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Dont deal with RJC aka Jason Cramer


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Dec 14, 2003
I called Jason earlier today and ordered one of his new IC's,gave em my CC info and he said itd ship out Thursday

Just got a call from Tom his father and he says I cannot buy one and they WILL NOT SELL ONE TO ME.Wont give me any reason,just says I can buy.

Ive bought lots of your stuff but never again you SOB!!!**** RJC.
Oh,and I just sold my Precision IC so I could buy an RJC so im left holding the bag.

Real nice way to look after your customers!!!!!!!
I have no idea why they wont sell me one and dont really care now.Jason can shove that IC up his ass sidways for all I give a ****.

He took my CC info this morning and said itd ship out Thursday then his father calls me back saying im not to be sold one.**** em.

And I told Tom id be posting this as soon as I got off the phone with him so he knows this thread is here.

And I know Jason is a big vendor,I have several of his parts on BOTH GN's.Oil pan,boost controllers,girdles,caps,valve cover extensions(just ordered another set today),oil filter adaptors,etc,etc.

Since my money is not good enough now,Jason needs to buy the rest of his **** back!!!
Yes,id like to see Jason give everyone an anwser when he wouldnt even show me the courtesy of telling me :rolleyes: Thatd show just what a classless POS he really is.

He accepted my order and info this morning and then had his father call back and say no go.

I dont really need an untested IC thats a rip off of someone elses design anyways...
Are you serious dude??

In my eyes,I bought the part this morning when I gave Jason my PERSONAL CC INFO.That was him accepting the order and he said PLENTY were in stock.

I sold my IC because Jason agreed to sell me one of his and now he has renegged on that.

Like I said,**** em.
He said plenty were in stock....

Burn a bridge??No but RJC sure as **** burnt there bridge with someone who helps pay the bills,me the customer.

Bad kharma??Yea,ive got REAL bad karma dude,thats why I have $5k in my pocket and alot more than that in the bank;)

Oh,and Jason taking my private cc info on a order he never intended to complete is what then????Untrustworthy at the best.

People dont ask for your CC just to know the #.And if you think so,go ahaead and post your CC #'s up :rolleyes:
Drew Sharp, (broke1). Out of courtesy, I am not going to tell the world why your account is red flagged with us at RJC Racing. Nor am I going to stoop to name calling. Let’s just say you know perfectly well from our last transaction why. Some people think that there is no concequence to their actions, but unfortunately for you there are.

I don’t usually watch the net but when you screamed into the phone you would “BURN RJC” on the net, I thought I would see what you had to say. Most of you can see from this post why not to many vendors will deal with Drew.

To the rest of you concerned, I have made plenty of intercoolers to support the demand.

Have a nice day.
Tom would not tell me why if you guys would read what I posted.Absolutely no explanation and when I told Tom to ask Jason he said he already had.

Mods,please move this to the lounge at least,I want RJC to get the negative attention he deserves and I want people to put there opinions in.

Total BS.
Race Jace said:
Drew Sharp, (broke1). Out of courtesy, I am not going to tell the world why your account is red flagged with us at RJC Racing. Nor am I going to stoop to name calling. Let’s just say you know perfectly well from our last transaction why. Some people think that there is no concequence to their actions, but unfortunately for you there are.

I don’t usually watch the net but when you screamed into the phone you would “BURN RJC” on the net, I thought I would see what you had to say. Most of you can see from this post why not to many vendors will deal with Drew.

To the rest of you concerned, I have made plenty of intercoolers to support the demand.

Have a nice day.

Tell you what *******,why not tell me why you wont sell to me then???All you had to do is have your father tell me on the phone and I wouldve never posted this here.

Actions??Youve ****in lost me here Jason but if youre implying anything dishonest on my part like I think you are,you better think that one over long and hard.
Mark E. said:
Sounds like we have not heard the whole story. What was up with your last transaction? You have not convinced me of anything.
I dont know.Ask Jason,he seems to like to keep secrets....

Last order from RJC was an oil pan that I had another member order for me(I sold someone a trans+ and maf).If the guy stiffed Jason,im no part of that and he shouldnt have shipped out the part before payment.And if Jason didnt want to accept a third party payment,no one was twisting his arm.

So did he stiff you Jason???

Im just as in the dark as you guys as he wont tell me either.
Well are you going to reply and tell us???I think now you owe everyone an anwser on why.


Jesse is not online, so I will act on his behalf.....

Drew and Jason. If you have anything constructive that you would like to add, please send me a PM and I will reopen this thread.

Jesse said:
When Negative threads are made about a member or a vendor NO ONE is allowed to post in that thread except the involved parties ONLY.
All other post will be deleted without notice.

Geoff87 said:
Jesse is not online, so I will act on his behalf.....

Drew and Jason. If you have anything constructive that you would like to add, please send me a PM and I will reopen this thread.

Drew and Jason , Geoff is right if you guys want to add something constructive to this thread please contact me , Geoff or Joe.

Drew please remember to follow the rules here .... you know I will always allow members the right to let the community know how the buying and selling experiance went...... BUT I will not allow name calling or any other type's of foul language or threating behavior.
If anyone violates these or any other rules in this forum I will remove the thread and post from this site along with the members account.

Also If anyone see's a thread here with there favorite vendor or there favorite member DO NOT REPLY IN IT , ONLY READ IT ....if you reply to it you may find yourselves removed from this forum and / or this site...NO ONE is allowed to post in Negative thread's except the involved parties ONLY.


Drew I erased your new message in your sig....please keep it clean there to.
Drew, it sounds like you have so many transactions where the people are burned that you can't remember what you have done.

Today when you ordered from me and mentioned that the all the delivery guys hate you and damage all of your stuff on purpose that threw up a flag.
Especially when you said that as soon as you send it please feel free to start filling out a claim tag on the item. To me that said this guy is a problem waiting to happen or he is defrauding national shipping companies.

Then when typing your information into my database, the flag was raised from the last transaction that was left me holding the bag and you bashing me after i bent over backwards for you. This is why i decided it is probably not benificial to sell any RJC product to you.

I had Tom call to cancel the order with you without telling him the details so he would not have to endure the abuse that i have been through in our past transactions. You promised to ruin my business and that you would do every thing in your power to "Burn RJC Racing" on the net. And of course verbaly abused him on the phone. Plus you left a message on our machine that said, after editing out swear words, "Burn, Burn, Burn RJC.

As with many other people that called me today with story after story of bad dealings with you i feel i made the right decision.

now the only thing i am left with is your bashing me on all 3 boards in multiple threads, you high jacking other threads of honest buick owners asking questions about my products that you are so furious about not being able to buy yet so eager to bash and redicule in every sense and instance....
Race Jace said:
now the only thing i am left with is your bashing me on all 3 boards in multiple threads, you high jacking other threads of honest buick owners asking questions about my products that you are so furious about not being able to buy yet so eager to bash and reticule in every sense and instance....

I dont know about the other boards but I WILL NOT ALLOW it to happen here !

Drew you know the rules here and you have broke them one to many times , you have left me no choice but to remove you from this board.

Like I have said in the past .... my actions / decisions my not sit well with other members or other boards..... but I dont care!!!!


Drew if you want to add to this thread email me.
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