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Compaq Lap Top question loading DOS!!! COMPUTER GURUS WHERE ARE YOU????!!!!


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The Artist FKA Scott4DMny
May 27, 2001
I use direct scan and it was locking up while tuning when using my windows 95/98 etc. So I went to DOS 6.0. No problems since. I ran a Compaq LTE Elite 25mhz 486. Operation was fine. Well, I somehow stepped on it and busted the monitor. So I am using my perfectly functional Compaq LTE Elite 75Mhz 486 computer now. I formatted the Hard Drive and installed Dos 6.0. Well, now when I turn the computer on, it will go through the motions, and say "Loading DOS" and stay there and freeze. WHat is wrong!!!!!>????

Wish I could help you out! But I'm in need of a floppy for my LTE Elite 4/76cx.
I wonder if the floppy out of your 4/25 would be the same????????
I use my 4/75 for running my chip burner, but without a floppy it's useless, and I have a Compaq LTE 5400 for running DS

I wouldn't recommend running anything higher than WIN 3.11 on the Elite's though.
It's been a while, but if I can remember... Do you get a flashing C:\ or A:\ prompt showing on the screen? If so, type dosshell, and that should take you into the operating system shell. Most likely you have a bad command in the autoexec bat file. I'm going to stop here, because if you havent gotten this far... all of the above is redundant

If the first part doesn't work, then when the system starts to boot up, press the F8 key (?I think or F2) and that will take you into the bios setup mode. There you will either be asked a series of questions about time and date, or you will be given a set of options you can adjust like memory size, hard drive size, monitor type, etc. It may also tell you there is an error somewhere and ask you if you would like to correct it. Answer yes and save changes and reboot. That should fix it.
If not insert the dos startup disk into the floppy and reboot. Hopefully you should get a "A:\" prompt on the screen.
Type C:\ and hit enter. C:\ should now be flashing. Type "CD:\dos" hit enter. Then type "dosshell" If DOS was properly installed then a screen should come up, if not, you probabily need to reload DOS. (do not include " "quotation marks in the typing)

Sorry for the rant, and I hope it makes sense... but I'm trying to recall as I go, and it's been a long time since i messed with DOS.

Did most of what you said. When I put the time and date, I updated the time and put todays date in. Of course, I left the year. Not sure if the y2k bug is in dos or not. Any other ideas? Im thinking maybe an earlier version of dos.

yep. im pretty fluent with installing/deleting things. But when something goes wrong, in dos your guess is as good as mine.

I wondering if it is searching for the hard drive?
Go back into the setup and see what HD configuration it is using. It might be defaulting to an unrecognizable one, and not the one that you loaded DOS on to.

There is a website that has free download-able boot and repair ,disc's for almost every operating system. (Google search Boot disks) and maybe you can get something to help you.

Scott - why don't you just install Win95 or Win98 on the laptop? Both of these include DOS, so get the thing to bootup in Windows, then add Direct Scan with a shortcut on your desktop.

I'm guessing that when you formatted the hard drive, you did not specify /S which tells the format program to add a boot loader to the drive. Without it, you can never boot from the hard drive.
Originally posted by dennisL
Scott - why don't you just install Win95 or Win98 on the laptop? Both of these include DOS, so get the thing to bootup in Windows, then add Direct Scan with a shortcut on your desktop.

I'm guessing that when you formatted the hard drive, you did not specify /S which tells the format program to add a boot loader to the drive. Without it, you can never boot from the hard drive.

That is the problem I was having. When you run Dos through windows. Windows is just (staying aside). This was locking it up in the middle of tuning. I switched to DOS with no other OS and problem gone! Now, as an update, I just fixed the problem. I purchased Dos 6.22 and installed it and it works! Hard to believe such a difference exists between 6.0 and 6.22.

Thanks for all your help guys.
Originally posted by Scott4DMny
That is the problem I was having. When you run Dos through windows. Windows is just (staying aside). This was locking it up in the middle of tuning. I switched to DOS with no other OS and problem gone! Now, as an update, I just fixed the problem. I purchased Dos 6.22 and installed it and it works! Hard to believe such a difference exists between 6.0 and 6.22.

Thanks for all your help guys.

6.0 was pretty problematic. Glad you finally got your problem resolved.

Now, that laptop you stepped on; would you be willing to sell the floppy drive out of it??
Jeeeez, never gave it much thought. Only really need the floppy. Don't know what the whole thing would be worth. :confused:
Oh great, put me on the spot ;)

Seeings how I can't really use any other parts out of it (mine's a DX4/75), the floppy is what I really need. What I might offer could be considered an insult.

Like $25.00+shipping.
Originally posted by Scott4DMny
How about 25 shipped for the floppy?


Sure. If you can get it dug out intact, that sounds fair enough. I need my little DX4/75 up and running. It was my primary chip burning setup and my LTE5400 was strictly for DS duties in the car. Now the 5400 has to do double duty :mad:

Email me your addy, etc. I'll get a check off to you. Feel free to hold the floppy until my check clears.
TurboDave, I got your money order, but it doesnt appear that the disk drive is removable? Did you want the whole laptop, it seems the drive is built in, not a separate piece.

You can send it to me if you like. I managed to find some directions somewhere on the internet on how to get it changed out, but don't have them at my fingertips. I'll have to start the search all over again.
Ok, dave do you mind if I scrap some other parts off of it??? like hard drive memory etc.?


Then ill just send you the remaining drive etc. Ill try to take the monitor off since it is broke to save on shipping.
Originally posted by Scott4DMny
Ok, dave do you mind if I scrap some other parts off of it??? like hard drive memory etc.?


Then ill just send you the remaining drive etc. Ill try to take the monitor off since it is broke to save on shipping.

No problem. Mine is only used to burn chips, and as such doesn't need much more than it has. Mine is still running Win 3.11 :eek: