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Self-tuning wanna-be
Apr 14, 2012
New motor 30 over, girdled, forged everything studded, TE44 turbo, Comp Cam 212/212. 60lb injectors, alky kit, Champion Irons. Running a 6.1 TT chip for stock cam and stock i know I need a new chip. Regardless, finally got a chance to take her out and open it up. Drove about 20 miles and i can tell you on start up....she is rich as hell. Smoke all over the place . Anyway, after a warm up and 30-35 minutes of driving i pulled her in the garage and took a few numbers and need an assessment please. PLX wideband is peaking at 14.6 (damn).

Fuel pressure is at 43
O2 fluctuates between113 and 832????
AF 24
L8 is 50
Bat 13.4
Int is between 119 and 127
BL 115
MPH 0 (obviously)
Clt 195
ATS 160
Rpm is fluctuating at 800-875
E 32
Boost 0
SP is 26.4
TPS .46
IAC 41
CC (this is what I dont understand) fluctuates between 166 and 255, then went back to 0 and started over counting from 166 to 255 again??????!!!
PU is 1.9-2.1

I have these baselines now need to start tuning. Where to start. First I know I need a new chip for the, heads etc... I was told I could run this chip and just take out some fuel so I may try that. How do these numbers look?

A power logger file would probably be more useful. You say AF 24. Is this at idle? If so you probably have a MAF issue or translator setting issue.

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Agree with Scott. Af is grams per second and 24 is high, also notice IAC is also high. The o2 will go up and down in mV like that. The block learn being at 115 is showing that the ECM is pulling fuel. L8 which is load being at 50 seems high at idle as well. AF at 24 could be a major contributor to the L8 being at 50, and will also affect your fuel trims.