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Dead even with an Evo X


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60% of the time, it works every time.
Feb 21, 2007
So I took the GN out to pick up dinner for my wife and I tonight. I'm driving home with some take out on the floor and holding a styrofoam cup of soup for my wife. I hit an intersection where I'm heading straight and I spot a black Evo X with some wheels on it on the street to the right. I also notice he is eyeballing the GN pretty hard too. He ends up turning right going the same way I am and going awfully slow (maybe waiting for me I think) so I just go about my business not trying to catch him. As I start getting maybe within an 1/8th mile of him he nails it and takes off up ahead. The Evo had an aftermarket exhaust and I couldn't tell what else. I see him up ahead first in the middle lane at a red light and I pull up next to him (how lucky to catch him at a light while we have no cars in front of us). As I pulled to the light I opened up my electric dump. I looked over to check out his car and he was staring straight at me, so I just smiled and looked back ahead as the light went green. Neither of us jumped on it right away, I was waiting to see if he was going for it and I'm assuming he was too. I heard him rolling into it so I put it to the floor and we got into it pretty good. I was surprised we stayed dead even the whole time, bumpers right next to each other. We both backed out about 70 mph since we were coming up to traffic and what do you know? He pulls the "Mustang Turn" and bangs his first available left and takes off running! The best part of the whole thing was that I was still holding the soup for my wife! I don't know if I'd call it a kill, but he didn't get an inch on me at all. Maybe we can call it a mental/emotional kill since I'm sure this messed with his head a bit!!:cool:
BuickMike231 said:
So I took the GN out to pick up dinner for my wife and I tonight. I'm driving home with some take out on the floor and holding a styrofoam cup of soup for my wife....

.... lmao, that always seems to happen! My cousin just picked up a TTA to futz around with recently, and the first night he got it we were looking for something decent to run to get an idea of what it'll do. Couldn't find anything after about an hour of driving around, so we stopped and picked up some food for our kids. Like you, bags of food are on the floor, and I'm juggling four large cokes the best that I can, while he's holding one in his right hand. Sure enough, a Nissan GTR pulls up next to us at the light. We just gave the guy the white flag before the light even turned green, but he could at least see why lol. Nice run against the Evo, those things are no joke. How much boost were you pushing? :cool:
That's awesome, and you are right, the cool cars always show up at the worst times! Believe it or not I'm only running about 16 psi with the dump open and the mods in my signature. My car's very stock compared to most. I was actually surprised myself that I could hang with it, especially from a light roll. I guess I got lucky and found a fairly stock Evo as well!:cool: I had the T-Tops off too, LOL!