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Crowler Crank Issue


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Jeff Rand

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2001
If you are running a Crowler crank and a Pro Gear timing chain set, you might want to check the clearance of the chain (on the crank sprocket) with the number one journal. The links and pins on the chain will touch the journal. The fix is to machine the journal and place a radius on the edge.
Thanks for the info as i well be using a new crower crank in a backup motor for my white car.Is it only with Pro Gears timing set have you tried any other.
I was running a Rolllmaster and did not have the issue but I heard some negative feedback on the Rollmaster and decided to use the Pro Gear.
THis EXACT issue cost me some serious damage, (also serious $$$) when my progear chain snapped due to rubbing on the front of the main journal. I think also that when the chain snapped, it may have cracked the crank between #1 and #2 rod journals, because that's where the crank broke a few low-9 high -8 passes later...

Has anyone measured the thickness of the crank gear. Maybe cut the bell off an old oil slinger to make a washer to put on before the gear. Also (if it is rubbing the front cap) wouldn't that make the chain out of plane with the top gear. Thinking out loud.