do you think we landed on the moon?

do you think we went to the moon

  • Yes!

    Votes: 65 79.3%
  • No!

    Votes: 17 20.7%

  • Total voters

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Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
my uncle claimed tonight while we were eating that we never landed on the moon, that it was a hoax, and there was evidence to prove it... i started to argue with him but then gave up because he was too thick headed to even listen to me....

but keep this in mind that he told me later in the evening, that up in new jersey when he was a kid (hes probably in his low 40's) that they used anti-freeze in the pools so you could swim during the winter.... another incident where i tryed calling BS but he wouldnt give it up...

but do you think we went there, my vote is yes...

Jersey checking in here. We do some DUMB things up here, but there's no anti-freeze in the pools. Anyway, if it's cold enough to freeze your pool, What would ever make you want to swim in it?
There was a whole website and a guy with a ton of theories about it... He speaks very technically and quotes scientic principles that most people dont understand to begin with... and every last one of them is wrong... Someone who has too much time on their hands and reads into stuff too much...
Re: Ummm......

Originally posted by Sleeper-6
Jersey checking in here. We do some DUMB things up here, but there's no anti-freeze in the pools. Anyway, if it's cold enough to freeze your pool, What would ever make you want to swim in it?
Agree! Doing a polar bear dive in a swimming pool just doesn't have the same effect. It's got to be in the ocean. Never polar bear dived myself but I use to SCUBA dive all year round in my youth. Quite a site when you had 6 stupid people chipping the ice off a boat in the dead of winter as it’s snowing and you load up thousands of pounds worth of diving gear. Huum, diving in 34 degree water, that might explain a lot… J
You can see tranquility base with your own eyes....

The American flag, among other litter, is visible on the moon with a telescope....How did it get there? A communist plot? A congressional committee? Jimy Hoffa put it there? ;) I think WE put it there, just like it showed on television :D In my view, its pretty hard to explain away something you can see with a telescope right from your own back yard. Pretty hard to fake.

There are a number of things to question in this existance, our visits to the moon are not on that list. :)

It is good that you are cynical about these unbelievers....They are too easily led ;)

P.S. Your uncle prolly swallowed too much antifreeze to think clearly ;)
I think it was Lewis Grizzard who said his mother thought that "the moonshot was fake, but 'wrasslin' was real". I think that sums up the mentality of the doubters. :D
Re: You can see tranquility base with your own eyes....

Originally posted by lburou
Jimy Hoffa put it there? ;)

Couldn't have been Jimmy. He was too busy taking an acid bath in a Detroit fender factory...... :D lol
I have a Telescope, tell me exactly where do I need to look to see the ground clutter and the Flag???? Really, that make some cool pictures or Wallpaper.
Originally posted by Rogue Leader
There was a whole website and a guy with a ton of theories about it... He speaks very technically and quotes scientic principles that most people dont understand to begin with... and every last one of them is wrong... Someone who has too much time on their hands and reads into stuff too much...

Not too long ago, there was a news blip about this guy who was harrassing Chuck Yeager, the guy was all up in his face, everytime Yeager tried to step off in another direction this guy got right back in his face, telling him "You know you never went to the moon, you're a hoax and a liar, you should just admit it already". Yeager tolerated the dude for like 10 min. When he finally got fed up, Yeager, whom I believe is in at least his 60's, DROPPED the guy with one punch. All the people who witnessed the entire thing started clapping. Wonder if it's the same guy?

Originally posted by Carman83ss454
Not too long ago, there was a news blip about this guy who was harrassing Chuck Yeager, the guy was all up in his face, everytime Yeager tried to step off in another direction this guy got right back in his face, telling him "You know you never went to the moon, you're a hoax and a liar, you should just admit it already". Yeager tolerated the dude for like 10 min. When he finally got fed up, Yeager, whom I believe is in at least his 60's, DROPPED the guy with one punch. All the people who witnessed the entire thing started clapping. Wonder if it's the same guy?

That was Buzz Aldrin who puched the guy. Chuck Yeager was the man responsible for training the astronauts...never one himself. The guy that got puched by Aldrin was on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell a few months back before Art retired. Yes I listen to the show but with an open mind. Sounds like the uncle is in cahoots with this guy Aldrin punched. I beleive we did go to the moon.
Originally posted by 6pack
That was Buzz Aldrin who puched the guy. Chuck Yeager was the man responsible for training the astronauts...never one himself. The guy that got puched by Aldrin was on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell a few months back before Art retired. Yes I listen to the show but with an open mind. Sounds like the uncle is in cahoots with this guy Aldrin punched. I beleive we did go to the moon.
You beat me to it. If memory serves me this was always a point of contention with Yeager. He broke the sound barrier but was never selected for a moon shot.
When I was about 16 and in the BSA, I went on a trip with the rest of my troop to an observatory in Michigan. They had a -giant- telescope there on a hill, the thing was probably 20' long with maybe a 4' across lens, maybe bigger. The person running the place had it trained on the flag on the moon. I was a doubter and just HAD to move the telescope a little bit to make sure it wasn't a picture taped at the end of the scope! I think I may have thrown it off and he had to find the flag again haha. Anyway, I know for a -DA MN- fact that the flag is up there. How it got there? Probably the way everyone thinks it did. Doubt you could see that flag without a pretty stinking powerful scope though, the average home job probably wouldn't cut it.
I had thought a regular backyard telescope wasn't powerful enough. We took a look up there one night with ours and didn't see anything. But I'm not sure exactly where it is. Plus I'm not and expert user of this thing either. Also, isn't the car still up there. They say that if you went up there now with a fresh battery, that thing would fire up and run like 30 years ago.

