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DIY low alky float/sending unit wiring


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Jun 3, 2001
Okay Ive officially gone brain dead after working on the car for hours earlier, and yes lazy too.

The two wires from the float sending unit: one goes to ignition on and the other to the light? While the second wire from the light goes to ground?
Float, one goes to ground the other to one leg of your lamp. The other leg of your lamp goes to IGN.

When the float activates it puts a ground completing the path for the lite to turn on.

Now...using an LED instead of a lamp may be better in two ways,one is that it draws less current and is "nicer" to the low alky sending unit. Secondly, they dont burnout(unless hooked up without resistor) and all is required is a simple trip to radio shack. You'll need an led of your choosing and a 1K resistor 1/4 watt. If you want the LED brighter drop the resistance..dimmer increase the resistance. can buy flashing LED's that will work with the above mentioned resistor.

The polarity of the led you will have to watch..but simple trial and error will correct this. And if you use a resistor no harm will happen. As far as what leg..doesnt matter.
