here's the update guys;
block not decked....maybe i should have advised and maybe machine shop should have recommended it...
the heads were pulled and the gaskets had waved from heat...they had hot spots in the middle...the rings were not blown out.
block and heads rechecked for cracks ...heads checked out straight.
4 core rad taken out ...had very week and soft tanks at the bottom...this rad got pinhol leak just before start up and could have been cruded up too
new rad put in
motor is back together and all is well so far....i've got less than a 100 miles on it and have thrown less than 10 # of boost....fuel pump now giving me pains

the dry upper s hose mystery remains from the first failure
this time i left the cap off and heater at full and ran the engine until i was completely comfortable...with water ...added RMI after a couple of days.
the downer to the re-rebuild....crank needed a slight polish...clearances were very tight first time around so i ended up losing some hot idle oil pressure this time.
when i look back at things...the day after the first break was still a very cool night..with the fan on high it was idling 170 and then one time 185 without even going for a drive...i ignored day had a chance to take it for a drive...same weather...normally my car on that kind of cool breeze could see 140-150s fan on high while cruising but nope..she was up getting into 170-180s and eventually hit 195 and i hit the long highway to see if she would cool but fan on high it just kept slowly climbing into 200s at which time the car shut off so we coasted to the side of the road.
In hind sight the excitement clouded the signs that something was up regardless that it seemed fine, maybe it was the rad, or it all started during the breakin which saw glowing headers and the 200 or so heat coming to the end of the 30 minute breakin.