I always use:
Pi x radius squared x height
Pi = 3.14
radius = 1/2 diameter = 1/2 (3.866 in) = 1.933 in
height = .060 in
this will give the answer in cu in.
3.14 x 1.933 x 1.933 x .060 = .7043 cu in. ....... now to convert that to CC
2.54 cm = 1 in........ so a cu in = a cube with 2.54cm x 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm = 16.387 cc = 1 cu in.
So.... take above...... .7043 cu in x 16.387 cc/cu in the cu in cancel... leaving 11.54 CC
Which backs up what Billy calculated.
Clear as mud?