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corvette whipe-out


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Mar 11, 2002
Coming back from the Houston area Buick meet on Sat. ,on loop 336, my buddy was following me in his 01 firehawk when we passed a convertible vette(top down) stopped on the side of the road. Just to antagonize a little we both tapped the throttle as we went by, a few minutes went by and I looked in the rearview and noticed this vette had caught up, the road was two lane at this point but was about to open to four. As the road widened, looked in the rearview again to catch a glimps of the vette blowing by, as he came by I hammered down, 20 lbs of boost and the wastegate screamed like a jet, 60 to 100mph pretty freakin quick . I noticed up ahead the road was giong back to two lane so I let off to let him by, only to my suprise that my buddy had nailed it and was coming around both of us. As he came by, the road narrowed back to two lanes and they both were on it , the vette in his lane, the FH on the shoulder. A d**n minivan was in the lane ahead so my buddy went by the mini and the only thing I can think was that the vette panic braked which sent him in to a hell of a slide. I slowed down and had a front row seat to a bad ass whipe out. The vette straightened up only to lose it again, this time the back end went to the front and sent the car rearward into the ditch. About that time he hit the water and mud and the car dissapeared into the all the crap that was flying in the air. I thought for sure the car had flipped, or he was going to end up in the trees. Some how this dude pulled it off, after all the crap cleared he was nailling it to get out of the mud with his thumb in the air like he had won the Indy 500. I followed him to the next stoplight where my buddy was pulled over. After a close look from behind the guy I noticed gobbs of mud and grass where hanging under the car, packed in the wheels and worst of all, completly covering him, his girl, and every freakin thing inside the car!!! It took everything we could do to not laugh at this guy, how humiliating. Although we did stop down the road to get one hell of a laugh after we knew everyone was alright.
Also, had one hella- good time at the HBC event at E.J.'s!
Damn, at least no one was hurt or killed. I would have gotten a good chuckle out of it.
speaking of seeing whipe outs comeing back home from buick events... coming back from BG a little east of Dallas we saw an explorer whip the wheel to dodge a peice of retread in the interstate and it got away from him. i saw the tire ahead of time and had started to change lanes. i was in the midle of the lane in just enough time to see the explorer side swipe an f250 (oh ya, this was going 80 mph). they both went into the ditch and it didnt look didnt see anything on the news or read anything in the paper so i assume everyone got out okay. we couldnt get stopped in time but a lot of other people did so we didnt feel that we could help any more than the other people who saw what went down. pretty crazy.


What type of Vette was this?? C4?? C5??

And how did he get outta that ditch?? Since when are 'Vettes known for locking the hubs and pulling outta ditches? :D

I would say good kill, but that may have been OVERKILL!:eek:
I believe it was a 30th ann. vette. Corvette + East Texas, probably had mud terrains on the back!! Just kiddin, he was hammered down gettin out, definatlly glad everyone was OK.
Some how this dude pulled it off, after all the crap cleared he was nailling it to get out of the mud with his thumb in the air like he had won the Indy 500.
I really shouldn't be laughing, because even though I admit to some occasional street racing, this is a bit over the top...but ROTFLMAO!!! Something about this phrase just kills me.
Nice kill, I guess. ;)