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dogs and antifreeze don't mix


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Jo Bu needs a refill!
Feb 14, 2002
While finishing up the engine job in the 87 T, apparantly some stray coolant found its way onto the garage floor. While I thought I had taken every possible precaution to prevent this situation, my 91 lb lab/retriever mix found it late Wednesday night. The vets tell me I will have to put him down within the next 48 hours because his kidneys are destroyed. He's barely 2 years old and it couldn't have been more than a teaspoon-full. Be careful......
Sorry to hear about that. That is a real tough deal losing a pet.
What a tragedy....! Pets are family, I feel for your loss.

I knew antifreeze was toxic, but wasn't aware that it could be deadly in such small amounts. Was it dilluted or full strength?
Man that's rough. That's my worst fear working on the car in the garage. The dog and cat find their way out there all the time. I didn't realize, either, that it was so toxic in such small amounts.

Just some info if found about antifreeze

Ethylene glycol anti-freeze may also be present in pipes and toilets in homes or cabins that have been "winterized" as well in the fluid that is present in the base of some portable basketball hoops.also in SNOW Globes It is used to de-ice airplanes.

Ethylene glycol is also used at much lower concentrations in other products, including some latex and acrylic paints, inks, cosmetics, and snow globes. It's possible that exposure to these products could affect your pet, but it is unlikely. Animals would have to ingest large amounts for signs to occur.

"A lot of the toxicity depends upon the species," says Dr. Camilla Lieske, a veterinary toxicology resident at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. "People, cats, and rabbits are the most sensitive, but ethylene glycol is also a serious problem for dogs. Birds, horses, or cattle could also be affected. One teaspoon of 95 percent ethylene glycol can be lethal to an average 8-pound cat! One-and-a-half tablespoons can be lethal to a 10-pound dog."

"The sweet taste-it has been inappropriately used as an additive to sweeten wine-of ethylene glycol has been a problem with children as well as pets. To deter children or animals from drinking anti-freeze, companies have added compounds to try to make it less tasty. Unfortunately, this doesn't always stop dogs-they often are not picky about what they eat!"

The body breaks ethylene glycol down into other chemicals. Some of these chemicals form crystals in the kidney, causing it to stop functioning, which eventually brings death.

"Between 30 minutes to 2 hours after exposure animals start to act drunk. They have trouble walking and act depressed. Vomiting is often seen during this time frame. Animals may seem to recover but 12 to 24 hours later they start to have severe problems and are really sick. Unfortunately, this is the stage when
veterinarians are often first asked to examine animals and a fair amount of damage may already be done. Owners may delay seeking treatment because they do not know the pet has been exposed or they think the pet has recovered," explains Dr. Lieske.

Several tests can be done at the veterinarian's office to see if your pet has been exposed to ethylene glycol and try to quantify how much. The best results from the ethylene glycol test occur within a few hours after exposure, but even at 12 hours post exposure the test may have value. This test was designed for dogs and does not work well in cats. Cats are more sensitive to ethylene glycol and so a negative result may be misleading. Changes seen in a blood chemistry profile can also be used to indicate exposure.

Anti-freeze contains dyes so it will glow under a black light or Wood's lamp to show a mechanic where leaks in the engine are located. Using a fluorescent lamp, veterinarians can see if any dye is on your pet's muzzle or paws or in the pet's vomit or urine.

"If the condition is caught early enough, treatment can be very effective. Vomiting can be induced if the exposure is caught within 30 minutes. If enough ethylene glycol was eaten, the animal will need veterinary attention. The goal of treatment is to block the metabolism to the harmful chemicals. This may be through an alcohol solution or other medication. Supportive therapy to protect the kidney is also done. Once the kidney is severely damaged, the prognosis is grave," states Dr. Lieske.

Prevention is the best medicine in this case. "Safe" anti-freeze products composed of propylene glycol are available. It takes larger quantities to cause problems, and these problems do not result in kidney failure. Place any car products on high shelves out of the reach of pets and children. If you winterize your home or cabin with anti-freeze, do not let your dog drink from the toilet!

"When changing auto fluids, use caution. Clean up the area well afterward and do not throw the rags in the trash. Dogs and cats love to dig through the garbage and can become exposed through contact with rags. Also radiators flushed outside put wildlife and roaming pets at risk," warns Dr. Lieske.

