the alternator turn when you crank it? Mine didnt.
Originally posted by kmart17
going with double roller and new cam button and a new tensioner that matches the chain, keep hearing bad things about double rollers on this car...anybody think that way
Get the Cloyes double roller chain. You do'nt use the tensioner with this chain. Do'nt waste your money on a more expensive one with 9 keyways. Poston sells the Cloyes chain. The double roller is the only way to go.
I am running the standard cloyes timing set, just because I had it laying around, anyways when I tore it all down the chain was in one piece the cam gear had no teeth at all, maybe 1/16 of an in. I guess when I rompt on it I must have rolled the teeth, looks kind of like a skill saw blade, going to do a compression test tommorrow before start up, no chunks in the pan must have been a gradual thing, 120k might do it...

are they interference motors, anybody?
Originally posted by kmart17

Are they interference motors?
I do'nt think the pistons hit the valves when these motors wipe the cam gear,but I'm not shure. Do'nt waste your time doing a compression test after the install. Try starting the motor and you'll find out. If it does'nt start,do the test. Man I hope it turns out good for you. The 3800 motors always bend the exhaust valves when the teeth get wiped. Good luck.
yeah screw the compression test, if I bent some valves I won't be to upset, it will give me an excuse to do some head work fo rmy new turbo
yeah screw the compression test, if I bent some valves I won't be to upset, it will give me an excuse to do some head work fo rmy new turbo... whoops clicked the post button to many times
Originally posted by kmart17
yeah screw the compression test, if I bent some valves I won't be to upset, it will give me an excuse to do some head work fo rmy new turbo.
I was thinking the same thing. If this turns out to be the case,you wont believe how small and restrictive the intake ports are where they meet up to the heads. Good power gain.