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Cone King gets Coned!


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that was funny. why were those idiots standing so close to the course?
that was not funny, i got hit by a go kart before and that basically did the same thing to me only i'm sure a car hitting you would be much worse...hope that guy was ok, but very true, why the crap would you be out there in the first place?

Did anyone see how high the rear of the vett got by just hitting a 200 Lbs person?:eek:

The car would have flipped if it was something solid like a light pole or fire hydrent.

What a piece of crap! (The vett)

Hope the guy was O.K.
That Vette didn't get the rear end off of the ground from hitting anything let alone a mere 200 lb person. If you look at the video its obvious the rear is up due to the fact that the Vette is running off of the edge into a ditch.
Originally posted by OnlyNeed6
That Vette didn't get the rear end off of the ground from hitting anything let alone a mere 200 lb person. If you look at the video its obvious the rear is up due to the fact that the Vette is running off of the edge into a ditch.

I can't see all that from this angle.

After the last couple of posts I decided to take another look at the video. I have to agree with Turbojorge in that I don't see any ditch. However, I don't totally agree with him. If you look real close you can see that he jumps a curb just before striking that man. I think the curb had more to do with the rear wheels of the vette coming off of the ground rather than the man. Now no flames please, just my 2¢.
