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CASPERS Holley EFI Plug-n-play harness


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Nov 2, 2007
This particular engine harness has been in the making for over a year! CASPER’S has been adapting and developing engine control harnesses for just about every aftermarket ECU for many, many years! As quality, repeatability, and producibility are always our focus, we wanted to make sure this harness is 100% complete and tested before we release it to the public. While we have many prototypes in the field for testing, the outline below is what ultimately has become our production harnesses.
*Built on the same assembly lines, using the same equipment and personnel as our OEM products.
*ALL terminals are put on by press - depending on size between 3 ton and 30 ton presses are used with appropriate tooling
*ALL wire is cut by machine to specified lengths
*ALL seals are applied by machine.
*ALL connectors are original, new OEM brand name.
*ALL wire is rated at 125*C per automotive standard and is automotive spec TXL, GXL, and SXL crosslinked wire.
*Splices inside harnesses are made using Ultrasonic Wire Bonding technique, required by OEM’s for production harnesses.
*Sealed 40A and 70A relays are included.
*High temperature race spec harness wrap included.
*Prior to shipping, the harness is 100% electronically inspected, point to point for continuity as well as resistance, and serial numbered to ensure it will work as soon as you drop it in!
*A/C is included without using up an input or output from the Holley.
*Powermaster is included - If you don’t use a powermaster, harnesses are available to utilize these connectors as high-power feeds for items like alky, accessories, etc.
****This harness is expandable! We provide an accessory connector under hood which has your 4 input, 3 output, +5V feed, sensor ground, chassis ground, constant +12V, and dedicated relay driven 30A switched +12V feed. You can add just about ANYTHING to this harness without having to modify wiring in any way.
This harness is adaptable! With pre-populated hybrid connectors, you can easily plug-n-play your ignition system from the stock Buick CCCI, to smart coils, and everything in between. Provisions are included for custom plug and play cam or crank sensors as well.
****This harness is upgradable! By default, this harness will run the factory fuel pump through the factory wiring. With a simple plug-n-play upgrade, you can run 8 gauge wire - power AND ground - to your fuel pump, capable of 70 Amps! Even the biggest pumps can easily be controlled.
****Battery positive and negative cables (stock location) are included! This also includes junction boxes to add any additional positive or ground wiring.
****We open the door to new injector options! With a plug and play harness, you can use Multec, EV1, EV6, EV14, Denso, or just about any other injector connection imaginable!
****CAN distribution inside passenger compartment AND underhood. This will give you the ability to add a Holley Dash, or EGT logger, or ANY number of CAN controlled devices, like gauges, controllers and more to the Holley network.
****While this harness will be available direct, many “Value Added Vendors” will be able to provide additional components and programming along side this harness. Watch for information shortly!
About Casper’s….
*35+ years in business specializing in Automotive Wiring Harnesses especially within the Turbo Buick community.
*We’ve been building GN engine harnesses since 1995.
*ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 Certification for all production processes
*Currently produce 75,000 harnesses a month from our facility in Loveland, Colorado for Tier 1 OEM and aftermarket customers.
We use 3,000,000 feet of wire a month in our total production - ALL high temperature automotive spec (125*C / Crosslinked / TXL, GXL, SXL wire)
*Stock over over 5,500 different connectors.

I pulled the trigger on this. I was going to get a OE replacement to replace my badly corroded and brittle harness when I spotted this three weeks ago while looking at the OE.Im sure Im over my skill limit but with over a thousand Turbo Buick owners already on the Holley band wagon , I just wanted to join too.
The Turbo Buick community on the Holley band wagon is pretty quiet , we are ready to help and shear what know about tuning the TT chip and trouble shooing it and help are friends on the board ,but you hear very little about FAST even less about ECUGN and Holley.
I do fill that when I do have questions some members will be willing to lend some help.
I did not jump in this cold feet, I talked to Juston twice and he was very helpful and answered what he could and suggested I contact one of the vender that has the Holley and his harness package.
I talked with a vender that has been with me from the beginning , I do use couple but this is my goto most often. I down loaded both V5 andV6 not as complicated as I first though. and I know Ill need a tuner to get it right and not trust the Wizard to get it right.
Im several months away from ripping into this big change and hope Im up to the task.
I also figured the Holley users would be willing to help me.
The holley is very user friendly.
Closed loop correction and learn is fantastic.
As with any system though it's only as good as who tunes it.
Thanks for continuing to create quality products that improve our platform 35 years after production ended. The fact you have created 2 complete engine harnesses for us is incredible. For those of us with your harnesses we can say they're the best most thought through designs.

Keep up the great work and much success in 24. 👍
will I received my harness in a timely manner, But I was slow about the installation my house is done and I moved into the garage about a month ago.
Looks like the car is getting a full makeover to hot to do much outside so time to dig in..
It was more than a harness R&R.
Power Master was leaking fluid after just 15 years of good service, so in went vacuum brake conversion from a member, it went smooth no problem.
I swopped out AC condenser and added a larger radiator, and removed the old harness and laid in the new.
So far 0 problems and Mike at Full Throttle and Justin at Caspers have been very helpful , because this is a little over my head.
Justin claimed In his post how the harness is very expandable, that's a true statement I was going truck coil in the beginning but changed my mind and decided to go LS. I called Full Throttle they called Justin and they swiped out the harness and I hade LS harness the next week. I called and asked about the I/O breakout harness and Justen responded right away.
Wish I had the skills to write a good article about the Casper harness, But with the Suport and help both Caspers and Full Throttle has provided I fill it will come out with positive results.
The harness is laid out so well with the Holley pinout I was able to find and add my aftermarket Tach, No problem incorporating ALKY either, MAP plug and 5V right where it needs to be, the grounds lined up perfect to the bolt holes on the back of the head, If I do, but I don't think I will I repair my Power master and reinstall the plug is there.
Years ago I added an extra fuss panel to cleanup under the dash with all the extra crap (GOOD CRAP) I had added over the years. With the Holley ill be saying by to a lot of great add ons that made me love this car.
To Bob B that gave use the Scanmaster then the Scanmaster G ,Power logger the ability to log fuel pressure and ALKY pressure ,The Translator, TR6 and coil. all These things will be gone. My fuse panel is just home for Tach, ALKY and Boost control.
The harness in the interior or cabin side is long enough to go under the seat and flexible enough to go in the kick panel.
I chose to go under the seat. I liked it being bolted down better than dropped in the kick panel and it outweighs the OE ECU by triple in weight.
I must admit my first thought was a OE harness to fix several problems I was having with the old one, Justin suggest I reach out to a Holley rep that dose Buick first to get more info. Full Throttle has been my goto vender I don't fell that they tried to influence me to go holley just for the sale but helped me make a informed choice and MRSPOOL had some good help to even though every one new I could continue getting good results with the OE ECU.
The choice I made will cost me more than twice a new OE harness. I have lots of spear parts I can sale to help people keep there turbo Buick running. Several New NOS parts and LOTS of good used. this will offset some of the cost.
I have some PIC but I will be glade to speak freely about my experience with the venders and products
Thanks for the feedback on the harness, I'm starting to consider a swap like this more and more all the time.

I continue to have little issues with my OEM harness, and it's really in pretty good shape, at least it appears to be, but I think it boils down to its age and its degrading slowly. The more I drive the 86 the more issues I'm having. So far this year I have had to replace the CCCI connector due to aging pins/seats and poor connection. Also had to replace the ECU connector for the same issue of random issues that was caused by poor connections at the pins. Its frustrating as the car runs perfect, until it doesn't....

Just a few days ago my radiator fans stopped working randomly and it ended up being the connector between the fan and engine harness. It appears there is some light corrosion on pins and I'm thinking this caused a spike in resistance and got hot causing damage to the pins at the connector. I'm chalking it up to age.

If I go through the work of replacing the harness it would be really hard not to upgrade the ECU to a Holley or ecu-GN.

The money black hole just keeps sucking:p
Thanks for the feedback on the harness, I'm starting to consider a swap like this more and more all the time.

I continue to have little issues with my OEM harness, and it's really in pretty good shape, at least it appears to be, but I think it boils down to its age and its degrading slowly. The more I drive the 86 the more issues I'm having. So far this year I have had to replace the CCCI connector due to aging pins/seats and poor connection. Also had to replace the ECU connector for the same issue of random issues that was caused by poor connections at the pins. Its frustrating as the car runs perfect, until it doesn't....

Just a few days ago my radiator fans stopped working randomly and it ended up being the connector between the fan and engine harness. It appears there is some light corrosion on pins and I'm thinking this caused a spike in resistance and got hot causing damage to the pins at the connector. I'm chalking it up to age.

If I go through the work of replacing the harness it would be really hard not to upgrade the ECU to a Holley or ecu-GN.

The money black hole just keeps sucking:p
these are almost the same problems I was having Ill say the CCCI plug was about the hardest. the injector harness was the straw that broke the donkey back. I had replaced it with a new Hotwire and clean up the plug and it looked good, and worked good for about two years , but I have two logged passes where the car stumbled and lost injector communication this happened just before COVID.
Just an update, its in place and I'm waiting for just few small thing to start it,Supply chain is the holdup. Venders have keep me in the loop. But boy it's hard set tight.