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Dont buy from southeast Turbo


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ahollowtub said:
And Suzette is a doll as well!!Great people from my experience's with them. :)

I talk to her 3 times a day. :) Always pleasant.

I think every vendor that deals with Paul was aware of his loss.I had a chrome DS IC bracket coming from Paul.My customer needed it yesterday but once I explained the situation had no problem waiting.

I think only a vendor knows what a vendor goes thru. I have been here at 10:00 at night & had Paul calling & telling me he was on lunch break,Dinner was at 3 am ;)
I have bought parts from paul and talk to to paul several times and SE Turbo and staff are good people.Mike
I can say that behaving like a 2 yr old with a big mouth might get you places in NY.

I find this comment uncalled for.

But in the south, kindness and courtesy come hand in hand with family, friends and strangers.

...and this comment is a stretch today, maybe back in the 1950's :rolleyes:
Actually I will 2nd that living in a VERY course city in the south but Paul is still a good guy!
I find this comment uncalled for.

...I apologize for that one ! Have to agree- it was the heat of the moment (maybe too big mouth on this side!):0( I am sorry for that one !!! Suzette

Throw in a twist on the ex-employee, about two morals, and I think you'll have an afterschool special. Or if the old employee had a sex change....maybe a lifetime movie?
I dunno....I'm tired.
Hey, no offense "ex-ployee guy". No one really thinks you had a sex change.
All I wanna know is....what's up with whining about no A/C??? Sounds like a crybaby to me. But then....I grew up without A/C....or heat. Fun
well I just spoke to Suzette this morning for a downpipe .. She seemed "normal" to me :p :biggrin:
Would you mind pulling the work order on Tim Robinson's 87GN and telling me about it?

I've never heard of leaving a coil pack loose, not tighting any of the six spark plugs, leaving out the bold on the back of the alternator, putting the valve cover bolts in the wrong places, leaving out one of the header bolts, not putting the neg battery cable back on the block, puttting the studded intake bolts in the wrong places, bending up the dipstick tube so it reads wrong, crossthreading the crossover pipe bolts, bending up the DP so it won't seal to the elbow, leaving off vacuum lines, letting the EGR box bounce around (no studded intake bolt there), and NOT EVEN CHANGING THE OIL.

For some reason this car had a misdiagnosed head gasket problem so someone there put gaskets in it........... and left all they above crap messed up.

What I find funny is that this is a 70,000 mile car and I saw it when Tim bought it. It had the stock turbo and stock wastegate. This engine's never seen race fuel, a drag strip or detonation.

It took me months to straighten out this car and get it running right. I almost died when I saw the same mobil1 oil filter on it that it had before it went in the shop.

Who in the world doesn't change oil after opening up an engine?

And if you still have all the missing fasteners, would you mind mailing them to me? I had to raid alot of my GN's parts to put Tims car back in one piece.
I don't know who you are, or who you associate with, but just reading your post makes it plain to me you are making up a bunch of B.S. you know isn't true and you just want to jump on the bandwagon of vendor bashing.
Mr. Robinson never contacted us here to make any sort of complaint. He test drove the car here and had nothing but good things to say. We were not the first one's to work on this 70,000+ mile car which was quite apparent while changing the head gaskets. This was by no means a pristine virgin motor. The diagnoses verified by means of a leak-down test, the head gaskets were changed with the motor in the car. There were no codes, the car drove great, there was nothing left undone or missing when the car left this shop last fall.

Let's make one thing clear to everyone reading this board; if you purchase an item from a vendor and you are not satisfied with it, discuss it with the vendor you purchased it from. If a vendor works on your car and you feel it was not done properly or items were left off or missing, contact the vendor. Any vendor worth your time will make things right if it's understood it was their fault. Heck, I know vendors who make it right and they know it wasn't their fault. That's the type of vendors you have listed on the home page of this board.
whats up with all the postings on this thread? the moderator needs to close this thing, imo...rules are rules and this is crazy with all the people plugging in on a POD HOLDER???wheres the love everyone:biggrin:...Paul bill me for the pod when you get it that way no ones mad.. ;)
paul i dont care what people say seturbo has been great help to me you guys bent over backwards for me when i was in IRAQ and all i can say is thanks and buy the way im going to need a gauge pod soon to :biggrin:
ive dealt with SE turbo

i bought fibgerglass bumpers from them and supports- about 700$ worth of stuff i beleive?

