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Project TNX

Active Member
Nov 18, 2006
Since I am making a T version of the GNX I had to get some custom pieces made, the dash plaque is one of them.

If you were to ever have yours stolen or somehow ruined, there is a way to get one made, mine cost me $100.00 from a Print Die Shop. What you do is make an .AI file of your GNX logo and your sequence number. I had a buddy copy my hand drawn sketch into Photoshop, clean all the lines up. Then I grabbed a copy of a dash plaque I found on here to get the proportions and I put the layout I needed into it. Then I had him once again turn that into a nice clean .AI file and I sent it to another online buddy who used to own a print shop. He had his "Foil Guys" lay me out 12 of them on a magnesium plate and they acid etched it onto the sheet for me. I used Bold Ariel text as the numbers instead of the style used on the actual GNX one, but the one on the GNX would be easy to replicate.

The painted pics are just me testing it out last night while I drank a few beers, the finished version will look a lot better, these will be stripped and cut out this weekend. I am going to use the rest as keychains for friends and family. :D

Magnesium sheet:

Just checking the size of it:

Test run with paint:



So just giving an FYI that there are ways to replicate it if you ever need to. Take care.