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Dates / Time , Rules and Classes for the Buick South Event.


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You shouldn't use "in a couple of years" and "aluminum block" in the same sentence.

People might get the wrong idea...;)
have we forgotten this is supposed to be fun, a good question was asked how many people are going to be in the 93 oct. class?? thanks JD
I guess a few cars. I see so many cars that fit the criteria running mid 11's everywhere.. dunno what we're going to do..

I'll sit back and wait.. the smoke will clear soon and the truth shall set jsta6 free..

Wonder if I put a KB ramair on my car.. thats worth .3 tenths easy rite ;)

And get a big neck for my IC.. thats another .2
Heads .4
Cam .3
Take the spare out, another .1
wax the car .05
Ice down the intake .1
use synthetic oils .05

Man I gots a 10 second car.. I better not run it cuase in the 10's they break.

Ohh well..10's is so easy on radials..

JD.. no worries, there will be plenty of cars just like yours to line up with.. we didnt mention the payout to the winner's' $$$ to be announced.
cash payouts WOW!! i,d be happy with a nice plaque like last year but if some one wants to put prize money up that would be even nicer. thanks JD
have we forgotten this is supposed to be fun

I am having fun.

I just want to be sure that the race is competive.


All I want is 11.99. And Julio is going to help me do it!:D
You'll have your 11.99 even if I have to drag your car with mine :D

Maybe have you really deep stage like with your rear wheels :)

Worst case I'll give you one of my slips.

Yes we all are having fun.. I think the rules are fair.. we'll see in 30 days.

See ya there brother..
So after reading about the classes that are in the program I guess the v8 buicks are not allowed. Thats great. I thought this was a Buick event. I guess I'll just save my money and stay home. I think a class could have been made for the v8 guys. I know Fernando waas trying to get with Jesse to have a class for us but Jesse never got back with him Great Buick communty. I know Fernando is even freshing up his 9 sec motor to run at the event. SAD he and the other guys are not invited to run.

WHY can we not just have brackets like last year and add the 93 class and v8,s so EVERYONE CAN get along ,is'nt the idea to make this event bigger and bigger its sounds like alot of people that where planning on coming aren't because there CAR dosen't fit into one of three classes.
RAZOR had a great idea with this 93 class,lets just add to the event not take others away.
1nadrag is also right isn't this supposed to be a BUICK EVENT!!!!
thanks JD.
jdsgnx and I are on the same page. If you really want this event to have a large attendance and grow every year, then you have to make sure the people that want to race can at least have a class they can fit. Even if it is just straight bracket races. No cmplaints like this last year. Again, as stated the 93 class is a good idea but doesn't seem to justify dropping all the bracket classes ecspecially when based on the threads I've seen the 93 class will only have 4 or 5 real competitors.
Originally posted by 1nadrag
So after reading about the classes that are in the program I guess the v8 buicks are not allowed. Thats great. I thought this was a Buick event. I guess I'll just save my money and stay home. I think a class could have been made for the v8 guys. I know Fernando waas trying to get with Jesse to have a class for us but Jesse never got back with him Great Buick communty. I know Fernando is even freshing up his 9 sec motor to run at the event. SAD he and the other guys are not invited to run.


As previously stated, if you guys show, we will make a bracket for you. :) We came up with the four classes that we have, to aim at the masses that will be coming. For everyone else, if you show and have 8 cars with you that are willing to compete in a bracket, you will have one. Or you can grudge race all day, with your friends on a nicely prep track. It's far better then your average T & T.

Whatever you do, come out and support this event, even if you are spectating!! Saying, " I'm going to stay home" will not keep this event around or make it grow.
Originally posted by 1nadrag
So after reading about the classes that are in the program I guess the v8 buicks are not allowed. Thats great. I thought this was a Buick event. I guess I'll just save my money and stay home. I think a class could have been made for the v8 guys. I know Fernando waas trying to get with Jesse to have a class for us but Jesse never got back with him Great Buick communty. I know Fernando is even freshing up his 9 sec motor to run at the event. SAD he and the other guys are not invited to run.


Hey no Chevelles allowed :D

Tom, if you can get a group together, put up a post.. you have your class. But if nobody is coming.. then why make a class. just get your GS people to post we have 15 guys that want a GS class.. why not. Isnt that grudge racing? figure your situation out.. lets fit the cars in. Jesse nor anyone has the time and resources to figure 8 classes out. Notice how the 93 class has me and Alex at the helm. To assist with the event.

We'll probably have at least 20+ cars in the 93 class. So with 20+ cars.. why not have a class. But for three cars.. hope you see where this is going. Complaining doesnt fix or make a class. You are wanted in the event, and if the consensus is everyone wants a bracket class to group everyone into.. then that can be addressed. Just remember this is a single day event on a Sunday.. with limited hours of track operation.

The big money is going to the Outlaw and TSM guys. The 93 class will have a payout, tho minor will be there. Actually lets see the turnout and put the money up. Jesse isnt wanting to profit from this, he's rolling the money back to the racers. And I applaude him for doing so.

Everyone wants red carpet treatment, but not work. I want to go and enjoy my car as well as be able and meet guys that come from far away/ we meet here. I wont be nursing any other classes. Sorry.. Not My Job man ;D..

So you want to organize that part of the event.. go for it brother. I will support your cause. But I wont organize it for you. I have too many ducks to shoot as is.

peace guys.. keep things into perspective. Only a few people helping and this thing already is a monster logistically.

Hows that

I'm not looking to have a payout for anyone in the bracket class. I just want to have a class that everyone else can race in. I'm sure that Fernando can get alot of guys with the v8's to show up. He wanted to put a class together but never got any feedback. I hope it all works out.
Problem isnt the payout, its the organizing. Like herding a bunch of wild monkeys.. its the manpower issue coordinating that is the issue.

If you guys can get the cars and assistance, Jesse doesnt have a problem. Track is "ours" that day for whatever we want to do.. this means its yours as well. Get your group together.. no problemo.

Easier to do it now than come the day of the event.

Thats the nice thing about this event.. you want a class.. make it and "you" run it. Couldnt be any simpler. Dont expect others to step up to the plate when theyre plate is already full. Mine is.. and I dont mind working a little in the event, just that I dont pay 50 bucks to work the entire event. ;)

My two cents worth .. A Buick event, not just a Turbo Regal event, What a concept... I think they have something like that in Bowling Green and it is very well organized and successful... In fact I have enjoyed racing at it for the last three years.. Racing brackets where everyone has an equal chance to test and tune, race and have fun. If car count is an important factor here, lets open the doors to all Buicks and Buick powered cars..(i.e. Bowling Green) I for one will be there with my slicks on and race gas in the tank. Hoping to find I have a bracket class to fit into.. And like last year my wife will be there with her camera, so Jesse you have one less thing to worry about, you will have pictures to post..

Don and Irela
Don and Irela thank you both for your support , Don If we can get enough people (B.O.P) to do a braket race I will do my best to make it happen.
Irela you take great pics , I still have the one you took at BG 02
do you still sell pics of past events.

V8's in Bradenton

Hi Gang, I will be traveling to Bradenton to race my 71 gs, hope to see many others there as well, If we can put together enough cars to run a program that would be great.

where is the best plce to stay(proximity)?

anyone know if I could drop off my trailer at the track early in the week? Going fishing with some old pals south off Bradenton, and don't care to drag the trailer all over southeast FL.

thanks for any help or info,

Small correction.. west coast Florida.

Should not be a problem leaving the trailer at the track.