only problem was there was a kid who took the order- he ran it twice and charged my account double wich put me into overdraft so i had to pay the 40$ penelty. i called paul and he straightend it out- took about a week to get my money back but thats the credit card system. i was a little disappointed he didnt offer to pay my overdraft fee but i let it go

if i ever ordered again i would ask to speak directly to paul- no offence to anyone in his company but i keep 200$ in my checking account- the rest goes in my savings- when i want somthing i transfer it over.

but the products came- the money got fixed, the bumpers where great- and shipping was decent- cant complain :)
tommynos said:
whats up with all the postings on this thread? the moderator needs to close this thing, imo...rules are rules and this is crazy with all the people plugging in on a POD HOLDER???wheres the love everyone:biggrin:...Paul bill me for the pod when you get it that way no ones mad.. ;)

and tommy i dont mean any disrespect but i think that rule is BS around here. i hate going through a thread after thread searching for info on dealings with a company or person- its nice to have it all in one thread, people giveing the good and the bad for all to make their own decisions on

and paul i forgot to say- im sorry for your loss, its hard loosing a loved one
I don't know who you are, or who you associate with, but just reading your post makes it plain to me you are making up a bunch of B.S. you know isn't true and you just want to jump on the bandwagon of vendor bashing.

No no no. I'm not making this up. Anybody that know me know's I'm am NOT a bandwagon jumper. I hate the bandwagon.

When I got Tims car home the first thing I did was pull the plugs to see how they looked. I was SHOCKED to find that none of them were even tight enough to make my ratchet click. If it weren't for the plug wires the spark plugs would have fell out!
The MAF that left your service center would only read to 152GPS (Granted it didn't through a code).
I was going to pull the crossover "real quick" and check it for seal and look up in the DS header to check for a new crack. It took me over an hour to extract the two bolts on the passenger side because they were both cross threaded and the flange was touching the frame. While I was laying under the car I looked up and one of the passenger header bolts were missing. That's when I decided to pull both headers and make sure it's sealed. (also when I noticed the big bolt on the back on the alternator was missing)
When I pulled the turbo and passenger side manifold, that's when I noticed that the negitive battery cable was wasn't even connected to the head, only one downpipe to elbow bolt was installed, and the DP flange was bent because of that and misalignment. I'm amazed that the little body ground wire was enough to complete the ground for the starter to crank the car. I guess that's one of the good things about a low compression V6.
His car didn't like my MAF because when I put a good one on there it read to 255 and the car would bust up and back fire and wouldn't pull clean enough for me to stay in it. When I decided to put my ignition system on it as one big unit that's when I found that the coil pack mounting bracket was held down with only two fasteners out of three and the rear bolt wasn't tight and looked like it came off of some sort of foreign car from the marking's on the head. (that's also when I noticed that the bottom bolt for the throttle cable bracket was missing as well). It's amazing how much better these cars run when the coilpack's grounded!
Luckely for my troubleshooting my GN got stolen and blown up so I have a shop full of correct fasteners and such. The bad part is when I get my engine built i'm going to have to source alot of little goodies that I had to raid to put Tims car back together.

And, in your defence you're correct, you don't know me. But thankfully the car is put back right, it's running well, and nothing that was messed up snowballed into any real damage.
I really didn't mean to write a book, and I don't want you to think I'm wanting a back and forth type thing. Hopefull my description of the troubleshooting and specific fasteners is enough to let you know I know what I'm talking about. I'm done at this point but I'm just glad that the cars fixed now.

Had to chime in here........My dad and myself have dealt with SE Turbo about 3 times and we learned our lesson to never deal with them again. 30 $ shipping charge for 4 hose couplings ?.......said they would call at a certain time, never did, had to call several times to get answers on goes on and on....Buyer Beware
Read This About Seturbo

Well i hate to beat a dead horse :) But i work with with an ex-employee that worked for Seturbo! Some customers might remember him. I saw this thread and thought i would chime in :) I own a 87 GN and love it but have never went to Seturbo for these reasons!

