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coast guard


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If your afraid to get shot at, I wouldn't join any branch. They might not get shot at but watch "The perfect storm" and then tell me they don't have a dangerous job. I'd rather be in a fox hole getting shot at then have to go on a small ship in huge waves and have to jump in the water to save some stupid pleasure boater.

The Coasties do an important job. More important latey.

I don't know when you graduate or how your grades are, but the Coast Guard Academy is a real possibility. That degree can set you up for a career as an officer, or, in the civilian shipping industry after active duty. The Coast Guard Academy is a bit easier to get into than the military academies, its worth a shot :)

thanks for all the help, especially from ehopper202, he sent me a few very helpfull emails.

the getting shot at thing isn't a huge deal, its just something i'd rather not be part of, you know front line combat like the army and marines do, i wouldn't do that.

I checked into the cg academy, i MIGHT be able to make it in there, but the deadline was januart 1st i think, before i really started concidering this. i could wait always year if i know i'm accepted. thinking of that is it possible to join as a normal enlisted person then go into the academy? The main reason i want to do some military thing is to get paid to go to college, insted of paying to go to college, and then to have a guaranteed job after your done... makes since to me.

i'd probably go into some sort of aviation part, i couldnt' see myself living on a little boat for months at a time. the idea of being a rescue swimmer jumping out of the helichopter sounds like a fun and rewarding job, tough from what i've heard but still something i could see myself doing, even with the dangers of it, i'd take my chances with a shark, or sharp clif before being on the business end of a rifle.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
I was told by my uncle who's former USMC that USCG is not elidgible for VA benefits unless you're deployed to a combat zone. I doubt the accuracy of this but can't say 100%

The only VA benefit that you do not get if you were NOT in a combat zone is the free medical insurance. You get all of the other benefits, especially the Montgomery GI bill.
If you just gotta go into the military as Enlisted, the Air Force is where you will be the happiest. If you want the most $$, join the Navy and get into either the Computer field, or the Nuclear field. They advance the quickest and they get the largest bonuses, but they have the crappiest job.

If you can wait, and you should, get a degree and enter as an officer. That is the best way. You get better everything, and you get WAY better pay. An 03 (Navy Luitenent) makes $50,000 with out a sweat. You make 03 after 4 years gauranteed.
C.G. are puddle jumpers! Go NAVY!! Seriously though, whichever you decide, make sure you have in writing/contract what your assigned job will be. Ask alot of questions, specific questions. Make sure you get straight answers and don't take the recruiter B.S. They will tell you anything to make it sound good to get you to join and fill their quota. They take you out to lunch and flash a bunch of money at you yet.....?? They get extra just to do that...
Also think about what you want to see or do while you are in, if you want to see many different countries, the Navy's the spot! You'll work your ass of, depending on your job of course...
From what I have experienced, and heard the Navy and Air Force have the best schools to offer.....the Air Force is also said to be the "civilian military"......If you want to be Bad A$$ the Marines have the top spot for that...other than SEALs, but then you can't tell anybody, or you'd have to kill 'em.......Army.....uh.......well like I said, Navy, Air Force, or Marines.......Good luck with whatever you choose, and remember one thing.....don't drop the soap!!:eek:
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
C.G. are puddle jumpers! Go NAVY!! Seriously though, whichever you decide, make sure you have in writing/contract what your assigned job will be. Ask alot of questions, specific questions. Make sure you get straight answers and don't take the recruiter B.S. They will tell you anything to make it sound good to get you to join and fill their quota. They take you out to lunch and flash a bunch of money at you yet.....?? They get extra just to do that...
Also think about what you want to see or do while you are in, if you want to see many different countries, the Navy's the spot! You'll work your ass of, depending on your job of course...
From what I have experienced, and heard the Navy and Air Force have the best schools to offer.....the Air Force is also said to be the "civilian military"......If you want to be Bad A$$ the Marines have the top spot for that...other than SEALs, but then you can't tell anybody, or you'd have to kill 'em.......Army.....uh.......well like I said, Navy, Air Force, or Marines.......Good luck with whatever you choose, and remember one thing.....don't drop the soap!!:eek:

To tell you the truth, getting stuff in writing does not mean anything. One of my friends in Boot Camp had, in writing, that he was going to be an HM in the Seals. When he got to Boot Camp and we all sat down with the detailers, they told him that there was a mistake. He was not actually eliglble to be an HM because of his ASVAB score. I am not sure what exactly he got to so, but no HM for him even though it was in writing and everything!

It is all about cover your own a$$ and do not let them get away with anything. If in doubt, ask the question. If they make you feel like you are wasting their time with the questions, ask them anyways, you and I are paying their wages.:)
Originally posted by Taffy
To tell you the truth, getting stuff in writing does not mean anything. One of my friends in Boot Camp had, in writing, that he was going to be an HM in the Seals. When he got to Boot Camp and we all sat down with the detailers, they told him that there was a mistake. He was not actually eliglble to be an HM because of his ASVAB score. I am not sure what exactly he got to so, but no HM for him even though it was in writing and everything!

They should have known ahead of time about his scores as to whether or not he qualified......When you sit down with a recruiter, they have all your scores to know what you qualify for and what schools you can get.....sounds like they slipped your boy boy one!
Originally posted by 1badTTA

Bullet Sponge

Marines, the few, the proud, the dead on the beach!!!!

Go AF and have a real job, it will get you alot farther in life than being a grunt.

