Donate your pics and clips

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The Video Guy
Mar 26, 2002
Hello everyone,

It seems that one of the people who donated their pics and clips for the 4th Video has decided that they do not want me to sell DVD’s with there material in it, a decision that I must respect. If someone would be willing to supply with me with FREE Blank DVD’s, DVD labels, shipping material and is willing to pay for hosting the previews in the forums, I would be more than happy to offer DVD’s with donated material absolutely FREE! But until that day is here I will have to charge. It was never my intention to charge for the first 4 videos in the first place, as some of you may remember I had the videos on the forums for free viewing, but then I started receiving emails from several members stating that they could not download the videos because of their size and asked if I could place them all on DVD and they would pay, so I did. I then removed the videos from the forums to make room for the new website for the DVD. I’ve decided to remake all 4 videos and also add a 5th video into the mix. So if you would like to donate your pics and clips to be in the up and coming videos please donate your material to

Thank you, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)

P.S. The amount of money I make on the DVD’s with donated material is $0, since all of the revenues go back into buying more material. Not to mention the time that it takes to make the videos which I don’t charge for since I love what I do.
Gee let me get this, you spend hours making these things, you buy the software and gear and a member has a issue with his car being in the video:confused:

A profit, gee $10.00 for all the time and energy spent on these. I guess you are not entitled to buy coffee and a donut while sitting on-line to make this stuff for all of us. I mean really what is left when the smokes clears. The shipping, the time, the DVD, etc. What a joke.....

Then these guys wonder why NOBODY wants to do anything for us...

But I guess it was okay for members to download your videos for Free and sell them to make a profit:eek:

Originally posted by NJTurbo
Gee let me get this, you spend hours making these things, you buy the software and gear and a member has a issue with his car being in the video:confused:

A profit, gee $25.00 for all the time and energy spent on these. I guess you are not entitled to buy coffee and a donut while sitting on-line to make this stuff for all of us.

Then these guys wonder why NOBODY wants to do anything for us...

But I guess it was okay for members to download your videos for Free and sell them to make a profit:eek:


Thanks Trav, you always have my back. Not to correct you, but I was only asking $10.00 for the 4 video DVD's. :)
you can use the pics of my car anytime. they didn't make the 4th vid so if you can't use them orwhatever thats cool but if you still have the ones i sent you, you are more than welcome to use them at will.
Originally posted by GNflyby
Thanks Trav, you always have my back. Not to correct you, but I was only asking $10.00 for the 4 video DVD's. :)

:mad: :mad:

Just makes it worse Nelson.

Gee I guess you cannot buy a cup of tea then while you sit on your PC for hours. Oh NO we cannot have you drink tea on the members dime, they may go broke.

Again pretty funny that people were hitting your site and sucking in all the DVD'S for free and then doing other things with them:rolleyes:
What a tool...Who is it???? I don't care if it's the King of England, still ridiculous.
i think thats pretty homotastic that people were bitching about that. it was basically a not for profit thing to help out the people that didn't have a good way to download these things so everyone could enjoy the turbo buick goodness.
Originally posted by crownvic96
i think thats pretty homotastic that people were bitching about that. it was basically a not for profit thing to help out the people that didn't have a good way to download these things so everyone could enjoy the turbo buick goodness.

Thank you, crownvic96.
I couldn't have said it better myself. :)

And STP, thank you for your support I really appreciate it, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)
If you host a video for FREE and someone sucks it off the Internet and burns a DVD and charges peanuts to cover there time,effort, software etc. WTF is the big deal:rolleyes:

Like you are stealing rights to a Microsoft
not to mention there clip is what 3-5 minutes long and they are whinning and leaking
See, here I am thinking that it's awesome to have some new videos about these cars ('cause there ain't much available to us) and someone's bitchin'. What are you gonna do- there are buttheads everywhere. I, for onr, am lovin' 'em and will continue to buy them.
I agree with wicked87gn, Nelson spends all that time and all he asks for is enough money to be able to continue making them, and someone has a problem with that. For what? I would be curious as to what there reason would be, cuz all i can come up with is that there an testicle sniffing a$$hole.

My car isn't good enough to be on your tapes but if it was it would be an honor for it to be, we spend all our time and money on our cars. Why not be proud of them and let other enthusiats enjoy looking at them?

Haha. What the hell is wrong with some of the turbo buick owners around here. For the most part everyone around here is cool. But there are a couple that are ungrateful SOB's. "Dont put my car in your video" Damn, I wish my car was nice enough to put on video. On top of that not wanting it in a video that some guy is making just for the love of the hobby. Lets remember, after all is said and done these are just cars, period! Not something to get all prissy about. That guy is just another a$$clown:rolleyes:

GNflyby... Keep up the good work;)

vid # 4

Ok....not to add to the controversy. But I downloaded the 1st 3 vids from your sig. They are Kick Ass!! My friends who have seen them love them. Now....I didnt burn them to dvd, or never even planned to. I just watch them on my comp. Good enough for me. I really appreciate you having thme in your sig and just wanted to say I liked them. But....I really want to see pt 4. Is there still a link I can dl it from? Not to take money out of your pocket, just want to see it. I hope I dont offend by asking. TIA. if not, its cool.
Amen to all who've replied.....that member should unbunch his panties and chill out...I was fortunate enough to get first 3..not #4 and love 'em.. Keep 'em coming, Nelson !!!!
Holy crap, I can't believe someone actually gave you sh*t for using their material. They should be thankful that their car is worthy of being in a video! :mad:

Nelson, I sent you burnout vid a couple weeks ago, may have a few more to send in the're welcome to use any material from my Webshots page, or the vids I send.

The vids all kick ass!! :cool:


He damn sure wanted his car in there and now you are selling them for no profit,,,just our enjoyment,,he is pissing and moaning.

With all the time and effort you invest for the members of this Turbo 6 community I say THANK YOU from all the rest of the good guys

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