Would love to know exactly where to look up there. By the way.. I have no doubts either that we've been there.
Originally posted by TurboDiverArt
You beat me to it. If memory serves me this was always a point of contention with Yeager. He broke the sound barrier but was never selected for a moon shot.
Right you are Art!;)

Best way I could think of to see that debris on the moon is to contact a local astronomy club.

A call to a planetarium may put you in contact with an astronomy club in your area. That club will have the telescopes and the knowledge to find it for you. Sorry I don't have better suggestions on this.

Astronomy clubs are frequently setting up their telescopes for the public to view interesting and uncommon things as they happen in the night sky. For instance, the Hale-Bop comet was a big deal for these clubs (I don't know if they could see those cult members way up there or not....Well, prolly NOT ;) )

I'm glad jastrckl made the report of his personal "sighting" of the flag on the moon ;) ....Even if that "sighting" was close to a post that mentioned :eek: Art Bell :eek: I listen to Coast to Coast occasionally too, but, with a lot of cynicism ;)

Like Two Lane, I'm happy to participate :cool:
And, some uncles are dumb as dirt :rolleyes:
I am going to throw some fuel on the fire here and say that I think that we have been to the moon, I just don't think that they did it way back when.

There was a show I think it was on Discovery channel, that talked about the race to launch the first man to the moon and let me say I don't belive after watching the show that we did.

If any of you guy's remember or have any PICS from then look at them they showed on the show how there were shadow's going in different directions, there were several PICS that had the same rocks in them even though they were supposed to be on another part of the moon, and also wouldn't you think all those PICS of the nice clean lander would have moon dust all over it from the rocket engines that put out I think it was something like 4000#'s of thrust each, I mean that thing would be covered in dirt, there were all kinds of lighting thing's that they showed also that was proof.

All in all it was a pretty good show that really makes you think, There were so many thing's that they showed not just two or three thing's but tons of info and interveiws that changed my mind.
Originally posted by larry33kc
I am going to throw some fuel on the fire here and say that I think that we have been to the moon, I just don't think that they did it way back when.

There was a show I think it was on Discovery channel, that talked about the race to launch the first man to the moon and let me say I don't belive after watching the show that we did.

If any of you guy's remember or have any PICS from then look at them they showed on the show how there were shadow's going in different directions, there were several PICS that had the same rocks in them even though they were supposed to be on another part of the moon, and also wouldn't you think all those PICS of the nice clean lander would have moon dust all over it from the rocket engines that put out I think it was something like 4000#'s of thrust each, I mean that thing would be covered in dirt, there were all kinds of lighting thing's that they showed also that was proof.

All in all it was a pretty good show that really makes you think, There were so many thing's that they showed not just two or three thing's but tons of info and interveiws that changed my mind.

The problem with the whole picture theory is theres no way to prove 1 way or the other unless you were there.. just because something "seems" wrong, maybe the labeling is wrong, maybe the perosn who took it is wrong. Also dont forget youre on a different size celestial body with NO atmosphere to speak of therefore everything acts differently (light etc) and specifically with the dirt, dont forget dirt doesnt STICK to stuff it sits on stuff due to gravity, being that theres quite a bit LESS gravity (plus im sure the lander was hot as hell) dirt is going to behave completely differently than if it was landing on earth.

We landed there....
You cannot see the flag on the moon

The people posting about seeing the American flag on the moon are wrong. It is "propaganda" (can't think of a better word) used by the group saying we made it to the moon as a way to prove it. Not a single telescope on the earth can see the flag.

Point #1: Try this (kinda neat and scary at the same time): Do a search for terraserver. This is a place that has the whole United States as photographed from space. Every time you click where your house is it zooms in a little in the area you click. Try to find your house. It's a little difficult, especially if you live in a rural area. Think about trying to find something that is much much much smaller than your house (the top of a flag stick) in a place that you are absolutely unfamiliar with (unless you are a very very proficient moon watcher). You can't use something you recognize to kow how far you are off when looking at the moon because most people cannot see the distinctful features on the surface of the moon. Plus if you don't know where to look on the moon its like looking for a flagpole that is somewhere in the United States. The moon is pretty big when looking for a flag.

Point #2: The earth's atmosphere is filled with way too much junk to be able to see that kind of detail on the surface of the moon even with the most powerful telescope. Kinda like looking through the leaves of the tree trying to see a bird flying above it. There's nothing a telescope from the ground can do about this no matter how nice and expensive it is.

Point #3: The moon is a moving target. It appears to move slowly across the sky, but as you "zoom in" with your telescope, it appears to be moving faster. Imagine using a straw as a "telescope" and setting it up to look at a road about 100 yards away. If a car passes down the road at 55 mph, you could probably recognize the type of car through the straw. Now imagine setting up at about 10 feet from the road. You would be lucky to tell what color the car was through the straw. Even though the moon doesn't appear to move fast, it is moving very fast. Only the super expensive extremely awesome telescopes could offset the movement of the earth to the moon anyway.

Seeing the flag on the moon from the earth is not possible.
Also, try to search for a picture of the flag as seen from earth. I havn't ever saw any and you would think there would be if it could be done.