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cheapest place to buy Xylene?


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The local hardware store had it for $9 a gallon, same price as Toulene, and as the starter can of denautred alky I bought (!!!) That's a good score with Sherman Williams, they have a store on my way home from work, I may swing by and check it out.

John (Red), you run Xylene and Alky sometimes? Is that just for some octane margin with your fuel, or do you use it to spray less alky? When I'm dialing in my kit this week, I was considering running Xylene through a tank in case a wire came loose at 22 psi. I'd feel a little bit better knowing I had some octane :eek: Thanks for the info.
While of course you can run Zylene along with alcohol injection, that wasn't my purpose for the Zylene. I never use Zylene. I'm using methanol and water injection on my diy kit. A lot cheaper than denatured. ;)
Originally posted by Red Regal T
that wasn't my purpose for the Zylene

Oh, you mean it's not made solely for boosting octane?? :D Thanks for the reply, I just misunderstood your previous post.

Did anybody use Xylene or run some higher octane fuel when tuning the alky kit? I know there would be changes if you tuned with higher octane fuel, then went to straight 93 (which is the plan), but has anybody used xylene or anything else in a tank of gas to get the alky kit close? I'm just worried about my installation skills. If a wire comes loose at 22 psi on 93 I'll be bummin' :mad: THX (not meaning to hijack thread...its KINDA related :p )
I have done it at the track just for safety's sake. It never hurts to be a little cautious.


maken boost?

sorry duty called. o.k. got this off e-bay. race octane boost. 1/ga.-toluene. 1ga.-xylene. 1qt-dexron111. mix-8/oz-toluene. 8-oz-xylene. and 1/2 teaspoon dexron111. it says to mix this altogether, making about 16-1/2 oz. add to 20 gal. gas. this makes one batch, butcan be scaled up by doubling or tripling ingredients. so i tried this useing 94 octane as my 20 gal-gas. but what do i have with this mix to begin with? can;t get in touch with this guy too ask him. any help would be great. everone loves a puzzle. thank you. mcponch.
Don't expect any octane boost from that little bit of stuff. Sounds like something you'd read on ebay and not be able to get in touch with the guy. :rolleyes: I'm not sure of proportions, but you need at least 2 gallons of zylene mixed with 8 gallons of 93 octane to make an octane improvement.
I hate to say it, but Red is right :p That recipe you have will make a good pint of octane booster, probably a lot cheaper than you can buy it in the store. But it's no better than what's in the store. You may get 2 points out of a pint (read...octane goes from 94 to 94.2). Just scale the recipe WAAAY up. For tuning my kit, I'm putting a gallon of Xylene (Xylene works better than Toulene for boosting octane), a quart of mineral spirits (cleaning agent) and a few shots of Marvel Mystery Oil (for lube) into 5 gallons or so of 93. That means 5 gallons of 93 + 1 gallon of 117. That will be equal to (5*93 + 1*117) / 6 ~ 97 octane. So your recipe does work, it just has to be used in mass quantities. I didn't know how octane boost worked until I got here. Now I know just what a rip the store-bought octane boost is. "raises octane up to 4 points..." that's borderline false advertising. 4 'points' is 4/10ths.
octane boost.

thanks guys. glad i didn;t put this in my tank. and then pump up the boost. MCPONCH
Looking for Xylene, Toluene or denatured alcohol cheap? I got'cha covered.

If you live on the east coast, you probably have a Duron Paints store nearby. (Check the yellow pages). An account has been set up in their system for discounts on these products. Ex: Xylene $5.25/gal, $23.00/five gal., etc.

Just give them this account number when they ring you up:
11-72310 (It's listed as Duron Racing)

It's just a cash account, so you can pay by cash, credit card, check, whatever.

This is perfectly legit, I set it up. I'm thinking about posting a new thread about it so everyone will know, but not sure where to put it.

Any questions, PM me.

Just for what it's worth

The best price I've found on Xylene is at a local industrial supply store in Tampa Fl. called "Bert Lowe" supply Co. Check your local yellow pages under "Industrial Supply". They charge $19.00 for 5 gallons, which is roughly $3.75 per gallon. I usually mix 1 part Xylene with 3 parts of 93 Unleaded, and 3 ozs. of Marvell Mystery oil or Dexron. It's a good street mixture and you can definately tell the difference. - BB
That's really cheap. I found a store in Tampa and I'm going to swing by this week. Do you have to know anybody or give a password to get that price? :confused:
Kinda Funny

Yeah, the first time I went into the store I got some strange looks, cause I was wearing my flight suit. The guy was like " Uh, exactly what are you going to use this for?". I just laughed and told him it was for octane booster. He looked pretty doubtful but did the ticket anyway, I think the total with tax was like $21.79 or something like that. You don't need a password though. Happy Motoring! - BB