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Rest In Peace
May 25, 2001
I've been trying to get ahold od Lance via email with no success.
Does anyone have a phone number for him at work?

Lance if you see this, please write me, please include a phone number.

Lance and I returned from PRI and had dozens of voice messages and literally over 100 emails waiting. Sorry if we seem to be hard to get a hold of these days, but unfortunately we have to try to be that way sometimes to get anything done. We do our best to balance our time between supporting our customers and developing new products, and right now we are on a big push towards new product development. Please be patient if you have left us an unreturned message - we'll do our best, but I can't promise that every message will be returned. Keep in mind that the dealer where you purchased your system has a responsibility to handle your tech calls as well. There's only two of us here and as our customer base increases it becomes more difficult for the two of us to field all the calls coming in. Hopefully we'll have more staff soon, but that's where we are now.
