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Dont buy from southeast Turbo


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WE4 said:
First of all Family is 100% more important than your or anybody elses car for that matter. Second, IF you had ANY business SENSE or experiance, and if you would like me to name all that I have and am involved with on a daily basis I will including , owning this board and running it to where it is today, and PTS XTREME and well, you get the picture, you would understand that in todays world you do not even handle a product ,and I mean touch it at all or drop ship it, if there is no profit in it and at least usually 10% to even touch the deal. Ask Mike Licht, ask Jack Cotton, ask any body that is in business. I have known Paul and SE TURBO for years with Paul and SE Turbo since it's inception and he is nothing but quality people. He would give his left nut for you. But when severe family issues arise , the last thing on his mind is your freakin pod.
Three things come to mind here. 1) go get your freakin car and return it when you have the pod... Car is drivable or can be made to be . Hell, it is only a gauge pod. 2) You can own a Turbo Buick, type on a computer, but cannot install a gauge pod? Time to sell car I would think.
3) You and "others" need to grow up. Think of other peoples concerns too. We are human, have families and have the same issues day to day than you do only on a larger scale. Until you walk a mile in Paul's shoes, my shoes or any other vendors shoes I would keep my mouth shut. Nobody wants to help a crybaby, especially when they have just lost a family member, and you are worried about a Gauge pod?I bet Paul wishes he had YOUR problems. Think about if the tables were turned. How would YOU feel?

See this is what really pisses me off. I love just about everybody. Lord knows I try my damnest to please, but sometimes it catches up with you. But do you care that we go through this hell.? of course not. So I know that Paul worked 20 hrs today and I have been up since 4 am so you tell me who the losers here really are. I KNOW it is not you.

Even Summit has a handling fee. You have NO CLUE what it takes money and resource wise to keep a business up and running.

Ranting because of the immaturity shown.
sounds like you never been on the other side.... Great for you... Lots of good points here..... LOL :biggrin: Thanks for your great input. That sure does make a diffrence
well i talked to the "ex-employee" that i work with again, and he told me that the pods dont fit the ttops, never have..... All i can guess is maybe he was trying to give it a try to see if it would work? But he should have refunded your money seeing that the product wouldn't work. As far as a one man operation, this guy told me that's what it is at Seturbo. I guess in something like a year or so this kid more then tripled their gross annual income. Hes into all that computer stuff i guess. He said he also started the ebay business for them also which is where most of their customer base is from. And Seturbo still couldn't pay him?
However he did mention how nice Bruce down at PTS, and the guys at G body parts are. Never bought anything from them(just got the car) but i am looking into new bumper fillers. Once again, I'm not trying to burn bridges or anything like that. I just know that when i start to restore my car i want to have resources available so i know who to buy from and who not to buy from.

I wouldn't be too quick to judge...

Westside500 said:
Damn.. I going to buy something from them...hmmm won't do it now.... :eek:

If you can go a year and have NO PROBLEMS with any customer, My hat and the rest of my wardrobe goes out to you. I would not let this thread sway me from dealing with SE Turbo and/or Paul. All this Crap over a gauge pod. I KNOW that if an immediate family member had passed, I wouldn't be right for a week or so. ( I ain't right anyway, but , that is beside the point...:D )
Look at the overveiw here....
This is all over a $65.00 gauge pod.
I also believe that if it were handled differently Paul would have just made it right and moved on , but an individual had to bring this childish issue to the board.
Westside500, do not let this thread sway you. There are NOT many vendors left for our cars and from what I hear, next year there will be even less. I know of 4 that are giving up the Turbo Buicks parts and service and moving on to where the money is. I am sure glad they know where the money is because I don't, but I do know it is NOT in Turbo buicks for much longer. NONE OF US are here to just "be a nice guy" . We are all in business to make money. When that stops, we move on. Threads such as this just seem to drive them out quicker. What happens next year when you need something that will make your car run and drive, rather than a pod? Then we have no support as I have heard from 4 very high up people and 1 other that Buick is getting the axe here soon just like Olds. Then what?
I think we all need to be a little more "tolerant" when it comes to things such as this. And again, I would not let this thread persuade you in any way. This incident is between those two and not an everyday occurance. Once it becomes that, then we can pile on Paul. Till then, I would relax and enjoy life. You only get one........... unlike a cat. :biggrin:

Hope you all understand where I wanted this to come from. Not negative and not directing fault. Just an opinion as to what has been seen.

If this gets any worse I will pull the thread. This is ridiculous.
Hell, I will send you the $65.00 if that is what it takes to end this.
See, my heart and head are getting in the way again... :rolleyes:

Can't we all just get along? ROFLMAO!
Obviously not.. LOLOLOLOL Man is that saying wore out or what?


WE4 admin
Food for thought

Some people I'm close to own a mail order business, they had an unfortunate circumstance were they had to close for almost 2 weeks. Their oldest son who was serving in Iraq was shot by a sniper in the face. Once he was redeployed to the US, his parents went to the National Med center in Bethesda to be with him. I know for a fact that this was as good for his recovery, as it was for theirs. What I do know is that his father posted on his website what had happened. They were overwhelmed with get well cards, gifts, and concerned emails from many of there customers. This is how I would hope any of my customers would act in a time of difficulty. Also the guy is doing well, and TR's have helped his recovery..... :cool:
I have had Paul do a ton of work! He and the guys from SE Turbo rebuild my 10.6 sec 109 TSM capable engine. Not only did they do a great job but he called me every week during the process. They are a quality vendor and a super nice group of people. I think they deserve a little slack during this time of family crisis! Thank you Paul, Pete, and the guys at SE Turbo!

I think This has gone too far.

Im sorry to everyone who has been affected by this post. I thought this was a place for feedback. I guess Im wrong. I just wanted to tell people about my experience. Its not about the pod. If I knew how Id remove this thead I would...

PLease dont respond to any of these posts

THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
I closed this

The thread starter is correct. This has gone too far. Closed.

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