Divorce sucks

Women can be so dam evil. I think there's an inner part of every man, which subconciously hates women, and can't stand them. Even happily married men quietly agree with this theory, therefore realize one thing-

A Happy and Content Life is not solely dependent on the love from a Woman.

Find happiness through meditation-religion-a hobby ( a nice ride in a Turbobuick will work :cool: )
Excercise or workout
Take a walk in a beautiful park and oberserve your surroundings-trees-birds-animals
Surround yourself with positive influences and friends
Take a Bike Ride
Go to a Petstore
Go get a cup of Starbucks Coffee
Take a stroll through the Mall and observe people

Don't allow yourself to become Depressed!!! Fight Depression!!!

Finally- keep in touch with your Turbobuick brothers here. There's a bunch of really goodguys in this Board.

x2 this guy is good. very well said. Dont bad mouth her. Your not the bad guy. you did nothing wrong. let the courts settle it for you. She cant just take your child away from you. Let time do its thing. In ten years when you are doing 100% better you will look back and you wont believe that you felt how you did.Keep your cool and how hard it is going to be stay cool with her for your childs sake. This whole thing is not going to be easy. Read the above and dont listen to country music. There is a lot of people that go through this. Time will heal you. There was a lot of stuff said in this thread that is easier sad than done. swearing and cussing will just get you more angry.I hope everything works out for you and your family take care

Nobody AT ALL deserves a second chance that cheats. I know its hard but you will eventually get over it. The only remedy is time. I just recently got married to a girl whom I trust and would never expect to do anything like that. Its just so coldhearted man it aint even human for someone to cheat. You need to let her go or she will know she owns you. I have had almost every girlfriend of mine cheat and all for stupid reasons. They aint worth it. Funny thing is, women call men dawgs, but in a survey its actually the women that cheat more.:rolleyes: If you go meet the boyfriend, don't hit him, hit HER!!! I'm done.:biggrin:
Relationships are like a leaky head gasket

Trust and communication... I fyou can't trust it send it down the road, if it breaks down you can keep fixing it and always wonder...

Dude get over it, it is like cancer eating you... you come online to talk about it, that is the start, but emotions and anger and guilt make you wonder...

2 Choices always pick the positive and hard road, too many people take the easy road... Also, DO NOT WATCH SAD MOVIES, OR LISTEN TO COUNTRY MUSIC, BEEN THERE DONE THAT.

if it were your brother or family member, what advice would you offer them, I made some bad decisions when I was younger and I should have taken the hard way, but it is all a lesson for you to learn and move on in life and when you come upon the pot hole in the road , you can say, hey I have been here before, don't need it, later.

Alcohol, drugs, opposite sex will lead you down a bad path, everything in moderation and even moderation is boring... know your limits. I waited until 35 to marry and at 42 and March 3, 2008 I will be divorced. If you set high standards then you will know when a great deal ( person comes along) and if you surround yourself with bad people, they will only bring you down... remove this thread is funny, haha, laugh at it when it hurts... cry a little, you are human, deny or lie is what cheaters are all about... I cheated many times on a spouse and learned from it. She is no longer in my life becuz of it, but finding god or religion is not the answer, believe in yourself first, be strong, I am ARMY Airborne, feet first, I can do anything, set your goals and follow through, never ever, ever, ever give up... winston churchill quote.

Don't believe everything I say, I may be wrong. But I am 42 years old, I like to enjoy life...
Madhat let her go. She could not have "found God" and still carry on an affair. A good Christian woman would be faithful and respectful just like it sounds you were to her. I went through it and when I found out I told her it was over and sent her out the door. Since then she has stolen my child, gone out with a child molester, and committed fraud with the child support, which is something I am still fighting. Jim P.S. I found a good woman who I married almost 6 years ago and we are living a good christian marriage.
A bunch of deferent guys all saying the same thing. So they must be on to something and I don't need to repeat it.
Next and pay attention I was dumped I had only one kid (like you) and I felt like my world was coming to an end. Ten years later I am the happiest man on the planet married to a great woman and we have two great kids together.
The best part about it is that I have ZERO worries about her except that she can be deadly with a credit card on her hand when she is at the mall.
It will get better.
And DON’T EVER BAD TALK HER IN FRONT OF YOUR KID. He will not like it and in court it won’t look good either.