This kid told told me about a guy that had his Camaro at Seturbo for something like 16 months and it was still sitting when my friend quit (due to Paul not paying him and giving him a bad check). He told me that Seturbo would put the car on the lift when he heard that this guy was coming so this guy would think his car was getting worked on. But what really happened is Paul used this guys money to fund other projects at the shop. And i guess my friend saw this guy in town here and said that Paul charged him like $7000 on top of what he had already paid. I think he said like 8 hours for driving around looking for parts. Charged him for a new dash that Paul broke installing gauges etc....

This guy said his little brother worked there and helped with many cars and finally had to quit due to Paul not paying him. When you charge $70 an hour you should be able to pay your employees. He said his little brother would work there till the wee hours of the morning on cars and not get paid for it.

As far as this thread goes. I asked this kid about it and he said that Seturbo doesnt usually have these items in stock and buys them when they get the money for them. Now i dont mean to make bad blood being new to the board, but i just thought i would give some helpful information.

Yep, story is true. I heard it from the older brother. I ran into him at a dealership a few weeks ago. Definately don't have a stage motor done ther either. I heard some horror stories.
Im The One who started this Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1ST off let me say AGAIN...... Im very sorry for your loss. It does hurt when a loved one passes. I KNOW!!!!
I told you that the day we spoke... I have feelings.

BUT The costumer needs to be happy #1. Your the only one running the show? Sending packages? Your business closed 100%??. :confused: When I called 2 weeks later there was someone was in the office... You mean to tell me I couldn't get a phone call. (From Suzette?) Just letting me know there was a freaken delay on my items? In your Guarantee It says a call if not shipped within 24hrs...... Not my words YOURS!!!!!!!!!! I do understand you not being in your office. But If you want a reoccurring customer they should be satisfied.. You call me what you want, You try to look like the good guy. Good for you. I named the person who bought from you and in your post it seems you did some research on him. He is well aware That I named him and hes ok with it.

You said"" I don't think your "buddy" appreciates you dragging him into this. Isn't it convenient that you don't name your "buddy"? All but one of his items were shipped within 48hrs of ordering and he was notified upon ordering that one item was backordered. He was an extremely pleasant customer to work with and we have heard no complaint from him. ..
I DID NAME HIM... And Ill Name him AGAIN IF YOU'D LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um It wasn't on backorder.. Oh wait is that what it was now.. Oh Im glad this post cleared that up.. Would have been nice if you told HIM........

That's not the only bad thing Ive heard about you......

Over the phone you said " Have to Do alittle trimming but everything lines up.".. Yea right... Not even close. Then you tell me "you never sold the pod to a ttop car? didn't know how it would fit" After I told you it doesn't line up...

IN your post you said "You were clearly told that these were not made for the t-top, as you can plainly see in the picture, but that you could try to modify it and see if it worked out."

THATS A LIE!!!!!!!! If you'd like to know

TO Suzette..

Great customer service skills for 29 years!!!!! I don't buy from companies to be friends with. I buy for the product. Before I spoke to the owner,You yourself said "I just spoke to the owner and you have to trim the top, but the holes line up" They don't!!!!!!. You also said.. "a big mouth might get you places in NY. But in the South, kindness and courtesy come hand in hand " Umm... OK. I cant speak for all of NY like you but for myself when Im not happy You will ( the business) hear WHY. IM not calling you a liar. I just stated what YOU told to me...

I was respective to Both of you over the phone and I see SE TURBO as a 1 man company that the show cant go on without you.. So, I do wish you good luck I do hope your customer service skills get sharper.
In owning a Business Ive learned the customer is always right. Unless you don't want customers..

Hows your EBAY feedback????


And no need for the refund after I read what you people wrote I SMASHED your POD... $65.00 Well spent.. Id much rather you watch me do it... But hope that 65.bucks keeps you around for a long time.. I really should come on here a lot more and see all the posts...

Good day sir!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
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