Check out this CRACK POT DEM.

Can't believe he is not from Illinois.
Hey- Illinois has produced BO, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Daley(Both BO chief of staff), Valerie Jarrett. Richard Daley(paid off with the parking meter sale), Rod Blagovich, George Ryan. Dan Walker, Paul Powell, and the list goes on and on. IL THE LAND OF CORRUPTION. It is a disgrace that Abraham Lincoln in buried here.
Illinois.....where our governors make our license plates.

What is really sad about IL is the stupid people who live here. They keep voting the same corrupt people like Mike Madigan, his daughter Lisa, Jesse Jackson Jr. with his fake mental problems and his dumb wife who Rahm Emanual supports. Look at our senators-Dick Turbin thinks our military are Nazis and Mark Kirk cant remember what he did in the military. Mark Kirk should have resigned after his stroke. Instead we had no representation for over one year while this idiot recovered. No problem here in IL. We corrupt, voters support the corruption and we are bankrupt as well. Open your eyes, smell the stench and vote these people back into office.
i hope they make americans register guns as i own 6 registered guns now makes me feel safer knowing idiots wont be walking around with pieces of steel they cant handle:eek: