For some reason I'm noticing my cc don't move at all,then very slow then sometimes like the should, I'm lost on this New to thi car. My Blm _123 int-128,AF-7,cc move when they want to move most time frozen. I have a slight miss noticed around 1600 rpm. New plugs,new wires,new ign module,new crack sensor.,new turbo tweak chip.Have zero vac leaks 100% sure on that. Car just isnt running right and need some direction to finally kill the demon that has possessed this car. Any help woul d be great
For some reason I'm noticing my cc don't move at all,then very slow then sometimes like the should, I'm lost on this New to thi car. My Blm _123 int-128,AF-7,cc move when they want to move most time frozen. I have a slight miss noticed around 1600 rpm. New plugs,new wires,new ign module,new crack sensor.,new turbo tweak chip.Have zero vac leaks 100% sure on that. Car just isnt running right and need some direction to finally kill the demon that has possessed this car. Any help woul d be great