What do YOU know about it, puke? :rolleyes:
too funny.... My best advice find as many People who have served or serving,<in the Branch of your interest > and ask alot of questions. The Coast Guard... has several missions ......
They are Not Department of Defense, they're under the Department of transportation. However, In war time they are an active part of port security <not just U.S> amongst other missions.
Pick a warm time to hit Boot camp, Tracen Cape May Is frigid in Jan/Feb... When I went we were required to qualify 9mm, M-16, and shot gun. Bottom line anytime weapons are involved there's a possibility you may be shot at....... Coasties dont just train for war time their call to action can be at any given time.... Avitation is a cool rate... I myself spent 4 yrs at small boat stations
i know you are wary of joining the navy but since you said you want to go to college heres a little tidbit: the navy has a program called BOOST and what its about is making young enlisted into ociffers. you can come into the navy as an udesignated seaman and walk out as a zero. all of the branches have programs like that. but remember the recruiters only care about the numbers they fill and to hell with everything else be they navy or coast guard, some will outright lie when its crunch time. so make sure that you have everything in writing BEFORE you sign anything and make sure you walk if they say they cant give it to you. also they have all kinds of cool shirts and cups and $hit like that so make sure you rack up. :cool:
Originally posted by denn454
I checked into the cg academy, i MIGHT be able to make it in there, but the deadline was januart 1st i think, before i really started concidering this. i could wait always year if i know i'm accepted.... i'd probably go into some sort of aviation part, i couldnt' see myself living on a little boat for months at a time. the idea of being a rescue swimmer jumping out of the helichopter sounds like a fun and rewarding job, tough from what i've heard but still something i could see myself doing, even with the dangers of it, i'd take my chances with a shark, or sharp clif before being on the business end of a rifle.

Check on the CG Academy's Prep School....
i had another question i just thought of, i'd bother the recruiters with it but i dont' realy feel like calling them, its impossible to get just one answer from them...

someone said if you go in with a college degree your automatically an officer. what kind of degree is required? if i could get an accosiates in something i'd go do that at a little technical school and go in as an officer, but if it means having a bachelors degree, i'd rather get that through them and on their money. what kind of degree is required to take advantage of that?
another x-navy checking in, with 4 years active, 6 years reserves.

As such, can't give too much info on other services, but, for most officer programs in the Navy (and probably other branches) you need a bachelors of some kind, and no, they don't just slap an officer's uniform on you, you have to do SOME kind of officer's training.

But on the other hand, the Navy has a few officer programs that don't require college degrees, but you will need to serve enlisted for 10+ years to qualify for those. I'm guessing you will find similar situations in the other military branches.

I don't think anybody likes being shot at. Anyone that thinks otherwise has suicidal issues & needs professional help - but as was said already - you could end up being shot in the Coast Guard too.

My suggestion would be to get in touch with admissions to the Coast Guard Academy. Waiting a year really wouldn't be all that big of an issue, besides being young and wanting to take care of all this BS yesterday... Going enlisted first sometimes help if there's still a little bit of "growing up" to do.

Boot camp, as well as "officer indoctrination" training is going to be hard, if you don't have anyone who can try to give you an idea of what it is like before hand. I suggest to watch the movie "Full Metal Jacket" - particularly the beginning. If you watch it and laugh, watch it a second time, but this time, try to imagine what it would be like to actually be at boot camp. You are stuck in a place you can't leave, you can't go to macdonalds, or the mall or wherever at all, for anywhere from 2-4 months. You might not think it's a big deal right now, and you might not have a problems with it anyway, but then again, you won't know till you find yourself in that situation. Boot camp is not hard from what you are required to do, it can be very hard adjusting to "military" life. Not everyone is able to do this!

If you aren't 100% sure of what you want to be when you grow up (like 80% of people) you might not be ready to put up with the military lifestyle. You might want to consult as many career counselors as you can, if you haven't done so already.

And one more thing

Consider deployments. I did many while spending twenty years in the Navy, both on surface ships and submarines. Spending six months away from home, whatever the service, really sucks.
The Coast Guard has many different stations around the U.S. If I had to do it all again, I would really consider the Coast Guard. No job like rescuing stranded jet skiers in Fort Lauderdale!
All kidding aside, I couldn't continue college, needed some structure and money to survive.
I retired three years ago. The Navy bought me a college education, gave me some discipline, some money and a chance to grow up.
It worked for me.
Do the research and talk to all the recruiters. Find out about the different jobs and specialties. Make an informed decision. One enlistment is not forever.
Best of luck to you.
If you want to learn a trade that may be of use after the military join the Navy or the Air Force. My dad was a lifer in the Air Force and loved it (pilot). My dad-in-law was also a lifer - started as an enlisted, the AF paid for him to go to college and he retired as a Captain. My brother-in-law has 17 years in the AF and will probably get out in 3 years as a Lt.Col. My dad was the only one of the three ever shot at (and hit).

You know what the Coast Gaurd says when they are called to go on a rescue mission don't you? You have to go out - you DON'T have to come back.

Good luck in your decision Dennis.
omg after 2 or 3 sissy ass posts in addition to the first post I could no longer stand to read this thread.

What has become of the american male?

*shakes head in disgust*

USMC 2001 to present
broke1 said:
IMO only go into the military if you need the $$$$ for college or you need the structure that military life will give you. Sure recruiters will be nice to you and tell you ANYTHING,they have quotas to meet. Dont join unless you need too.

Just my$.02

And yes I was in the military(Army) before I was discharged for health problems.I was only 17 and I hated it.

Sorry. I hate it when people wait and only leave feedback after I do, just isnt right. Good luck