If your animal starts acting strange or drunk, act immediately. Take your pet to the veterinarian! Peace of mind is better than a lost pet. For more information about ethylene glycol poisoning, contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-4ANI-HELP (1-888-426-4435; note: there is a $45 consultation fee).
GNFURY said:

***** If it's full or even somewhat diluted strength antifreeze (ethylene glycol), or any dyhydric alcohol related to ethylene glycol, such a small amount will quickly destroy kidney, and liver tissue in a dog. The dog may not die outright, but it will not be able to filter out all of the byproducts from the foods and drink it takes. Toxins like urea and ammonia will quickly build up and kill it in a few days. It dies from delayed acute renal failure with uremia.

Depending upon the dosage, in humans, it causes death from respiratory paralysis, as well as renal failure as noted above, especially if the immediate use of an artificial kidney is not used - which is generally not available for dogs.

The dog will have to be put down, or it will suffer horribly.

Montgomery Village, MD
Not to make u mad or anything. But why dont people use sierra antifreeze when you know u have pets and children around. A friend of mine had his dog put down bout 2 1/2 years ago for pretty much the same thing.

Ethylene glycol (EG), the main ingredient of all major antifreeze brands, has long been known to be poisonous
Two ounces of ethylene glycol antifreeze can kill a dog, one teaspoon can be lethal to a cat, and two tablespoons can be hazardous to children.

SIERRA Antifreeze is formulated with propylene glycol (PG). As compared to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is less toxic and safer for children, pets, and wildlife in the environment. Propylene glycol is used at specified levels in the formulation of many consumer products including cosmetics, pet food, and certain over-the-counter medications.

I asked him why he didnt use it. His answer was that sierra was more expensive. What a joke. So he lost his pet. He didnt care. Me i love my 3 dogs. Thats why i use it. No matter how safe u are theres always that risk.

But anyways sorry to hear bout ur loss.
Every one else should start using sierra anitfreeze if u have pets or small children.
I appreciate the kind words, here's the latest: Took him back for a second opinion Friday night, and again I was basically told that with the next 24-36 hours it would be time to seriously consider putting him down, well:within the past 24 hours if anything he has gotten somewhat better. He will eat a little bit at a time, and seems somewhat more coherent, went back to the vets this morning and they are even amazed. Stistically speaking within 72 hours of ingestion the animal is as good as gone. He may never be 100% again, but he has more or less beaten the odds so far.(still too son to tell for sure though)
Glad to hear the dog is doing better.
The same thing I believe happened to our dog many years ago. To this day I don't know where he got a hold of the antifreeze, but can only speculate. It started out with him drinking enormous amounts of water and went down hill fast after that. I felt really bad about it as my father loved that dog and I felt somewhat responsible as I was always under the hood of some car.
As i am reading this,while i am scratching the head of my own lab "Molly",we both wish luck!!! :smile:
Sorry to hear about your dog, Kevin. Is the dog at home? From your post I assume it is..wouldn't it help to use IV fluids to flush out the kidneys? Also there are hormone injections that can be given to stimulate the kidneys to work, but they are rather expenive, ie.$60/vial. I know all too well that dogs and garages don't mix, had a German Shepard a few years back that ate a piece of sandpaper, most likely a scrap piece that we had used when painting our turbo shields...needless to say,about 3 weeks and $1300 bucks later, she still died...the glue the sandaper was bonded with literally destroyed her system.
Sorry to hear that, hope he pulls through.

Whats Sierra antifreeze? I'd gladly pay more to prevent an accident such as this one
I was reading something and those Swifer wetjet things also have antifreeze in it. In the story the pet owner took in her pet (cat or dog can't remember) and the vet said that the pet had kidney failure. Thats when the vet told the owner about the Swifers.
KansasCity-T said:
I was reading something and those Swifer wetjet things also have antifreeze in it. In the story the pet owner took in her pet (cat or dog can't remember) and the vet said that the pet had kidney failure. Thats when the vet told the owner about the Swifers.
I heard this story yesterday when informing other dog owners and I searched for it,found it at a boxer website,,,

100% false they do not contain this product.....