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CRUZ Performance END of Year Special for 2017


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CRUZ Performance

TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Nov 11, 2017
CRUZ Performance END of Year Special for 2017
(ends 8:59 am 1/2/2018)

15% OFF any of our CRUZ Performance custom made products with FREE Shipping to US includes

CRUZ Performance fuel rail kits(-8,-10 or -12 fuel rail)
$175 & up deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance black teflon fuel line kits(E85 rated stock fuel rail with crimped on fittings)
$450 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US) red & blue available
-8 feed line -6 return line with stainless filter and fuel rail fittings

CRUZ Performance black teflon fuel line kits(E85 rated dual feed with crimped on fittings)
$575 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US) red & blue available
-8 feed line -6 return line with stainless filter and y adapter for rail feed

CRUZ Performance
black teflon transmission line kits
$175 & up deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance gaskets (cork oil pan,turbo drain,plenum,oil pick & TB vacuum block)
$3,$10 & $25 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance thermostat housing with clamp, oring & stainless bolt
$35 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance stock intake 1 inch plenum spacer with gaskets & stainless bolts
$125 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance GN1 Champion intake 1 inch plenum spacer with gaskets & stainless bolts
$135 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance stock intake 1 1/2 inch plenum spacer with gaskets & stainless bolts
$165 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance GN1 Champion intake 1 1/2 inch plenum spacer with gaskets & stainless bolts
$175 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance vacuum block delete kit with 1/2 spacer
$249 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance vacuum block delete kit with 1 inch spacer
$274 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance EGR block off plates
$25 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance motor lift plate
$65 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance TB vacuum block off plate
$25 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance TR6 mounting bracket
$79 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance TR6 MSD wire sets
$150 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance stock coil MSD wire sets
$125 deduct 15% off for end of year discount (includes free shipping to US)

CRUZ Performance custom made products are in stock and ready to ship


10% OFF of the following Manufactures

Precision (turbos only)


Billet Atomizer injectors

please call ,text or email


* prices subject to change

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Holley certified logo.png

Holley efi banner.jpg
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stock style fuel rail fuel line kit with -8 feed & -6 return

E85 rated teflon fuel line kits are cut to length and have crimped on fittings(for better seal and pressure rating) with stainless fuel filter and fuel feed fitting for stock rail and return fitting for regulator.
kit is complete and ready to install when you get it
(teflon used for odor and vapor free & will not corrode like rubber lines)

CRUZ Performance fuel line kit.JPG

dual feed kit for aftermarket fuel rails with -8 feed & -6 return

E85 rated teflon fuel line kits are cut to length and have crimped on fittings(for better seal and pressure rating) with stainless fuel filter and y fitting for dual feed.
kit is complete and ready to install when you get it
(teflon used for odor and vapor free & will not corrode like rubber lines )

CRUZ Performance dual feed teflon fuel line kit.JPG

both kits are available in
red or blue coating
(all fittings are black)

blue fuel line.JPG

red fuel line.JPG

cruz perormance logo with vendors.jpg
Any specials on a complete e85 setup with sender for digital dash and pump?

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