Aug 11, 2001 #1 W W T- Type Could of had a v8 but why Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 49 What do you have to change in he tranny to change converters from lock up to non?Could I do it myself?I can change the converter just did not know what to do internally.
What do you have to change in he tranny to change converters from lock up to non?Could I do it myself?I can change the converter just did not know what to do internally.
Aug 12, 2001 #2 WE4 TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD Joined May 24, 2001 Messages 4,594 Pump valve and tip at end of input shaft. Remove ball or cut off. No internal mods needed. Bruce WE4
Pump valve and tip at end of input shaft. Remove ball or cut off. No internal mods needed. Bruce WE4
Aug 13, 2001 #3 W W T- Type Could of had a v8 but why Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 49 thanx for the help.