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Denatured vs isopropyl


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Hey, Steve, 5 or 6 years ago I held a class and made available a document in Word format. Seems over the years I've explained myself to death! To post it all would make for some boring reading for most. I supposed I am guilty of being too concise. I don't know if anyone bothers to search the archives anymore.

Hmm a 'point system'? Interesting....
For timing I use 28.5 degrees advance. I ran 29.5 while trying to characterize runaway knock. Those tests proved to me how strong the factory long block is <g> Ran fine at 29.5 BTW
I have tried a variety of turbos, but always stock heads. This year I had a wild hair to see how far the stockers would go, and thus the 33 lbs. For everyday use I run 26-27, which I can ramp up to 29-30. With stock heads my experience is anything beyond 30 is counterproductive. You're only gonna get so much through them stock heads... verrrry restrictive.

Quote: "I'm surprised that you're able to get that much out of alky & pump gas. "
Don't be surprised. I've explained it all. Dman has exact same setup. We run on the street and track like we were tied together with chain. That's one big beautiful thing about these enginces: Predictability.

I also ran stock turbo for couple years at 25lbs. Beyond that it's working real hard. You should try a TE-61. Up your boost and fuel. You ain't gonna hurt that thing as long as you monitor egt and knock.

I hope I don't get flamed for being too wordy......
Look Quick, my combo is pretty much the usual 11 sec stuff, with the exception of the TE-66. It's overkill on the stock heads and only 'adds' a bunch of turbo lag. Otherwise, nothing special, just a ton of boost.
The engine is all stock, never opened. 36pph "blue top" injectors, 3 inch dp, no cat, 70 mm KB throttle body+plenum, CAS V-2 (a foolish expense thanks to the w-a), Walbro 340, MaxEffort chipset, um, lemme see, homemade real time boost control, home developed w-a system (in concert with Dman), ATR 2.5" exhaust, stock trans with shift kit and Art Carr 9 inch 3500 converter (yet another 'mod' only good for one specific purpose, then becomes a liability).
Tires are 245/50's front, 275/50 BFG drag radials out back. Other than the usual suspension refinements, I think that's it. Oh, and a volt booster.
Gauges are Fluke egt, autometer liquid filled 0-35 boost, Spina audible knock detector, Scanmaster II, Direct Scan, tach, water temp, oil press., homemade w-a system 'awareness' lights :-)
A couple other do-dads, that's it!
Absolutely one of the best threads this category has seen in a while!

I vouch for the 'high points' combo that Steve Hill (and I for that matter) runs. It does work. I also agree that 50/50 denatured/water is hard to beat for power and knock control. Methanol is a good value, and when slightly diluted is even better - but the jury is still out for me on how effective it is relative to denatured. More testing will tell.

Stevemon - I agree with the longevity issue of the TE61. Mine lasted one season, and about 1000 miles. I've since gone to a TE62. Hope it lasts :eek:

One thing I'm curious about is has anyone ever flow tested the SMC kit? How much flow do you get out of that?
What type of flow test?

With single or dual nozzles?

Which nozzles the 1.0 gal. or 1.5 gal.?

I could do a test as I have a spare pump.

One minute flow through single nozzle for starters, or something more exotic a test? :)

PS: I run 45 points daily on the street and 50 max. at the track.

Stock heads and TA62.

I like the points system, interesting concept. :cool:

Assuming you can equate boost and timing. :)
Wow! Thanks! Well I wasn't picky about what type of test, but since you ask, why don't you do a single and double nozzle test. Nozzle size is up to you - I don't know what a typical SMC nozzle size is.

You don't need to flow for a minute - 10 seconds will do.

I look forward to seeing the results! :)

Salvage were you at the Rankin Dyno day?
Flow data tells part of the story. It should indicate if the supply is enough for what you're trying to do. Next consideration is the nozzle design.
Salvage, if you do this via bench test remember to apply ~13.5 v. You'll need at least a 12 amp supply, maybe more to start the pump. If you use a car battery have the engine running to keep voltage up.
Dman and I test for 10 secs, measure, then repeat a couple times for accuracy.
Sure DMan I was there at Rankins.

First on the dyno with the old WE4 with smushed quarter panel.

I talked to Steve a bit and always got interrupted working on cars when I was talking with him, unfortunately.

I didn't meet you I guess. :(

I would think a 60 sec. test would be more accurate but hey 10 seconds is easy.

I will use the standard M10 nozzles.

I may use my GN pump and setup since I don't want to get the new bottle wet just yet since you have to keep it wet once used.

I have to change the up-pipe out anyway on that car to dual nozzles. :cool:

Perhaps this weekend.
Salvage, the 10 second test Dman and I decided on is merely a product of convenience. In the testing I did for Flojet I found the pumps achieve full pressure in less than a second. So didn't feel much to be gained in longer testing.
Try to keep the pump voltage steady at nominal 13.5.
btw, I introduced you and Dman, but there was too much activity around the NY GN for us to have a conversation. Next time....
Originally posted by Look Quick
Steve Hill----.... Only 36# injectors!

Ahhh! I was wondering if anyone was going to notice. Nice catch LQ!
First test will be with a good battery and the 10 amp. charger on it that should be near 13.5 volts.

I will use a Fluke on it and look for any sag.

Gotta dig up a graduated glass cylinder too. :cool:

If sagging, I will get the 40amp. supply from work at rock solid 13.5 volts.

I am bad with names and sorry I forgot who you were DMan. :(

Then again I did have to leave early before all the cool GN tests were done.

I think Chad did some flow tests maybe I can just lift them off his website LOL.

M10 is 1.0 gallon a minute at 100psi. nozzle I think.

Hmmmm, back to McMaster Carr to find out. Tough to get old....
i run 100% denatured in my dual nozzle smc kit...i have the spray on point at 13 lbs of boost and pump speed of only 5...i can go WOT with 22.5-23 lbs of boost on my te-44 in all gears and not knock once on 93 pump gas...i am confident that i can turn the boost up to 25 lbs if i want...i am running a 23 degree extender chip now...this chip does wonders!